Chapter 77

The maids, who followed the housekeeper, carefully held their beautiful and exquisite dresses, jewels and high-heeled shoes.

Although engaged in the fashion industry, but the rush back home, blue Yue's wardrobe is empty.

"Who brought these dresses? I didn't go to the store to order. "

Looking at the dazzling clothes, blue Yue showed a trace of surprise color.

"Back to the young lady, these clothes are prepared by the young master. The young master said that he was going to have a dinner party with his wife tomorrow, but he didn't know which one she liked. So he chose some more and sent them to the young lady to choose by herself. "

"Dinner tomorrow..."

After listening to the housekeeper's words, LAN Yue murmured to herself, and a light flashed through her mind.

By the way, it's Rong Yan's wife's birthday dinner. She and Muning have already decided to attend. So many things happened during this time that she completely forgot about it.

The date is tomorrow, but she did not have any preparation. At this moment, she is very glad that she has such a delicate husband.

He always silently prepared everything for her, considerate and impeccable.

"My God! So much! " Guan Mengmeng couldn't help but wonder. She realized her gaffe. She wrinkled her nose and said, "how can I finish wearing so many dresses? Doctor Mu is exaggerating."

Blue Yue agreed to nod, a trace of helplessness passed on her face.

It's too high-profile to wear one of the dresses for the dinner party tomorrow. What will happen at the dinner is still unknown. I don't know why, she always feels a little uneasy.

After thinking about it again and again, LAN Yue and Mu Ning decide to take LAN Chen Hao to the dinner party together. In this way, Wang Laozi may shake him when he sees LAN Chen Hao with his own eyes.

Rong family is a well-known family in Haicheng, and Rong Yan's wife Qiao Xue has a very prominent family background. Although it was a political marriage, the good thing was that they fell in love at first sight, and they had been with each other for five years.

Rong Yan's birthday dinner party for his wife really put his heart into it. The seaside villa on the outskirts of the city was decorated with pink purple, which Qiao Xue's favorite color. The changeable light created a romantic atmosphere. At home, expensive drinks and exquisite meals are available. A symphony orchestra plays a wonderful serenade, echoing the sound of the waves not far away.

The open space outside the villa is full of luxury cars, one by one, which is comparable to a grand auto show.

"Young master, I have just had a look. Mr. Wang has arrived, but I have also seen the Qi family."

Next to a Rolls Royce, Nick knocks on the window and reports his observations to Munin.

Today, Muning is wearing a formal and elegant suit, and her face is more expensive.

He nodded to indicate Nick to leave, turned his head to look at LAN Yue in the back seat. She was helping LAN Chen Hao tidy up her small suit. The blue Chen Hao with a bow tie had red lips and white teeth, and flashed her Phoenix eyes. She looked like a smart little adult.

"Haohao, after going in, you should be obedient and follow your mother's side. Don't run around, you know?"

"Well, I know."

Blue Chen Hao made an effort to nod.

"And if your aunt or sister sees you cute and pinches your face, you are not allowed to lose your temper or be bad."


See son agreed, blue Yue this just put down the heart. The blue Chen Hao this ancient spirit spirit spirit's character also does not know is like who, relies on has a face which everybody loves, from small to big mischievous matter also has not done less, always lets the human love and hate.

Fortunately, there is a planetarium in Haicheng that he is particularly interested in. This period of time, he will be so peaceful, which saves LAN Yue a lot of heart.

Taking him to the dinner party this time, LAN Yue was afraid that he would cause any trouble.

"Yue'er, Haohao, it's late. Let's get off the bus."

Muning said, while opening the door first, around the back of the gentleman for blue Yue mother and son will open the door.

Muning and lanyue are outstanding in appearance and well-dressed. They are like a pair of Bi Ren. They show up at the dinner party with the exquisite appearance of LAN Chenhao, and immediately become the focus of attention.

"Naturally, don't be nervous. Remember, you are Mrs. mu, Jennifer, not LAN Yue."

Feel beside blue Yue uneasiness, Muning side face, close to her cheek, gently admonish.

LAN Yue reluctantly involved in a smile, but her twinkling eyes still showed tension and uneasiness. The people who passed in front of her were familiar and unfamiliar, as if they had seen and never seen.

She drooped her eyelids and was still afraid of being recognized by her acquaintances.

"My God! Is it my eye? Why do I think that woman over there looks so much like LAN Yue, and she is still with that Mu! "

On the other side of the dinner hall, someone really recognized LAN Yue and made a strange exclamation.

The speaker is Qi Yingying, who is about to be sent to the North American training camp. As compensation for going to the training camp, all the Qi family are obedient to Qi Yingying during this period of time.

For example, at the dinner party held by Rong family, Yunfang bought Qi Yingying a suit worth 100000 yuan. Qi Yanjun also gave Qi Yingying a platinum bag and a set of diamond jewelry."Yingying, you are the same as me! That's Miss Jennifer, Munin's wife, the founder of a clothing brand. But she looks like LAN Yue, and I got the wrong person for the first time. "

Rong Yan, who is sitting opposite Qi Yingying, shakes his head gently and explains in a voice.

