Chapter 76

"Things on my side should be settled as soon as possible."

Qi Yanjun rubbed his eyebrows. His eyes, covered by his feathery eyelashes, were dark and deep.

If he doesn't find a chance to explain as soon as possible, he will have to carry the pot for the Shen family.

Thinking of what kind of attitude LAN Yue will use in the future, Qi Yanjun can't help but have a headache.

"Yiyao, go and find out who the Shen family is looking for who has moved hands on the Li family this time. Bring me the people who started it."

"Well, I'll do it."

The reason why Qi Yaojun is looking for some people is that he must be looking for some people.

Haicheng is still the territory of Qi's family. Soon, Li Yiyao found these people.

Qi Yanjun looked at a few punks who were thrown in front of him by the colorful ties with a faint smile in his eyes.

It is estimated that before long, LAN Yue will come to look for him!

Feel in front of the man around the aura more and more cold, tied to a few small gangsters can not help showing the color of panic.

"Young master, there is a guest outside who wants to see you. He says he has something to discuss with you."


"She calls herself Madame mu."

"Let her in!"

Mrs. Mu's three words let Qi Yanjun's eyes sink. He said to the servant with a smile.

Sure enough, everything was in his expectation. The next afternoon, LAN Yue came to see him in person.

Standing in front of the French window in a casual gray and blue home clothes, Qi Yanjun, who looks lazy but does not lose his beauty, has been looking at the gate.

The iron door opened and the servant led a tall and slender woman in.

"Sit down! This is your favorite mousse cake. I asked the servants to prepare it in the morning

"You knew I would come?" LAN Yue looks at the man with a bright smile in front of her, frowns tightly and looks alert.

She asked Nick to find the man who set fire to Li Ming's house that day and stabbed him, but was told that he was here at Qi Yanjun.

Although Nick stopped talking, she still guessed that Qi Yanjun did not necessarily kill the Li family.

"Well, I know you will come, so someone has prepared your favorite cake. Do you think I have a heart for you?"

"Qi Yanjun, what do you want to do? Did you do what happened the day before yesterday

LAN Yue was emotional, and her white face was red with anger. Qi Yanjun looked at her playfully, like a cat playing with a mouse under his paw.

Wait for blue Yue almost stare red eyes, Qi Yan Jun just slowly open a mouth, pick eyebrow pretend to be aggrieved.

"It's not me. I've been in trouble recently. You should know how I can go to trouble the Li family again."

"But I found out that the suspect who was ordered to set fire to kill people in the Li family is with you."

"Yes! I'm just afraid that you may misunderstand me. That's why I caught them here and told them clearly in front of you. "

Qi Yanjun said, while sending a message out with his mobile phone. Soon, Li Yiyao and two bodyguards brought the gangsters in from the backyard of Liyuan.

Those little gangsters didn't know what they had gone through. Their faces were pale, and they were as scared as ghosts when they saw Qi Yanjun.

LAN Yue looks suspiciously at Qi Yanjun, and there are two shallow gullies squeezed out between her beautiful eyebrows.

She did not know what tricks Qi Yanjun was playing. She knew that the man in front of her was cunning like a fox.

"Tell her who ordered you to set fire to Li's house?"

"It's our wife who ordered us to do it."

With one voice, a few punks bit Mrs. Shen down. They didn't look like a liar.

LAN Yue looks puzzled, "Mrs. Shen? Who is Mrs. Shen? Does the Li family have a festival with her? "

"The wife of Shen Changhua, the boss of Haicheng Shenshi group, has a daughter who is a good friend of YingYing and is also one of the defendants in the Li Hongxiu case."

After Qi Yanjun reminds LAN Yue that there are three defendants in Li Hongxiu's case, and the other two are accomplices. LAN Yue only knows that they are Qi Yingying's friends. She doesn't know them, and has never put them in her heart.

She didn't expect that such negligence had caused today's situation.

"Mrs. Shen gave us a sum of money. She said that the people of the Li family wanted to do harm to her daughter. She asked us to find a way to keep the Li family silent forever."

Shut up forever is not the same as killing people!

In order to his daughter's reputation under such a cruel hand, LAN Yue after hearing is shocked and angry.

"If you know the background of the Shen family, you won't be surprised. The Shen family was originally a ruffian. Mrs. Shen's mother's family ran the largest entertainment place in Haicheng, and secretly did a lot of illegal business. It's not impossible for her to do this for her daughter. ""If you know, why don't you stop her?"

LAN Yue's question only gets Qi Yanjun's sneer. He stands up and looks at LAN Yue from a commanding position. His eyes twinkle with cold light.

"Why should I stop her? She is helping Yingying by doing so. I should thank her for that. "

Sitting under the body is a cowhide sofa, too smooth skin pan cold, blue Yue Leng Leng Zhang big eyes, fingers cold.

Qi Yanjun's words made her speechless.

Yeah! Why did he stop the Shen family? He was on the defendant's side, and if Muning had not threatened Liu Wei's information, he would not have let the Li family go.

"Well, since it has nothing to do with you, we have nothing to say. You give me the people the Shen family is looking for. I won't just let it go. "

From the beginning, she was too naive to solve the problem through legal means. Now it seems that this road is not feasible in Haicheng.

