Chapter 71

Clearly is a beautiful and delicate face, but in LAN Yue's eyes it is so terrible!

He walked towards her step by step. The orange street lamp stretched his shadow infinitely. From the angle of LAN Yue, you can clearly see the rising corners of his mouth.

There are two possibilities for Qi Yanjun to laugh, either happy or in a bad mood.

"Sure enough, you let someone take XiuXiu away! What do you want to do

Did not avoid Qi Yanjun, when he approached, LAN Yue pinched the bag, bone whitening, tone full of anger.

"I don't want to do anything, but you, Yueyue, tell me what you want to do? Do you want Yingying to go to jail

"I didn't aim at anyone. I just want the fairness of the law. Qi Yingying should be punished if she did something wrong, otherwise it would be too unfair for the victims!"

Looking down at LAN Yue, Qi Yanjun's eyes focused on her face, cold and burning.

His mouth raised a more sarcastic arc, "you are still as naive and fair as before? It's never been in my dictionary. It doesn't matter to me if Yingying didn't, it doesn't matter who I was

"It has nothing to do with them. From the very beginning, I was the one who wanted to sue Qi Yingying. If you have anything, you should come at me."

Qi Yanjun's narrow and deep Phoenix eyes narrowed, LAN Yue's eyes filled with too much emotion, anger, disgust, hate too much, so that he lost the strength to look at her.

There was a moment's silence, and he turned his face slightly, his voice deep and hoarse.

"I won't hurt you, but I don't want Yingying to be hurt. Let's call it a day! Don't go on! "

"No way. I promised Xiaoxiao and XiuXiu that they would get justice back."

"Yingying will be engaged soon. If you sue Yingying, you will destroy Yingying's life. She is still young and can't avoid making mistakes. Can't you let her go for the sake of growing up together? "

Lengleng looked at Qi Yanjun, blue Yue drooped her eyelashes, and a trace of complexity flashed through her eyes. She murmured, "Qi Yingying's life is very important. Can Xiaoxiao and XiuXiu's life be trampled on at will?"

"If we don't give up the prosecution, Li Hongxiu and her parents will never see each other for the rest of their lives."

Seeing that he could not persuade LAN Yue, Qi Yanjun raised his eyebrows and gradually lost patience. He dropped this sentence and turned away.

Blue Yue stands in place, pursed up the lips, showing a trace of forbearance and firmness.

She won't give up the prosecution!

Late at night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse. The colorful neon lights fade away one by one, and the prosperity of Haicheng gradually fades away. When the real night came, the streets were deserted.

On the street, two wealthy second-generation drivers drove their Porsches home with their female companions. The speed was very fast, and the tramps on the street were awakened. They made wanton laughter.

All of a sudden, through the rearview mirror, a car came straight up, and soon caught up with them. If there was no provocation, it soon turned into a racing race.

"Shit, who is this? If you dare to surpass us, we'll kill him

"Yes, there's a tunnel ahead. Don't hit him!"

The two wealthy second-generation drivers of a Porsche spoke in a vicious tone. They were both lawless masters and did not pay attention to human life at all.

It's just that the two of them have miscalculated. Their car skills are not comparable to those behind them, and the performance of the other party's car is far better than theirs.

At the end of the tunnel, with a crash, a Porsche hit the rail and ended up.

The second generation of the rich, whose car was damaged and slightly injured, got angry when he hit his head. After getting out of the car, he immediately went to find the owner of Lamborghini who also stopped behind him.

"Bang bang bang!"

Let each other's fists smash the window, Qi Yanjun sitting in the car, look cool, can not see what he is thinking.

Soon, the owner of another Porsche came with his female companion. He saw the car in front of him through the street lamp. He stopped the companion.

"Don't knock! forget it! This is Qi Shao's car

"What's wrong with Qi Shao? My car was hit like that and I was injured. He must be responsible for it The injured fu'er generation was furious and still angry, but the action of smashing the window did not continue.


After a few seconds of silence, the door opened. Qi Yanjun put one hand on the steering wheel and squinted at the two people outside the car. His voice was very low. In the silent night, it gave people the feeling of shivering.

"What responsibility do I have?"

"Shit! What attitude do you have! If you hadn't provoked me, would my car have been like this? Aren't you responsible? "

"Oh! Don't play if you can't afford to lose! You have the same virtue as your old man, but your strength is not good. Your Kung Fu is first-class. "

Qi Yanjun scornfully glanced at the rich second generation in front of him and recognized him as Liu Wei, the only Miao of Haicheng real estate tycoon Liu Yuan. The Liu family and the Qi family once jointly bid for a project. After the Liu family lost, they played tricks behind their backs. Therefore, the Qi family and the Liu family also had a little trouble.Seeing Liu Wei's perseverance and even trying to pull him out of the car, Qi Yanjun suddenly looked colder.

