Chapter 56

"I'm sorry, sir. You can't go in."

After hesitating for a while, Li Yiyao gets out of the car to find someone and is stopped outside by the guard.

"My young master hasn't come out yet. I'll go in and look for my young master."

"What's your young master's name? I can help you in, but please stay outside. "

Li Yiyao stood on the steps outside the door for a few minutes. The guard came back and told him in a righteous way.

"Sir, we went to check. Qi Shao is not on the list of guests we invited, and all the guests have left. You see if you are mistaken. Please look for it in other places. "

"I sent Qi Shao in. How could I make a mistake?"

"Sorry, these have nothing to do with us. This is private territory. The gate will be closed in half an hour. Please leave as soon as possible."

The guards on both sides had electric shock sticks in their waists. They looked serious and did not pay attention to Li Yiyao at all.

Li Yiyao, born as a special soldier, is a piece of cake to deal with these guards, but he doesn't do it. After a circle of sharp eagle eyes, he walks away.

Back in the car, Li Yiyao opened the window and continued to guard outside the venue with a gloomy face. The LANs family is unfathomable. Qi Shao was in danger when he went to bring his wife back.

At about nine o'clock in the evening, all the lights inside the stadium went out. Only two street lamps in the courtyard reflected the whirling shadows of trees around.

Throwing an unfinished cigarette out of the window, Li Yiyao chooses to drive away from here.


Late at night, the villa in the center of the park in the northern suburb of Haicheng is knocked open.

The man who opened the door was tall and straight in dark velvet pajamas. His skin color was healthy wheat. He had a clean short inch head. His face was firm and strong. His facial features were deep and beautiful. His dark and charming long and narrow eyes were covered with thick eyelashes. His raised corners flashed with cold light.

A very handsome and charming man just gives people the feeling of being too rigid and cold.

He looked at Li Yiyao without expression, and his voice was hoarse: "what's the matter?"

"Master Mo, something happened to Qi Shao."

"Come in!"

Hearing Qi Shao's name, the man's meticulous face loosened. He leaned over and motioned Li Yiyao to go in.

The style of the villa is just like a man's character. It is old-fashioned and solemn. The walls, floors and furniture with cold colors are not decorated too much. The corners are shining with metallic luster.

The master here is Qi Hanmo, the eldest master of the Qi family. Unlike Qi Yanjun, Qi Dashao grew up in the military compound when he was young. After graduating from the military academy, he began to work in the army. Now he is a major general. He is known as the legend of the Ministry of national defense.

"Are you sure he's still in the stadium now?"

"It must be. There is only one exit at the gate of the stadium. I have been guarding the outside all the time, and I have never seen Qi Shao come out. Nine times out of ten, Qi Shao was detained by the LANs family. "

"Since it's been detained, it's nothing. As long as it's not dead, don't bother me. Although I am his elder brother, I have no obligation to help him deal with these trivial matters. "

Qi Han's face was expressionless and he held a bright saber in his hand and wiped it meticulously.

His character is indifferent, unreasonable and decisive. These are the pronouns of Qi family. Even his own brother can't change his principle of dealing with people.

Li Yiyao knew this very well. Before he came here, he had already prepared himself. However, he didn't expect that Qi Hanmo would refuse so directly. But he is still a little reluctant, because he did not think of Haicheng in addition to the qihanmo in front of him, who can bring Qi Shao out from there.

"Master Mo, this time is different from before. The lance family in the United States is equivalent to the existence of the royal family, but also has a strong domestic background, and that young master lance is even more ruthless. It is said that he imprisoned his adoptive mother and assassinated his brothers before he took up his present position. Qi Shao is in the hands of this kind of person. I'm afraid he will suffer losses. Mr. Mo, it's related to Qi Shao's safety. You can't sit back and ignore it... "

"Master Mo!"

Li Yiyao analyzes the pros and cons, and constantly pleads, but Qi Hanmo is still indifferent to wipe the saber, a look of indifference. A few minutes later, Qi Hanmo put his sharp saber on the edge of the tea table, opened his thin eyelids and glanced at Li Yiyao. There was no unnecessary emotion on his face, which had never changed for ten thousand years.

He stood up and went to the stairs and put down a word with his back to Li Yiyao.

"It's late. Go back first."

"What do you mean by Mo ye? Will he save Qi Shao in the end?"

Li Yiyao can't help but walk out of the villa. The moonlight is shining on his head. His hard face is full of confusion. Leaning against the telephone booth on the roadside, he hesitated for a moment, thinking that if Mo Ye didn't act at the latest until tomorrow afternoon, he could only take his brother to break in.

In the study on the second floor of the villa behind Li Yiyao, the closed curtains give out a little glimmer. Qi Hanmo, with a calm face, is standing by the bookshelf and making a phone call.

