"Because of the cyber violence, Zhu Jiajia started a one-sided attack.

There are many so-called girlfriend powder and brain powder in summer night.

Almost anything bad can be said.

Even opened a abusive post to Zhu Jiajia and let her get out of her summer night life.

There were even threats that her life would be in danger if she showed up.

Lu Yinxing slowly closed the computer.

I feel depressed.

Anyway, Lu Yinxing doesn't want summer night to become such a person.

And Lu Yinxing starts from the bottom of her heart to wish Jiajia.

Lu Yinxing has always liked Zhu Jiajia's eyes, which look so bright and transparent.

It seems that I have not experienced the erosion of wind and rain.

Lu Yinxing can always see his past self from that pair of eyes.

Lu Yinxing's mood is somewhat complicated.

Even a little guilty.

Lu Yinxing couldn't help thinking.

Will summer night just take Zhu Jiajia as her own double.

When the anger of their own vent on the girl.

So one day, Zhu Jiajia will be injured by summer night all over the body.

I don't know if Lu Yinxing is sensitive.

But Lu Yinxing has such a premonition in his heart.

But if you intervene, will it be superfluous, or let the relationship between them deteriorate faster?

Lu Yinxing is entangled.

Lu Yinxing tangled for a while, but there was no result.

Simply did not want to, began to immerse in the work.

But Lu Yinxing didn't expect to meet Zhu Jiajia in the hospital the next day.

It's a coincidence.

The next day, Lu Yinxing happened to be on the emergency night shift.

In the evening, a patient was admitted.

Lu Yinxing did not know.

But listen to some nurses over there.

Said the patient was hit in the head by a crazy fan of a star throwing mineral water.

When Lu Yinxing heard this, she thought of Zhu Jiajia instinctively.

In the past, it was really Zhu Jiajia.

Lu Yinxing turned on his mobile phone, and the original entertainment news section has begun to report this event wantonly.

Even the social news section began to report, and started to discuss the topic of teenagers' rational pursuit of stars.

Lu Yinxing was only shocked.

Later, I checked Zhu Jiajia's case records in the computer.

She was found in hospital.

However, Lu Yinxing looked at the case, as if the injury is not very serious.

There seems to be a mild state of concussion, so the hospital observation for two days.

Lu Yinxing was busy for a while, and finally someone came to take over.

Originally, Lu Yinxing was going to go home.

But Lu Yinxing hesitated for a while and went to the inpatient department.

When Zhu Jiajia saw Lu Yinxing, she was also very surprised.

But soon a smile jumped up from the bed: "Silver Star sister, how are you here?"

Lu Yinxing walked in and closed the door: "I'm working in this hospital now. Don't move and lie on the bed."

Zhu Jiajia said, "Oh, are you here to see me? In fact, I'm ok. It's just that I was hit in the head. It's not serious at all. I'm just tired of squatting in front of my apartment every day these days. I just managed to stay in the hospital to avoid them. In fact, I'm really OK. There's nothing wrong with me. "

Lu Yinxing was a little relieved to see Zhu Jiajia alive and kicking.

Lu Yinxing said: "that also wants to observe, you fast lie down."

Finally, Zhu Jiajia went to bed obediently.

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