"Zhu Jiajia seems very happy:" I am bored, did not expect Silver Star sister you unexpectedly came, although the hospital is clean, but it is really too clean, I recognize the bed, also can't sleep. "

Lu Yinxing said: "how can you be alone? Are you hospitalized without anyone to accompany you?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Jiajia's eyes drooped: "my parents are doing business abroad, rarely return home, I can't see a few times a year, I lived with my grandmother in Suzhou when I was a child, but my grandmother is old now, I can't tell her to worry her, so I have to go to hospital alone."

Lu Yinxing looked at Zhu Jiajia and said that the psychology was very uncomfortable.

In particular, I wish Jiajia a smile in the end.

It seems that the girl who looks very sunny has been short of love since childhood.

Lu Yinxing suddenly opened his mouth and asked, "summer night, don't you come to see you?"

Hearing this, Zhu Jiajia seemed stunned.

Then he said, "he's not. He's so busy."

Zhu Jiajia's eyes are not lost.

when it comes to summer nights, her eyes seem to twinkle with some kind of brilliance.

Zhu Jiajia said, "I seem to have caused him trouble. I should not have gone out today."

Then Zhu Jiajia sighed a long sigh.

Lu Yinxing saw that Zhu Jiajia is still thinking about summer night.

The mood is complicated.

Zhu Jiajia is really a fan of summer night. She adores and yearns for all idols.

At any time, we should consider the issue from the standpoint of the other party.

Even if something goes wrong, I think it's the wrong thing to do, and it will bring trouble to the other party.

Lu Yinxing has also been chasing stars and can feel this feeling very much.

But when I wake up.

Or as a bystander, Lu Yinxing feels a bit sad.

Especially summer night said that in the video.

Lu Yinxing didn't know what to say for a while.

Lu Yinxing did not stay in the room for long.

Lu Yinxing left soon.

It was midnight when Lu Yinxing returned home.

But I didn't expect that I came back in summer night.

The two met just at the door.

Lu Yinxing saw a gorgeous summer night, even delicate makeup, even hair is meticulous.

It's like just after some important party.

To tell you the truth, summer night dress like this, very handsome, very charming.

Plus his natural coolness.

It's like a prince coming out of a fairy tale.

The eyes of summer night still fall on the body of Lu Yinxing coldly.

Lu Yinxing instantly felt that even the moonlight from the moon was colder.

Lu Yinxing passed by without saying hello. The first sentence she said was: "Zhu Jiajia is in hospital, do you know?"

after listening to Lu Yinxing's words in summer night, she seemed to frown slightly.

Then light mouth: "what do you want to say."

Lu Yinxing also pretended to be cold, heartless and careless: "she is also injured because of you. Besides, all the family members know that she is your girlfriend. You should go and have a look at her."

Summer night seems to be silent for a moment, then said: "you want me to go to see her?"

Lu Yinxing didn't expect to ask this question on summer night.

But ask yourself.

Lu Yinxing sincerely hopes to see her in summer night from the bottom of her heart.

Whether it's the mentality of a fan or an ordinary person.

Lu Yinxing can empathize with Zhu Jiajia's feeling when she is lying alone in the hospital.

In the dead of night, it should be very lonely, very lonely.

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