"The banquet is over.

We've been walking on and on.

Gu Qichen was the last to leave.

Outside the hotel.

The waiter has already driven Gu Qichen's car.

Xia Weiwei wore a dress to see Gu Qichen off on a cold night.

Xia Weiwei said: "are you going back to Fengcheng? Can't you stay here for a few days? It's too late now

Gu Qichen's eyes fell on Xia Yangyang beside him.

The voice is usually quiet: "I will stay in Beijing in the next few days."

Xia Weiwei was ecstatic: "really? Great. I'll see you tomorrow

"No, I have work to do. I'll come to see you when I have time."

Xia Weiwei is a little disappointed, but she is still very happy in her heart.

For four years, Gu Qichen seems to have never taken the initiative to find her.

Xia Weiwei lowered her head, and her voice was gentle: "elder brother Gu, I am very happy today. Thank you. I will wait for you. No matter when, I will always wait for you."

Xia Yangyang can't listen to two people's runong soft language.

To Xia Yangyang, all this is too ironic.

Four years ago, Gu Qichen wanted to put Xia Weiwei in prison in order to get ahead of himself.

But now

Especially looking at Xia Weiwei with a face similar to himself, every move in front of Gu Qichen imitates his past.

Xia Yangyang looked at it and felt like he had eaten a fly.

Just at this time, the mobile phone in the bag vibrated.

Xia Yangyang takes out his mobile phone to answer the phone.

It's summer night.

In fact, summer night is now in the capital, living with Godfather.

But Xia Yangyang couldn't go to see him.

Now her whereabouts have been exposed in front of Gu Qichen. According to Gu Qichen's personality, she will be closely monitored.

So she couldn't go to see summer night.

Xia Yangyang goes to the parking lot to answer the phone.

Summer night seems to just wake up, voice rarely with a trace of confusion: "Mom, what are you busy with?"

"I just finished a birthday party."

"Did you have dinner?"

"A little cake."

"Remember to go back and have some porridge. Your stomach is not good."

Xia Yangyang and Xia Ye chatted on the phone.

His son, in front of her, always looks like a little adult.

Although she is only a four-year-old child, Xia Yangyang feels that it is summer night that takes care of her more often.

Qi Yangchen walked by and chatted with her.

Xia Yangyang quickly said: "I have something else to do. I will video with you tomorrow."

"Good mother, I love you."

"Baby, I love you too."

Finish the last sentence, Xia Yangyang quickly hang up the mobile phone.

At this time, Gu Qichen has been standing two meters away from her, a face of eye disease frost.

Xia Yangyang and who to call, his heart is very clear.

Xia Yangyang called him baby.

Although we know that Americans have always been enthusiastic and unrestrained, this kind of address is also common to them.

But in Gu Qichen's ears, it was too harsh.

Even when he and Xia Yangyang were the strongest before, Xia Yangyang did not open his mouth to call him a baby.

Gu Qichen only felt the pain of a knife on his chest.

But still can't help holding a knife to poke deeper.

Gu Qichen went to Xia Yangyang in front of him with a sarcastic tone: "foreign devils are so good, baby, you can also say these two words, don't you feel bored and crooked?"

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