"Xia Weiwei is almost jealous.

Just when Gu Qichen handed over the bone dish, Xia Weiwei actually thought it was for herself.

Xia Yangyang is looking at the shrimps in a daze.

What is Gu Qichen doing?

After dinner, Xia wanted to go back to his room.

However, Gu Qichen is still sitting on the sofa talking to Xia Liangdong.

Liu Ruyan came over and said to Xia Yangyang, "Yang Yang, come here and help me cut some fruit."

Some things to do, Xia Yangyang went to the kitchen.

When he came out, Xia Liangdong was no longer there.

Only Xia Weiwei chirps next to Gu Qichen.

They seem to be looking at something.

Xia Weiwei excitedly explains, the head tries to gather together to Gu Qichen there.

Xia Yangyang went over to have a look.

Xia Weiwei actually took out the old album and turned it over to Gu Qichen.

Gu Qichen seemed to be interested in it.

Xia Yangyang seldom takes photos. Most of them were taken when his mother was still alive.

So it was very small at that time.

However, Xia Weiwei's photos are very many. She always loves beauty and loves to dress up since she was a child.

In addition, Liu Ruyan also likes to take photos, most of which are photos of Xia Weiwei, from small to large.

There are only a few photos of Xia Yangyang.

Xia Weiwei's tone was excited: "brother-in-law, this was taken when I was five years old. At that time, I was not very cute. When I was five years old, my mother took me to take an advertisement and put it on the cover of a magazine. This is a picture of my graduation from junior high school. I was a school flower at that time, and this..."

Xia Weiwei said.

But when he looked up, he found that Gu Qichen did not listen to himself.

Gu Qichen held a picture in his hand and studied it carefully.

And that picture is a picture of Xia Yangyang and her mother, taken when she was four or five years old. The picture is old and yellow.

It was just a random clip in the album, just flipped the photo when it fell out.

Gu Qichen has been holding it for a long time.

Xia Weiwei was angry.

Did she just say so much in vain?

Why can't I ever get the attention of this man.

His eyes always fall on Xia Yangyang's body, even looking at photos.

Xia Weiwei bit her lip and quickly reactivated the album.

Finally, find a picture that is sandwiched in the compartment.

Xia Weiwei pulled out the photo and exclaimed in surprise: "ah, how can this picture still be here? I thought that after my sister and brother Haotian broke up, they all threw away their group photos. I didn't expect that there was still one hidden here."

Sure enough, Gu Qichen was attracted by a name.

Look at the photo in Xia Weiwei's hand.

Xia Weiwei pretended to be alarmed: "brother in law, I didn't mean to. My sister and brother Haotian have been in love for ten years, and my sister is a nostalgic person, so it's excusable that she secretly hid a photo. You can't be angry. I think my sister just wants to leave a memorial, absolutely no other thoughts."

Gu Qichen's eyes stay on the photo.

The young men and girls in the photos are head to head, with bright smiles on their faces. They look full of vigor and youth.

At that time, the summer Yangyang smile very sweet, like spring jasmine, bright and dazzling.

The rest of the young man's light falls on the girl's face, and her eyes are full of love

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