Qi Ying's words never left his sight.

Today, two people came to the Qi family, Qi Yanjun and Qi Yingying. The two brothers and sisters with noble temperament were the focus of the dinner before they appeared in Muning.

looks as like as two peas. But now she is very curious. Qi Ying Jun sees what a woman who looks almost exactly like blue Yue.

"How can anyone look so similar! That's incredible, isn't it

However, to Rong Yan's disappointment, Qi Yanjun always looks light, and her cold eyes can't see any emotion. Instead, Qi Yingying stares at LAN Yue's direction and makes a strong fragmentary reading.

"But brother Rong Yan, what are you doing with that mu? Do you know him well? "

"I've known him before. Recently he's helped me a lot when he came back home, so I invited him here."

Rong Yan didn't know Mu Ning had a bad time with Qi Yingying before, but from Qi Yingying's tone, he could feel her hostility to Mu Ning. He could not help feeling strange.

"Yingying is Rongyan's home today, you should know what to say and what not to say."

Qi Yan Jun lengbuding out a sentence, in fact, is to remind Qi Yingying.

The host of this dinner party is Rong Yan and Qiao Xue. Qi Yingying should not express her opinions on whom they invite.

Be oneself second elder brother stare one eye, Qi Ying Ying Ying Du mouth is silent, aggrieved ground cast eyes to another place.

Soon, the protagonist of today's dinner party appeared.

Rong Yan's wife Qiao Xue led their three-year-old son Rong Xiuyuan from the second floor of the sea view villa.

Qiao Xue and LAN Yue imagine similar, not to let people feel amazing and beautiful appearance at a glance, but the facial features are very durable, gentle and sweet, there is an indescribable charm.

Such a woman is very well matched with the gorgeous Rong Yan.

Rong Xiuyuan inherited the advantages of his parents in his appearance. He had big eyes and long eyelashes. His skin was white. When he laughed, he showed a tiger tooth, which made him look cute and cute.

"Thank you all for coming to Xueer's birthday dinner party. I won't say much more. We'll have a good time tonight. We won't come back drunk."

Rong Yan and Qiao Xue are both lively people. They hold birthday parties just to get together.

At random, he said a few words on the stage. In the loud applause, Rong Yan took his wife's hand, and their faces were filled with happy smiles.

There are dining tables both inside and outside the sea view room for the self-service dinner. Guests can walk indoors and outdoors according to their own preferences. There is a symphony orchestra playing in the room, the artistic conception is elegant, the outdoor sea breeze is gentle, the scenery is charming, the atmosphere is very comfortable.

"Yue'er, Mr. Wang and Mr. Gu are resting on the second floor. Nick will find a way to let Mr. Gu leave. Then you can take Haohao to find Mr. Wang."

The Rong family, Gu family and Qi family have always been friends of the world. Except for Mr. Qi who didn't attend because of his poor health, the other two elders, as elders, naturally came to replace him to support the scene.

However, the old man is quiet and can't adapt to noisy dinners. So Rongyan and his wife arrange two old men to rest in their rooms on the second floor.

Muning asked Nick to find out about this, and then wanted to find an excuse to support Mr. Gu, so that Lan Yue could take Haohao to see Mr. Wang, hoping to ask about Haohao's life experience.

"Well, it's better not to disturb others."

LAN Yue pursed her lips and nodded. The rest of the light couldn't help but glance to the other side. There have been two burning eyes staring at her, she knows Qi Yanjun is looking at her.

Clenching Haohao's small hand, LAN Yue subconsciously frowns. She just hopes Qi Yanjun won't disturb what she's going to do next.

Muning stood aside, aware of the strange blue Yue, along her line of sight to see the past, his gentle face a touch of dark color fleeting.

"When you go upstairs, I'll stay here and let no one disturb you."


Blue Yue opened his eyelids, looked at Mu Ning, caught the soft light in his eyes, and his uneasy mood instantly calmed down.

She called his name but didn't know what to say.

What he did for her, his care and consideration, always moved her to speechless.

"Mom, can I play with that kid?"

All of a sudden, the blue Chen Hao that has been burying oneself to eat desserts pulled blue Yue's hand, pointed to point to not far away Rong Xiu Yuan.

Rong Yan and Qiao Xue, as hosts, are entertaining guests. They have no time to take care of their four-year-old son. Rong Xiuyuan sits at the table with his small head drooping. He looks lonely and lonely.

LAN Yue looked at Rong Xiuyuan, and then looked at her son. She hesitated and nodded, "I can only go to play with him for a while, and then my mother will take you to see an old grandfather. Don't run around, let alone bully other children.""Don't worry! Mom, I know it in my mind

Blue Chen Hao flushed blue Yue to turn a white eye, how mother is so uneasy to him?

Avoid blue Yue stretched out to want to pull his small face of the hand, blue Chen Hao a slip of smoke ran out, jump to get together to the side of Rong Xiuyuan.

Rong Xiuyuan didn't expect that there were children of the same age at the dinner party. They immediately showed a brilliant smile. The two children played together in a short time.

"It was lovely when I was a child." , the fastest update of the webnovel!