Chapter 72

"This morning, we received a report that Liu Wei, the son of Liu Yuan, a local real estate agent, died at home because of cardiac arrest. According to his friends, he had a conflict with you last night and was beaten by you, which is likely to be the cause of his sudden death... "

After listening to the police's description, Qi Yanjun raised his eyebrows with a complicated look.

He admitted that his attack was not heavy yesterday, and he did not meet Liu Wei's vital point. When he left, he was still alive and vigorous. How could he suddenly die?

"Qi Shao, please come with us."

It happened so suddenly that Liu Wei's uncle was the director of the public security department. Qi Yanjun was taken away. The Qi family was so caught off guard that they quickly became a mess.

Fortunately, Gu Xuan, Rong Yan and Li Yiyao acted in a timely manner and temporarily blocked the news and reached an agreement with Liu Jiada.

Before the forensic medicine really confirmed the cause of Liu Wei's death, Qi Yanjun was released on bail, but could not leave Liyuan half a step. At the entrance of Liyuan villa, there are police on duty every day to monitor Qi Yanjun's movement.

"The roadside surveillance cameras were very clear. There were people on the scene when they hit people. There were all kinds of human evidence and material evidence. Qi Shao was really in trouble this time!"

The atmosphere in the living room of the villa is strange. Rongyan sits beside Qi Yanjun fearlessly, holding a goblet and sighing.

Li Yiyao glanced coldly at Rong Yan, and his brow was always locked.

And the party appears calm a lot, he is cross legged, holding a book, narrow Phoenix eyes can not see any emotion.

"In fact, we can't blame Qi Shao. If we want to blame him, we should blame Liu Wei. He is just a sick seedling. If we touch it, we will hang up."

"The Qi family is checking Liu Wei's previous medical records, but it's not easy for the Liu family to deal with it. They hide Liu Wei's physical examination reports very deeply. Obviously, there are less Lai Ding Qi."

Qi's family has been trying to get rid of Qi Yanjun's guilt after learning about it. But Yunfang has two big heads now, and her daughter's affairs have not been solved. Qi Shao is in trouble again.

"How about it? Does the Liu family agree to privacy? "

The old residence of the military region, a tired face of Yunfang, saw her husband coming back from the outside, rushed to meet her and asked anxiously.

Qi's father shook his head, "Lao Liu insisted that it was Yan Jun who killed his son. Good words are useless."

"What can I do?" Yunfang was worried and instantly became red in her eyes.

"Don't tell the old man about it. His heart can't stand it." Qi Fu's face without anger and self-esteem showed a trace of anger. "The banquet king was too careless this time. He thought that he had learned a lot in these years. As a result, he made such a big basket. He could only let calligraphy come back to deal with this matter."

"Sir, Madame, doctor Mu is here."

Before long, the servant came in with a young man, breaking the grim atmosphere in the living room.

The young man is thin and tall, with a warm and handsome face, wearing frameless glasses and a pair of slender and delicate Danfeng eyes, which is unforgettable.

He politely extended a hand to say hello, the slender white hand was very clean, like a piece of flawless white jade.

"The old man is upstairs. He just went to bed after taking medicine. I'll ask my wife to take you upstairs to see him."

After shaking hands with Muning, Qifu asks Yunfang to take him upstairs to diagnose for Mr. Qi. Qi's heart bypass surgery is scheduled for two weeks, and Muning is not the first time he has come to do a physical examination for him.

Qi's family has been in constant trouble recently. The Qi family and his wife seem to have a lot of things on their minds. Naturally, Mu Ning's eyes have not escaped this point.

After doing an examination for Mr. Qi, Mu Ning state seems to ask casually, and Yunfang thinks of a little. Muning used to be a doctor in Haicheng. He must know a lot of people. Maybe he can get Liu Wei's medical records.

"Doctor mu, please wait a moment. I'll discuss something with my husband and I'll tell you later."

"Yes, you are welcome."

Yunfang's idea got the approval of Qifu. They invited Muning to the living room and told him what happened to Qi Yanjun.

Muning sat on the sofa, listening carefully to Qi's father and mother's narration, with a gentle smile on his lips.

After hearing this, he thought deeply, and a touch of deep meaning was fleeting in his eyes.

Yunfang see Mu Ning has been silent, some disappointed, "doctor mu, this may be difficult for you. It's very difficult for Qi family to get medical records. If you can't find them, it's ok... "

"Although I can't guarantee that I can find Liu Wei's medical record, I know all the forensic doctors in Haicheng. I think I can help you confirm the cause of Liu Wei's death as soon as possible."

"Well, please, doctor mu. Before the results of the police come out, please disclose the results to us, so that we can have a preparation. "

Qifu and Yunfang personally sent Muning out of the military compound and drove away. Through the rearview mirror, Muning could see their figure gradually moving away.

