Chapter 55

Xu is too close to Qi Yanjun. LAN Yue feels that she has goose bumps all over her body. The cold and powerless feeling of falling into the abyss comes again.

She wanted to escape, but by doing so, she undoubtedly exposed herself.

"But you don't respect me, Jennifer. She is a foreign beauty master and the founder of O & L brand. She is a successful woman with an independent career and is my proud wife. "

Muning's cold and gentle voice sounded again. He was not as strong as Qi Yanjun, but the action of holding lanyue's slender waist was enough to declare the ownership.

"Of course, none of this has anything to do with you. Jennifer has been developing abroad and has never had contact with you. I hope you don't disturb us again in the future. Our family is very happy

LAN Yue looks gratefully at the man beside her. If it wasn't for him, she doesn't even have the courage to stand in front of Qi Yanjun.

"Haohao, you take mommy to the next room to have a rest. I'll take this uncle downstairs."

"Good! Mummy, let's go

The blue Chen Hao person small ghost big, has long seen that Qi banquet monarch is not good, he and Mu Ning cooperate tacit understanding, one block Qi Yan Jun, one with blue Yue left the study.

After LAN Yue left, Qi Yanjun's face could not be described with difficulty. He almost looked at Mu Ning with a grim face. He regretted that he did not bring a knife and chopped LAN Yue's adulterer into meat.

This man looks like a human model, but when he thinks he has abducted and sold his wife, Qi Shao feels that he is obscene.

"I don't want to say much nonsense. I also know about you. As for how you met xiaoyueer and how you abducted her, I will soon find out. I'll leave her with you for the time being, but if you touch her finger, I'll have you castrated. "

After menacing Mu Ning, Qi Yan Jun Chang breathes a breath, the word front turns, mentions blue Chen Hao.

"Also, I know that you are coming back to find the biological parents for the little ghost named Haohao, but I advise you not to continue to look for the child if you really want the child to stay with you."

"Wait, do you know Haohao's life experience? Hao Hao is very important to Jennifer. If you really know, please tell me where his biological parents are

Suddenly a strong wind blew outside. The wind opened the window of the study. With the moving coolness, the fine petals of cherry blossoms downstairs were rolled in and splashed down on the floor under the windowsill, forming a sporadic picture scroll.

A piece of pure white cherry blossoms floated to Qi Yanjun's shoulder. He gently brushed it off with his slender fingers and stared at Mu Ning, who stopped him with interest.

He thought that there would be no other look on the man's face, but he would be worried because of xiaoyue'er?

"Why are you so worried about a child who is not your own? Because it's her adopted child, because you love her so much? "


Know what Qi Yan Jun refers to, Mu Ning does not hesitate to nod.

Whether it was LAN Yue at the beginning or Jennifer now, Muning does not deny his love for her.

If she didn't like her, why did she not hesitate to use the strength of the lance family to help her create a plane crash and let her get rid of Qi Yanjun smoothly.

And the price he paid for it was too high. He went back to the cage he had spent ten years getting rid of, and began a nightmare life.

Brother killing, nephew fighting, every day in the assassination and trap to survive.

The final result was also surprising. He, the most neglected illegitimate son, actually became the successor of the great empire lance family.

"Jennifer has been with me all the time, and if it had not been for her encouragement and support, I would not have achieved what I am now. And if it wasn't for me, Jennifer wouldn't be the same as Jennifer now. She and I would have been inseparable

When Muning said this, the starlight in his eyes and his indifferent and satisfied expression undoubtedly fell into Qi Yanjun's eyes.

Qi Shao, who was so arrogant, had to admit that at this moment, he felt that he was a very low loser.

The name of Jennifer reminds him how much can happen in five years of xiaoyueer's vacancy?

Qi Yanjun's face turned white with anger. His heart was roaring. Jealousy was burning his reason.

Kill the man in front of you! Kill him, xiaoyueer will come back! As if it didn't happen, wouldn't it?

"In fact, I come back this time, in addition to help Haohao find his own parents, there is another thing to deal with." Seeing the killing intention in Qi Yanjun's eyes, Muning's gentle face still had no waves and no waves. "I didn't even tell Jennifer about this matter. Don't you think it's strange that I recognize you at a glance?"

"What do you mean?"

"Besides being the heir of the lance family, I would like to admit another identity. Muning, a famous cardiac surgeon at home and abroad, is the youngest cardiac surgery expert. This time, I was entrusted to complete general Qi's heart bypass surgery"It turns out that you are in charge of my father's operation."

Qi Yanjun's long and narrow Phoenix eyes flitted a faint light, and his thin lips pursed a cold radian.

However, there is a small number of his family members, but he has been neglected by the family.