Compared with Qi Yingying's unintentional harm to Li Hongxiu, the Shen family's mother and daughter are more vicious.

There is no life and humble, the Li family has been bullied again and again, this account should not be so calculated! LAN Yue has no intention to retreat. Even if she is misunderstood and hated, she still has to do what she thinks is right.

"So you haven't given up? Yueyue, I haven't seen you for five years. I appreciate you more and more. "

Qi Yanjun's sight shifted from LAN Yue to those despondent little thugs. After a night's reception by special soldier Wang liyiyao, these gangsters have been made to be obedient.

"What the Shen family has done this time has nothing to do with Yingying. We might as well make a deal."

"What deal?"

"Don't forget that you owe me a favor for the kid's parents last time. This time, it's my favor. Let's make a deal."

See blue Yue a reluctant look, Qi Yan Jun squinted at her, pursed his lips and changed into a serious look.

"It's really wrong for Yingying to hurt people, but she didn't mean to lay such heavy hands. My father and I also feel that Yingying's personality is really arrogant. If we don't change it, we will suffer. So we plan to send her to the North American training camp for half a year, not only to punish her, but also to change her character

North American training camp is located in the northern desert island of America. The environment is very bad. The training camp built there is famous for its strict teaching. Besides cultural courses, the training camp also has physical training. It is not only to temper people's will, but also to improve their quality, so many rich people send their children to study there.

It will be more painful for her to send Qi Yingying, who is spoiled and spoiled, to live an isolated life for the first half year than to go to prison.

This time, Qi Yanjun is really cruel, but compared with being jailed, it can keep Qi Yingying's reputation.

After hearing this, LAN Yue held her arm and thought deeply.

Qi Yanjun continued to open his mouth, and his bright Phoenix eyes turned. "If you are not satisfied with this, I can help you deal with the Shen family. How do you want to punish the Shen family? I can help you from the back."

"Are you so kind as to help me?"

"Of course." Qi Yanjun nodded, smiling with a trace of doting taste, "talk about your plan, these people let you handle."

Think about it carefully, but the deal is not a loss. LAN Yue hesitated for a few seconds, and then agreed to it.

With Qi Yanjun's help from behind and the strength of the Lansi family, Shen Jiagen, who had been operating illegally, had no power to resist. Within a few days, the operation of Shen's company had problems.

According to this trend, it will not be long before Shen Changhua declares bankruptcy.

He could not have imagined that his wife and daughter had caused all this.

"Sister LAN Yue, my sister, she knows about XiuXiu's family. She asked me to ask you about XiuXiu and her family now." Near the evening, Guan Mengmeng stops LAN Yue, who just walked out of the blue Chen Hao room, and asks with a tangled face.

Blue Yue plain face to the sky, around the eyes with a touch of dark circles, looking a little haggard.

She took Guan Mengmeng downstairs and sat in the hall downstairs, telling Guan Mengmeng what she was doing these days.

"I have confirmed that Qi Yingying will be sent to the training camp in North America next month, which is not a small punishment for her, so I intend to give up the prosecution of Qi family. Now I am most sorry for the Hongxiu family. I have arranged for the experts to treat Hongxiu, but I need Hongxiu to go to city B for treatment. But because of Li Ming's disfigurement, she refused to leave or treat. And she doesn't want to see me now. I can't persuade him to... "

Over the past few days, LAN Yue has been staring at the hospital to make sure that Li Hongxiu's parents are no longer in serious trouble, just need to take a rest. She has already rented a rather upscale apartment in downtown Haicheng for Li Hongxiu's parents to live in. When the Li's house is repaired, let them move back.

Now the most serious problem is the face of Li Hongxiu's younger brother, Li Ming. Li Ming, who is also a college student, is the hope of the Li family. His face disfigurement is a barrier that Li Hongxiu can't cross.LAN Yue is now trying to find a plastic surgeon who is 100% sure to cure Li Ming's face. However, it is not easy to respond in the short term. She is also worried about this.

"Sister LAN Yue, it's not easy for you to do this! I'll tell my sister later that I'll go with my sister to persuade Hongxiu

"Well, Meng Meng, you must persuade her. Even if she won't forgive me, she can't be angry with her body. Professor Zhou from city B will only be in China this year. If Hongxiu doesn't go to see him for treatment as soon as possible, it will be troublesome to find him when he goes abroad. "

"OK, no problem. XiuXiu, she must just be confused for a moment. We can try to enlighten her."

With Guan Mengmeng's comfort, LAN Yue is a little relieved.

Out of the window, the sun is setting, and the sky is stained by the sunset. LAN Yue and Guan Mengmeng sit on the velvet sofa, and the servant brings the black tea.

Sipping a warm and fragrant black tea, blue Yue's pale face recovered a trace of blood color.

Compared with Guan Mengmeng, who is a school flower and how old she is, her appearance and temperament are not inferior. Even sitting quietly, she is as beautiful as a painting full of retro flavor.

"Where can I order these dresses less, madam?"

After a while, the housekeeper who came with several maids interrupted the conversation between LAN Yue and Guan Mengmeng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!