Back to the line of sight, Muning's gentle face is still light, slender hands holding the steering wheel, the car drove to the direction of the venue.In comparison, when LAN Yue and Mu Ning just returned home, the venue is much more lively now, because Guan Xiaoxiao and Guan Mengmeng live in the stadium.

When Muning went back, Nick, LAN Yue and Guan Mengmeng were sitting in the hall, looking solemnly at their plans to find Li Hongxiu.

Lanyue is even ashamed of Nick's ability to analyze the topography of Haicheng. With her understanding of Qi Yanjun, they soon locked in the scope.

"Because of XiuXiu's special physical condition, there must be medical facilities near her place. Moreover, the place is remote and the flow of people is small, which is not easy for us to think of. In general, rehabilitation centers and sanatoriums are possible, and we need to investigate them one by one. "

"Relying on our current manpower to investigate these places is not a problem. I'm afraid we will be blocked by the Qi family." Nick glanced at the place marked by LAN Yue and spoke in a deep voice.

"This is really the biggest problem we need to solve now."

"The Qi family is too busy now. It's the best time for us to find someone."

Muning walked into the venue, took off the windbreaker and handed it to the servant. With a smile on his gentle face, he went to lanyue and sat down and told them about Qi Yanjun's accident.

After hearing this, LAN Yue's face is hard to express complicated emotions. When she comes to her senses, she finds that Muning is staring at her with those beautiful crescent eyes.

Next to Guan Mengmeng, gloating and laughing, "this retribution comes too fast. The people of Qi family should have said that many lines of injustice will kill themselves."

"Young master, in this case, I will immediately arrange people to go to these places to investigate one by one tomorrow, and I believe that I can bring people out soon."

"Well, you can do it! Try not to conflict with the people of Qi family. I believe you have discretion in how to do it. "

The next discussion, LAN Yue is always absent-minded. She hangs her small fan like eyelashes, and her eyes fall on the floor. She doesn't know what she is thinking.

Even Guan Mengmeng also finds LAN Yue's abnormality and looks at her in confusion. Mu Ning's expression is still gentle. He purses his lips and indicates that others should leave first.

Soon, only he and LAN Yue were left in the hall.

"Are you worried about him?"

Xu is too quiet in the hall, Muning's voice line is very low, but clearly bumps into LAN Yue's eardrum, which makes her pupil shrink suddenly.

She opened her eyelids, on Mu Ning's line of sight, just saw the corner of his mouth that touch helpless arc.

Inexplicably flustered, she frowned and quickly explained, "I don't care about him, I just feel surprised. I didn't expect that he was so careless. He would never have done such a thing before. "

"So you don't think Liu Wei's death has anything to do with him?"

"I don't know." LAN Yue shakes her head, looking at a loss.

Muning looked at her deeply, "Liu Wei was beaten, there was no condition at that time, and he died suddenly after returning home. It can be seen that Liu Wei's physical condition itself may have problems, and being beaten may only be a cause of sudden death. Qi's family has been looking for Liu Wei's medical records, which is also a key to get rid of Qi Yanjun's guilt. "

"Looking for medical records? Can't the forensic examination result not explain the cause of Liu Wei's death? "

"The cause of Liu Wei's death is cardiac arrest, but there are many causes of cardiac arrest. Liu's people have agreed to autopsy, and it will be some time before the results come out. However, no matter what the identification results are, it is beneficial for Qi Yanjun to find out Liu Wei's medical records and prove that he has problems in his own physical condition. "

LAN Yue's eyes were clear and she listened carefully to Mu Ning's analysis. Her delicate eyebrows could not help wrinkling. She said that she would not like to have anything to do with the Qi family this time, but she was very concerned about anything about the Qi family.

Muning didn't break it. Seeing that she seemed afraid of the cold, he got up and took the blanket beside the sofa and gently covered her leg.

"Munin, why do you know these things so clearly?"

All of a sudden, LAN Yue whispered, her slender fingers grabbed Mu Ning's sleeve, and her bright eyes flickered uneasily.

Muning looks at LAN Yue from a high position, ignoring the radian of his smile all the time. His delicate and thin cheek feels too precious and alienated.

"There's one thing I've been hiding from you."


"In addition to attending the seminar, my main itinerary is to complete the heart bypass operation for a patient who you know is Mr. Qi."

Muning's words let blue Yue more surprised, she moved her lips, but did not know what to say.

"Yueer, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about it, because I originally hoped you would not have any contact with Qi family. I planned to take you back to the U.S. as soon as I finished the operation, but I didn't expect these accidents

"I I don't blame you. It's not your fault. At the beginning, I insisted on coming back with you. I didn't expect to be recognized by him. "

Muning shakes his head, the bone is clear, too good-looking hand naturally took hold of the hand together, to stop her because of tension nail pinched his palm blood , the fastest update of the webnovel!