"Xia Yangyang put the mobile phone into the bag, coldly dropped a few words:" at least better than you. "

Gu Qichen only allowed the state officials to set fire to the fire, and the common people were not allowed to light the lamps. In the past four years, it has not changed at all.

I've been bored with Xia Weiwei at the door of the hotel for a long time.

Now she's in charge.

Xia Yangyang doesn't want to have too much entanglement with him.

Because Xia Yangyang also knew that Gu Qichen had too much unwilling and resentment to himself.

If you can't, you'd better hide a little.

Xia Yangyang bypasses Gu Qichen and wants to leave.

Just took a step.

But Gu Qichen grabbed the arm: "tell me, where is the foreign devil better than me?"

Xia Yangyang was baffled for a moment, and even didn't understand what Gu Qichen said.

It took a while for me to react.

It turns out that just because the summer Yangyang just casually said a better than him.

Gu Qichen's face is a serious expression.

This man is still so serious, that arrogant personality is not changed at all.

Is it hard for her to say a word casually can also hurt his big president's self-esteem? No, we have to ask the truth?

There were a lot of people going back and forth in the open parking lot after the banquet.

Xia Yangyang doesn't want to have too much pull with him.

Xia Yangyang said: "younger than you, more intimate than you, of course..."

Xia Yangyang deliberately looked at Gu Qichen somewhere: "you also know that some aspects of foreigners are still relatively dominant."

Xia Yangyang's face is not red, heart does not jump, but also with a trace of banter.

But Xia Yangyang is a million years rare to see Gu Qichen's ears turned red.

I don't know if I was angry with her.

Gu Qichen's face was black and terrible, staring at Xia Yangyang's eyes.

It seems that with a kind of trial vision, the Xia Yangyang will be lingchi in general.

After a few seconds, almost from the teeth bite out a few words: "shameless!"

Xia Yangyang laughs: "Gu Zong flatters."

Gu Qichen shook his hands and left.

Xia Yangyang's face also sank.

Since I came back, I met Gu Qichen.

Her plans have been disrupted.

The first time we met, Gu Qichen wanted to strangle himself.

And every time in the back, Xia Yangyang can feel the hatred and anger in his heart.

Xia Yangyang doesn't understand Gu Qichen's feelings for himself.

Xu has not let go for four years, because she was unwilling to disappear, and because of the hatred and pain of children.

So many complex emotions are intertwined, so that every time they meet each other, they seem to carry a knife with them, just want to take the opportunity to stab a few knives.

Xia Yangyang's face looks light, but the heart is still painful.

Over the years, she has never had a grudge against Gu Qichen.

Gu Chen's resentment will not be transferred to Qichen.

At that time, she chose to leave because of her children, and because of the grudge, she couldn't be with Gu Qichen.

But there is no way to live together, there is no way to live forever.

It doesn't mean that Xia Yangyang can put down this man in his heart and stop loving him

These years, looking at the face of summer night, Xia Yangyang always feels that Gu Qichen is still around.

She never forgot.

But when he came back, he saw the pain in Gu Qichen's eyes, and his angry appearance.

Xia Yangyang always felt that he owed him.

But today, it is different from the past.

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