Chapter 84

She stood alone, palms sweating, more and more uneasy, recalling the past with Qi Yingying all kinds of together, she some regret!

Although Qi Yingying's character is very poor, there are many annoying places, but at least At least she thought she was a friend!

Thinking of this, Gu Yao is afraid and worried. After hesitation, she pulls out the sunglasses from her bag and puts them on. Then she quickly runs to the front desk, asking the people at the front desk to contact the Qi family and tell Qi Yingying about her being taken away.

After hearing this, the manager of the front desk took a cold breath and looked suspiciously at the young girl with sunglasses in front of him. "Do you think Miss Qi was taken away by a strange man without clear consciousness?"


"Why don't you friends stop?"

"At first we thought he was Yingying's boyfriend, but when we think about it, it's not like him. You're going to be talking nonsense. Let Qi family send someone to come here quickly! "

Gu Yao's eyes dodged and lied, for fear of showing flaws.

"By the way, it's a coincidence that there are some guests in the name of Qi Er Shao today. They are still in the box. I'll inform them immediately."

Unexpectedly, Qi Yingying's second brother is also here. Gu Yao's pupil shrinks and becomes more and more guilty. She is sweating behind her back. When the front desk manager calls, she quickly slips away with her head down.

In fact, the person in KTV is not Qi Yanjun, but Li Yiyao, who entertains the guests for Qi Yanjun. After learning about the situation, Li Yiyao immediately gets angry and immediately leaves the guest to find Qi Yingying.

But when he arrived at the hotel, only Qi Yingying was left in the messy room. She was curled up in the corner, with traces of violence left on her exposed skin.

Hearing the news, she raised her face in horror. At this moment, her makeup was all gone, her eyes were red and swollen, her lips were pale and she was very haggard.

"Someone took a picture! I What should I do? "

Recognize the person in front of is Li Yiyao, Qi Yingying seems to grasp the straw, a pair of black and white big tears such as rain.

Li Yiyao took off his coat and put it on Qi Yingying. The eagle's eyes were cold to the extreme. He helped Qi Yingying with a livid face. "I'll take you home first. I'll tell Qi Shao about this before making a decision."

"No, I don't want to go home! If they see me like this, I will be killed! Brother Li, please don't tell me! I don't know anything when I'm drunk. I didn't mean to. If this scandal spreads out, I'll... "

Qi Yingying did not know that she was designed. She thought that she was confused and mistakenly came to the hotel with a strange man.

When the key thing happened, she was in a daze, only knowing that the other party was a very handsome man, but now she can't even remember that man's face.

But who would have thought that a few people broke in to take photos later, she was completely scared to be silly!

"But the people who took your picture must be found out as soon as possible!"

Li Yiyao looks at Qi Yingying who is crying with tears. If he wants to find out those people, it is necessary to use the relationship of Qi family. How can Qi Shao not know?

If that kind of picture spreads out, it will hurt Qi Yingying even more. Thinking about this, Li Yiyao sinks his face, "Yingying, now is not the time to let you make a fool of yourself. This matter must be told to Qi Shao."

"No, I really can't tell my brother..."

Qi Yingying's eyes widened in fear, and her face was as white as paper.

Her slender fingers clenched the wide cuffs tightly. Her bony joints were white and her brain was running fast.

The Li family's affairs have just been solved for a short time. She should have been restrained a lot, but what happened today happened. If her family knew about it, it would not have been as simple as asking her to go to the training camp for half a year.

According to the temper of grandfather and father, it is possible to drive her out of Qi family!

"Brother Qi Li, you can't tell me anything this time, or you can't tell me anything!"

In the face of Qi Yingying's pleading again and again, weighing the pros and cons of the matter, Li Yiyao's forehead was covered with sweat.

The spacious French windows of the hotel room reflect the deep night outside. The boundless darkness covers the whole city. Only a few neon lights are on, but not enough to illuminate the whole Haicheng.

As time went by, the statue like Li Yiyao finally moved and took out his mobile phone.

Qi Yingying saw the appearance of a dark eye color, face as if dead gray.

She thought Li Yiyao was going to call Qi Yanjun, but the phone was connected. She heard that the voice coming from the phone was not Qi Yanjun's.

A few minutes later, Li Yiyao hung up and motioned Qi Yingying to leave the hotel with him first.

"Since you don't want to let Qi Shao know, and you have to get back your photos, my network here can't be used. It's inevitable that someone will tell us what happened today."