"Lieutenant Li, there's something I might want to trouble you about. My brother got into a lot of trouble this time and was detained by the lance family. I'm going to take him out tomorrow"Major general, I understand what you mean. I will arrange it now."

After discussing the action with the adjutant at the other end of the phone, Qi Hanmo put down the phone, rubbed his brows with a tired look, and his eyes were slightly angry.

"Qi Yanjun, when can you grow up? Why is it related to the lance family? "

Qi Dashao talked to himself. From his words, it seems that he knew something about the lance family before that.

The sleepless night, at the moment when the sun rises above the horizon, ends quietly. Haicheng restored the noise of the day, the streets were full of water, the overpass was full of people, and the busy day began again.

LAN Yue and Mu Ning didn't want to expose their identities when they returned to China this time, so they didn't go back to live in the villa of Bailan mountain, but temporarily lived in the private venues where the exhibition was held.

Around eight o'clock, LAN Yue and Muning walked out of the room one after another and went to the dining room on the first floor.

The chef employed is a good craftsman. On the gorgeous table, there are exquisite French breakfast, Italian coffee, butter and bread, jam and cheese, which exude attractive fragrance.

"Why do you get up in a daze in the morning?"

Muning sits on the opposite side of LAN Yue. She spreads jam on the bread gracefully and looks at LAN Yue with a gentle smile.

LAN Yue shook her head absentmindedly. From time to time, there were servants passing by. Her eyes fell on the attic on the third floor.

Muning will have a panoramic view of everything, the surface can not see the joy and anger, he will spread good jam bread on the side of the empty plate, left to have not yet got up blue Chen Hao.

"I've sent the servant to see him, and breakfast has been served."


Blue Yue slightly surprised stare under the eyes, speechless raised his head, but did not dare to look at Mu Ning.

She pinched the knife in her hand and sipped out a helpless arc. The man on the opposite side could always see through her mind. However, he thought of her everywhere and always took her face into consideration. She felt guilty and distressed when he thought of it.

"If we have agreed before, whether we find Haohao's parents or not, we will go back at the end of next month. There is still more than a month to come back here. Is there anything you want to do? "

LAN Yue shakes her head. For more than 20 years, she has lived in the Qi family. All her memories are related to Qi family. Leaving aside all the past, Haicheng is a strange city for her.

Caught the blue Yue eye of that trace of desolation, Muning quietly frowned.

But he continued to smile gently the next second: "it doesn't matter if there's nothing I want to do. I'm going to discuss some academic issues with professors in Medical University later. I'll come back earlier in the evening."


"You don't have to worry up there. I'll tell Nick to look at him. If he talks, Nick will let me know."

Muning's implication is that Lan Yue doesn't have to pay attention to Qi Yanjun. If she goes to him alone, she will only suffer losses.

This is not only clear to Muning, but also to LAN Yue.

Blue Yue but smile not language, do not know why, she returned to Haicheng, the smile on her face seems to be more up.

Soon, Muning drove away from the venue, lanyue watched him leave, and then went back to the study room and took a color magazine to sit on the terrace to look.

Today's weather is very good, the sun is bright, the broken sun hit her face, dense out of the faint soft light. She looked at it and unconsciously fell asleep.

Five years ago, after miscarriage, because she didn't have a good rest, her body was not very good, often very sleepy, Muning thought of a lot of ways to care for her, but they did not have much effect.

After a while, the color magazine in her hand slipped from her hand and fell to the ground. With a clear sound, LAN Yue was awakened and opened her eyes. Her face was a little trance.


When you look down to pick up the magazine, there is a picture on a page of the magazine. Staring at this photo, LAN Yue's eyes are bright.

The person in the photo is Guan Xiaoxiao, LAN Yue's good friend. He hasn't seen him for five years. Through his own efforts, Guan Xiaoxiao has become the director of fashion wedding photography. This photo was taken in an interview with her as a well-known makeup artist in China.

"Where are you going, young lady?"

Half an hour later, Nick, who guards Qi Yanjun on the third floor, sees LAN Yue who is going out and runs down to stop her.

LAN Yue took off her sunglasses, glanced at her hand in front of her body and picked her eyebrows.

"I'm going to see an old friend, and I'll be back soon."

"No way, young lady. Let me protect you." Nick frowned in embarrassment.

"I've just sent a message to Munin and he asked the driver to take me there. He told you to stay here and look at the man and ask about Haohao's life experience as soon as possible. "

"Yes, young lady, please."

Because Muning had told Nick earlier that Lan Yue's words were equivalent to his words, Nick got out of the way without any doubt.LAN Yue left the venue in a good mood and took the bus to meet Guan Xiaoxiao, who had not been seen for a long time.

I just don't know if her appearance will frighten her. After all, LAN Yue died in the plane crash five years ago.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, LAN Yue is very careful to wear a humble black coat, sunglasses and top hat. The whole person is wrapped up very tightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!