But is there such a coincidence?

"You know my identity and return to China to help the old man operate. What's your purpose?"

The next second, Qi Yanjun's killing intention is fully displayed. He raises his hand and quickly pinches Mu Ning's neck.

With the aid of years of military training, he could wring the man's neck with the movement of his finger.

The long and narrow Phoenix eyes were scarlet. Qi Yanjun drooped his eyelids and made a little effort with his fingers. It's nothing to him to kill a man. In his anger, he doesn't care about the consequences.

Or maybe it's the despair that he doesn't want to face in his heart. His subconscious tells him that xiaoyueer is really in love with the person in front of him. As long as the person in front of her is alive for a day, she will not return to him.

In this way, it's better to kill the net, He Qi can't get, others don't want to get.

"Stop, what do you do to Ning Shao?"

A man suddenly broke in and ran into this scene. He rushed over and drew a gun to stop Qi Yanjun.

"Ning Shao, are you ok?"

"Cough! I'm fine! "

Muning leaned against the wall, covered his mouth with his hand, and coughed a few times, leaving a clear finger print on his slender neck, which had turned into bruise after a while.

It can be seen that Qi Yan Jun had a lot of hands just now. Fortunately, Mu Ning's cronies arrived in time,.

Muning's confidant is an unattractive young man, with natural brown curly hair and deep facial features. At first sight, he has American blood. His name is Nick. He is the house servant of the lance family. Because of his agility, he is sent to protect Muning. As time goes by, he becomes Muning's confidant.

Nick is alertly pointing a gun at Qi Yanjun while holding Muning to sit on the sofa.

"Ning Shao, this man almost killed you! If I come a little late, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Mu Ning frowned and poured himself a cup of warm water. He looked at Qi Yanjun with a cold face.

"Let me kill him, no one can be rude to the young master of the lance family!"

Nick's emotion is very excited, he holds the gun, the black muzzle of the gun is aimed at Qi Yanjun's eyebrow.

Just a thin and slender hand stretched out and pressed his arm, Muning's expression returned to the previous indifferent calm.

He gently shook his head at Nick. "Qi Shao is a guest. Please go to the attic on the third floor. There is something I want to ask him. When he is willing to say it, you can bring him to see me."



Qi Yan Jun glanced at the muzzle of his temple, and a sarcastic sneer appeared on his lips.

"Qi Shao, please!"

Nick with a gun against Qi Yan Jun's back, forcing him out of the study towards the third floor of the penthouse.

Through the corridor, they happen to meet LAN Yue. Nick nods respectfully to LAN Yue.

"How are you, madam!"

"Where are you going?"

"I'd rather ask Qi Shao to sit upstairs."

Nick intends to hide the gun against Qi Yanjun from the angle that Lan Yue can't see, and answers LAN Yue concisely.

Qi Yanjun doesn't agree, but takes a deep look at LAN Yue. His eyes are full of greed.


Blue Yue lenglengleng should a, Qi Yan Jun and Nick leave, she didn't react for a long time, how is this going on.

Waiting for her to come back to her mind, a trace of perplexity appeared on her beautiful face. She walked quickly to the study and came to Muning's face.

Her mood is obviously a little excited, delicate eyebrows squeezed out a small Sichuan word.

"Ning Ge, why is Qi Yanjun still here? You shouldn't have let him go. Why did Nick take him to the third floor? Didn't we come back to say that we didn't deal with Qi family and everything in the past had nothing to do with me? "

"Xiao Yue, you seldom get so excited."

His eyes are as soft as ever, and his eyes are soft and smooth.

Clearly is very soft eyes, but now like a thorn in general, through blue Yue's eyes, into her heart. She moved her eyes a little awkwardly, her voice hoarse.

"I'm not worried about him, I just don't want to get into trouble."

"No trouble. I didn't tell him who you were, but he seemed to know everything. Even he may know more than us. He has just revealed that he knows who Haohao's biological parents are. "

"How could it be?"

"I tried him out and angered him for a time, and from his reaction, what he said was true. Xiaoyue, except for the Jade Buddha, we know nothing about Haohao's life experience. This time, I don't want to return without success, so I took the risk to leave Qi Yanjun. As long as he is willing to tell Haohao's life experience, I will let him go. "Silent for a long time, under the gentle gaze of Muning, LAN Yue released her pinched fingers and nodded gently.

Unknowingly, it was late, and the dark night was shrouded. The bright moonlight echoed with the bright lights, and all the guests downstairs in the private club were sent away.

In the woods not far from the clubhouse, Li Yiyao, holding a telescope, frowned. It has been half an hour since the last guest left, but the boss still hasn't come out.

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