Driving Qi Yingying to live in a house under the name of Qi's family, Li Yiyao observes Qi Yingying from time to time through the rearview mirror.Qi Yingying at this time shrink in the back seat, wrapped in a coat, eyes calmly turned to look out of the window, the tears on her face had already dried.

If ordinary women encounter today's things, it is difficult for them to recover their calm as soon as she does. Fame and integrity seem to be irrelevant to her.

When did she begin to be like this?

Li Yiyao's cold face flashed the sad color. He still remembered the first time he saw Qi Yingying.

In Qi's garden, she lies on the second floor of the window, sticking out a pure smile, as beautiful as a fairy tale princess.

"I contacted my cousin and asked him to find out who took the photos. At present, they are likely to have designed it early, and it's dangerous for the photos to fall on them. "

"Thank you, LIGO."

Seeing Li Yiyao think so well for herself, Qi Yingying is in a very complicated mood.

After arriving at an idle villa in the east of Haicheng, Qi Yingying first called her friends and then her home.

She lied on the phone that she wanted to take care of her drunk friends, so she stayed in the idle villa in the East District of Qijia tonight.

Qi Yingying's phone hang up not long ago, Li Yiyao's phone rings. Everything is just like Li Yiyao expected. Yunfang asks Qi Yanjun to call him.

"I helped Yingying's friend get to the villa side. She is with me now."

Li Yiyao seldom lies to Qi Yanjun, but he always lies for Qi Yingying.

"Qi Yao Jun seems to know too much about the phone, but he didn't know anything about it."

When Qi Yanjun hangs up the phone, Qi Yingying is finally relieved, but Li Yiyao's eyebrows are still tightly frowned.

Qi Shao estimated that Qi Yingying may have made trouble, but he should not know how serious this matter is! I don't know if I helped Yingying this time. In the end, I helped her or hurt her.

At about three o'clock in the morning, Qi Yingying, who was already drunk, fell asleep again. She was lying on the sofa, sleeping uneasily, and her murmuring appearance was distressing.

Li Yiyao also has a sister, who is the same age as Qi Yingying. However, their personalities are completely different. His sister is clever and sensible. He got leukemia seven years ago, but he died.

His fingers covered with a thin layer of cocoon were holding a cigarette. His scarlet cigarette end flickered in the dark. Li Yiyao sat opposite Qi Yingying, smoking one cigarette after another, without sleepiness.

Until his cell phone rings.

"Li Ge, I'm sorry. I tried my best to find the people who took the photos, but they have already sent out the resources. It is estimated that the photos will be distributed on the major websites early tomorrow morning."

Li Yiyao's cousin called. Working in Haicheng police station, he found Haige and Shen Yue, but it brought bad news to Li Yiyao.

Because Shen Yue and Haige have already sent the photos to several well-known media people and website leaders, they are expected to send them out soon.

In the evening, we couldn't get in touch with these media people and website leaders. Li Yiyao's cousin was helpless. He could only continue to detain Shen Yue and Haige, forcing them to find a way to cancel the resources sent out.

But there are still some parts that can't be destroyed.

Li Yiyao was very upset when he learned about the result. He quickly checked the Internet. There was no news or photo about this, but there may be reports at any time.

"Xiao Fan, you can help me find a way again! Haicheng this side of the network police have no way to stop? These photos spread out to have a bad influence, and it's not just the Qi family's business! "

"You can't stop them in a short period of time, and some small websites threaten that they won't work at all unless they find competent hackers who can solve it. We also have a lot of such hackers in China. With Qi's ability, we can definitely find these people to help. "

"Well, I see. I'll see it again."

Li Yiyao hung up and hesitated.

He promised Qi Yingying will not tell this matter to Qi Shao, and let Qi's people know it is not good.

Li Yiyao thought for a long time and suddenly thought of a man.

Now Haicheng in addition to the Qi family, the most capable is the lance family.

When the Shen family was destroyed by the partnership, Li Yiyao cooperated with the Lansi family according to Qi Yanjun's instructions. If they were asked to help find hackers, they would not need to use Qi's power.

In an emergency, Li Yiyao did not care much and drove directly to the venue.

LAN Yue is very surprised at Li Yiyao's sudden visit. She is woken up by a servant. She and Muning go downstairs in their pajamas and meet Li Yiyao with a dignified look.

Li Yiyao explained the situation to LAN Yue in a sincere way."Do you want me to help Qi Yingying?"

LAN Yue frowned with delicate eyebrows, and her sight fell on the third floor of Guan Xiaoxiao's room. If Xiaoxiao is present, she will not agree to help Qi Yingying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!