Chapter 85

Li Yiyao see blue Yue hesitant, know that her heart has scruples, the color of her eyes also sink.

Having a look at Muning beside her, Li Yiyao shook his fist and nodded.

"Just pay back my original favor. This time you have to help her."

At the beginning, if Li Yiyao didn't open one eye and close one eye, LAN Yue couldn't get rid of Qi family.

I didn't expect Li Yiyao would take out this matter to force her. LAN Yue's face showed a wry smile. Since she owed this favor, she had to do it!

"Well, I promise you."

Seeing LAN Yue's promise, Li Yiyao didn't say anything. He just stood up, bent in the direction of LAN Yue and Mu Ning, and then turned around and left.

His broad back disappeared outside the gate of the stadium, and he was tired and tolerant under the moonlight.

"Ever since I met Li Yiyao, he has been carrying Qi Yanjun on his back and helping Qi Yingying clean up the mess. I didn't expect that it has been five years or so."

LAN Yue leaned against the sofa and sighed.

Muning sleepy eyes, wearing black pajamas, in the light, his face appears more white.

A blue face with a smile. He got up to call Nick and asked him to find a top hacker in China. I believe that in a few minutes, those websites and media systems with Qi Yingying's Photo resources will be paralyzed.

Beside, LAN Yue nests on the sofa, holding a pillow, looking at Muning with a silly smile.

In her eyes, Munin is omnipotent, and she does not need to say anything, will help her to deal with all things in silence.

After Li Yiyao left the venue, he went directly to his cousin Li Fan to settle accounts with Shen Yue and Haige. He didn't worry about LAN Yue at all, because he knew that what LAN Yue promised would be done.

"Boy, if I go out, I'll make you worse than death!"

In a factory warehouse of Qijia, Haige and Shen Yue are all tied up and left inside. Shen Yue is trembling, while Haige is beaten black and blue and growls.

Just can't stand Li Fan's beating and said everything, he now think about it and feel cowardly.

"Oh! You're itching again, aren't you? Who is the man I just beat to beg for mercy

Li Fan glanced at Haige with a sneer. His thin figure was not outstanding, but his military temperament was unforgettable.

The voice falls, the sound of a car comes from outside the warehouse. Li Fan's eyes touch the people who come in and take a sympathetic look at Haige and Shen Yue.

"I say you'd better seek your own fortune! It's not sure whether you can go out alive today. "

Soon, Li Fan's words were verified.

Haige was beaten by Li Yiyao like a sandbag. Compared with Li Fan, Li Yiyao, who was born as the king of special forces, made a bloody scene.

After being kicked back and forth in the warehouse, Haige fell on his back, his mouth full of blood, and spat a blood foam toward the ground. Suddenly, two teeth fell off.

He even forgot to beg for mercy. He just widened his eyes and trembled. He looked at Li Yiyao in horror, as if he had seen the evil spirit.

Haige is also a character on Haicheng road. He is not less aggressive with some big guys, but today he knows what is the real strength.

Shen Yue, who had never seen such a scene before, had already cried into tears after a burst of screaming and hid away.

"Say, do you have any other copies of the photos?"

"No, big brother, I didn't cheat you, I really didn't..."

Haige gets up and holds Li Yiyao's feet. His face is covered with blood. He has two missing teeth, but he still has some air leakage.

In Haicheng can also call on the wind and rain he, when so embarrassed?

"There is no best. After tonight, if I see you again in Haicheng, my fist will not greet you like today."

He kicks Haige aside in disgust, and Li Yiyao's slender eyes squint dangerously and warns in a deep voice.

Unknowingly, Li Yiyao and Li Fan left the warehouse at dawn. The sun rose from the horizon, and the warm sunlight sprinkled down on the green treetops.

"Brother, the man you are looking for is really powerful. I just searched for it. There is no news about Miss Qi, and several platforms have been closed."

"Yes, it is."

Li Yiyao answered in front of him with a far-reaching vision.

On the contrary, he was more worried about Qi Shao. Muning is not simple. The Lansi family behind him is even more complicated. Qi Shao wants to take LAN Yue back, but he doesn't know whether he will win.

When Li Yiyao returns to the hotel suite, Qi Yingying has left, leaving only his wrinkled coat in the empty room.

There is a piece of paper on the coat. He puts the steaming breakfast aside. Li Yiyao picks up the note with complicated eyes.

Qi Yingying wrote on the note that she had already returned to Qi's house, and she also guessed that Li Yiyao had helped her clean up the mess.A sigh overflowed the corner of Li Yiyao's resolute mouth. He could not hide his tiredness and went back to sleep.

When she came back to the old restaurant, she pretended to be the guardian of her old house.

Her appearance of hiding and hiding happened to be seen by Xu miaoyong, who just moved back yesterday.

"Yingying, are you back?"

"Well!" Qi Yingying some unnatural nod, eyes still fall on the stairway, she now just want to quickly return to their room, not to expose the feet of the horse.