The next second, Liu Wei felt that his stomach had been kicked, and the whole person was lying on the ground, showing his teeth in pain.


Liu Wei did not know where the courage after a foot, again picked up a brick on the road and hit Qi Yanjun in the past. The sound of the wind was blowing in my ear. The brick fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

The other people at the scene were stupefied. They did not dare to come forward and speak.

Liu Wei's arm was firmly held in his bare hands. Just one move made him half kneel on the ground and couldn't move. Qi Yanjun's eyes were cold, but he looked like a little careless. He kicked Liu Wei down and beat him down, and then he left.

"How are you, Liu Wei! Tell you not to challenge Qi Shao, you still don't listen! "

"Shit! You're still not a brother! I can't help but watch me beat up

After Qi Yanjun left, Liu Wei's companion came forward and helped him up.

"Who doesn't know Qi Shao's background? Can we ordinary people beat other major generals! I've just come to help you. It's not a house beating! "

"Ouch! It's killing me! Why don't you say it earlier


After taking Liu Wei out of breath, Qi Yanjun is not in a good mood. His face is still as black as the bottom of a pot.

Lamborghini drove to the beach and stopped. He didn't leave all night until the sun rose above the sea level, and it flew away like a flash of lightning.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the sun was shining. The iron door of the villa was opened, and the breeze was blowing slowly. Petals fell all over the yard.

After Qi Yanjun came back, he stayed in the room on the second floor until Li Yiyao came over in the afternoon.

In the living room on the first floor, Tieguanyin, steaming from the tea table, exudes a quiet fragrance. Li Yiyao, wearing a black shirt and black trousers, is sitting on the sofa with a hard face and no smile.

Seeing Qi Yanjun go downstairs, he stood up respectfully and nodded his head, "Qi Shao!"

"Here it is, sit down!"

"I've dealt with what I've done. I've put her in a sanatorium. The medical facilities are complete, and there won't be any delay in her treatment, and no one will know where she is."


Qi Yanjun poured a cup of tea and sipped his lips.

He asked Li Yiyao to hide Li Hongxiu, not just to blackmail LAN Yue.

"Shen and Lu have been staring at each other from behind. They know no less about the Li family's appeal than we do, and their way of dealing with this matter will certainly be more unscrupulous than that of the Qi family. "

I'm afraid that not only Li Hongxiu's family, but also LAN Yue will be confronted by Shen and Lu.

"Qi Shao, you are right. Yesterday, I met the people of the Shen family near the Li family. I warned them that it was because of Miss Yingying that they could not intervene. "

"The Shen family and the Lu family are not innocent. They will certainly be more despicable in dealing with the Li family." Qi Yan Jun rubbed his eyebrows and his eyes were cold.


"By the way, what's going on in lanyue?"

"Young lady, she has been looking for Li Hongxiu's whereabouts, and the lance family has also used their contacts. Fortunately, this is Haicheng, and it is not so easy for them to find people."

"It doesn't conform to the low-key style of the lance family. It seems that he is really good to Yueyue."

When he said this, Qi Yanjun's thin lips held a trace of radian, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Li Yiyao stood by the sofa with his hands on his back and looked up and down at Qi Yanjun. With him for many years, but he is more and more do not understand Qi Shao's mind.

Not only won't little wife back, but also won't let go, once true temperament Qi little when become so mother-in-law.

Qi Yanjun didn't see Li Yiyao's mind wandering. He yawned lazily and dropped a word before going upstairs.

"Don't go to the sanatorium in the near future, and don't contact the sanatorium directly. Don't let anyone know where Li Hongxiu is."

"Sir, you can't go in..."

Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the door of the living room. Four men in uniform came in, ignoring the servant who stopped them.

Li Yiyao stood up and frowned. "This is the pear garden. It's Qi Shao's residence. Who will allow you to break in?"

"Sorry, we're Haicheng police. Because we suspected that Qi Shao was related to a homicide case, we came here specially to hope that Qi Shao would cooperate with our investigation. This is an arrest warrant. "

The leader took out a document in black and white. It was an arrest warrant.

After Li Yiyao confirmed, there was a deeper gap between his eyebrows. He looked sharply at the person in front of him. "No way. You must have made a mistake. Qi Shao will never be related to the murder case." It doesn't matter if has the final say,

, regular course of official duties. If anyone obstructed it, it would be a hindrant business."I cooperate with your investigation."

Behind him, Qi Yanjun's clear and cold voice sounded. He stood at the corner of the stairs and heard it clearly. Although he didn't know what happened, he had a clear conscience about everything.

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