But Yunfang had confirmed Qi Yingying's whereabouts to Li Yiyao yesterday, so she didn't find her abnormality. Instead, she opened her mouth with a smile.

"Yingying, has dream come home safely now? Why didn't she come home and sit down? "

"She has something to do at home today, so she is in a hurry to get back."

Last night, Qi Yingying lied according to Li Yiyao's instructions, but Yunfang didn't know that her close friend Mengmeng had gone abroad more than three months ago.

"That's it

Yunfang nodded and took a look at her husband, whose face was not very good, and changed to blame again.

"No matter what, you young girls, even if it's a classmate party, you can't fool around. It's bad to be drunk."

"I see, mom! I don't feel comfortable in my room


Yunfang glimpses Qi Yingying's face is not very good, guess that she took care of her classmates may not have a good night's sleep, so she did not continue to harshly.

She looked at Wu Ma, who was cleaning up the dishes, with her slender eyebrows.

"For a while, the soup will be hot for her

"Yes, ma'am."

Wu Ma, wearing an apron, bowed her head and answered.

Just Qi Yingying changed clothes for a long time, but she did not come down. She closed the door and changed her clothes. After entering the bathroom, she did not come out.

The toilet fog rising, the hot water from the tap in the mirror dense out of a layer of water vapor, Qi Yingying opened the collar, exposed skin covered with bruises.

She pinched her eyebrows with a headache. Qi Yingying is not the first hangover, nor is it the first time that yesterday happened. The only difference is that she doesn't know who she was sleeping with yesterday.

And it's even more unusual to have a few people taking pictures.

As if everything is designed, Qi Yingying is not a fool, she carefully recalled what happened last night, fingers pinching the pool table more tight.

"Lu Min, you and Shen Yue jointly designed me yesterday, didn't you?"

Yesterday's photos didn't come out, Lu Min knew that there was an accident. Qi Yingying called and she was ready.

Take a deep breath, Lu Min cold face open.

"Last time you asked us to help you teach Li Hongxiu a lesson, but we went there. As a result, your brother broke down the Shen family in order to save you. You Qi family did too much in this matter, so I helped Shen Yue... "

On the phone, Lu Min seems to want to speak out all her dissatisfaction in the past and accuse Qi Yingying constantly.

Qi Yingying thin fingers holding the mobile phone, good face faded the color of the past arrogance, replaced by a daze and puzzled.

From the beginning of her memory, she did not expect to make a true friend, but she did not expect that she was so hated.

"Have you said enough? From now on, we are no longer friends

"Who is rare!"

Lu Min dropped a sentence and hung up.

Listening to the busy tone from the other end of the phone, Qi Yingying was so angry that she dropped her mobile phone on the ground.

From the downstairs can hear such a big movement, is in the living room watching TV Yunfang was scared, is ready to get up to have a look, one side of Xu miaoyong came over, look gentle.

"Mom, I'll just go upstairs and have a look. You can keep watching TV."


The Qi family didn't say much about Xu miaoyong who moved back to her old house. However, Rong Xiuyuan liked her very much. With her helping to take care of Rong Xiuyuan, Yunfang and her family were much more relaxed.

Xu Miaolong let Rong Xiuyuan play for a while, then went upstairs to find Qi Yingying.

As a woman, Xu miaolung saw Qi Yingying, and could vaguely detect her strangeness. She tried to open her mouth, "Yingying, where did you go after you separated from me yesterday? And why did you stay out all night and didn't bring your classmates home? "

In accordance with the past, Xu miaolung so to qiyingying under the set, qiyingying will hide things to tell her.

But this time, Qi Yingying is not in a good mood, and is poked in the heart by Xu miaolung. She frowns impatiently, and her tone is also very dissatisfied.

"I don't care about my affairs. Who let you in? Why don't you knock on the door?"


This time back, Qi's people are friendly to Xu miaoyong. She didn't expect to eat shriveled food in Qi Yingying.However, we can see that Qi Yingying is in a bad mood. Xu miaolung stands awkwardly for a while, and then leaves without saying a word.

Because she is now very clear, compared to please Qi Yingying, and Rong Xiuyuan good relationship is more beneficial to her own, so she is not willing to spend more thoughts on Qi Yingying.

"Mom, what did you just do?"

Xu miaoyong returned to the living room. Rong Xiuyuan came over and asked with blinking eyes.

Rong Xiuyuan has not yet called Qi Yanjun father, but she is used to calling Xu Miaolong's mother. She has to praise Xu Miaolong's skill in dealing with children.

"Little aunt Yingying is in a bad mood today. Don't make her angry, OK?"


"Good, mother to get you your favorite chocolate, you continue to watch cartoons."

Leaving the iPad to Rong Xiuyuan, Xu miaoyong got up and went to the kitchen. The refrigerator took out a big box of chocolates. Wu's mother looked at it and stopped talking. She thought it was not good to eat too many sweets for such a small child.

But she was just a babysitter and didn't dare to speak out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!