Chapter 96

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao's online marketing started well, and they held a grand celebration in the company.

At the celebration meeting, Guan Xiaoxiao and LAN Yue, two responsible persons, of course, became the targets of everyone's attack, and they were too happy to know that they were.

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao did not disappoint themselves. They would drink one cup after another.

Soon, Guan Xiaoxiao's face turned red, and LAN Yue was drunk. The employees let them go and arranged for a car to drive them back.

"Young master, young lady and miss Guan are back!"

Nick was ordered to guard outside the stadium. A car far away came by with a light. He recognized it was the car of LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao.

Muning is in the upstairs room processing documents, after receiving Nick's call, he immediately out of the study downstairs.

Nick saw that the company's car stopped, no one came down, hesitated to come forward. He did not walk a few steps, the door opened, LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao two people fumbled off the car.

Seeing the two of them hanging shoulder to shoulder, smirking and walking, we can see that they are drunk. Nick is stunned at the same place. Obviously, he has never seen such a scene.

Then down the stairs Muning is obviously also stunned for a moment, but quickly react, politely sent away the company's people.

"How did you drink like this?" Muning close to blue Yue, blue Yue on the body of the wine gas let him frown.

Nick looked around and knew that his young master had a habit of cleanliness, but Muning still held LAN Yue in his arms.

Receiving Muning's eye instructions, Nick also comes forward to help Guan Xiaoxiao return to his room.

"Mommy, what's going on?"

Blue Yue is the first time to drink so drunk, Mu Ning hold her upstairs when met heard the movement of the blue Chen Hao get up, he raised his small face, a face worried to ask.

"Baby, Mommy's OK, Mommy's not drunk!"

Heard the voice of blue Chen Hao, has been quiet drunk unconscious blue Yue suddenly squint eyes, looking at blue Chen Hao showed a smile.

Be scared by the face that oneself mother approaches close, blue Chen Hao frowns more worried.

"Haohao, go back to your room by yourself. Your mother is drunk."

"I'm not drunk Who said I was drunk... "

Blue Yue mumbles, a look discontented stare at Muning, although Muning looks thin, but it is very strong, very easy to hold blue Yue.

Blue Yue frowned at the expression to laugh, Mu Ning helpless and doting nodded, "good, you are not drunk."

"Then I'll go back, and Mommy will give it to Daddy."

Looking at wearing rabbit pajamas blue Chen Hao obediently back to his room, Muning also into the room, carefully put blue Yue on the soft big bed.

Touch comfortable big bed, blue Yue rolled, side body seems to be asleep, for a long time no movement.

Muning's eyes fell on her feet in the shoes. She gently took off the shoes with a pair of slender hands and put them aside.

"Like a child!"

Blue Yue's mouth occasionally issued a murmur, the voice is very weak, Mu Ning close to listen to half a day did not hear clearly, then helpless shake his head, pulled the quilt on one side to cover her.

Cover the quilt, Muning ready to turn off the European desk lamp at the head of the bed, but approached, he glanced at LAN Yue's face, but was stunned.

Under the light, lanyue's face was covered with tears. She closed her eyes tightly, but there were two strings of crystal clear tears in the corner of her eyes.

She's crying!

I don't know why LAN Yue is crying, but Muning can feel that Lan Yue is not very happy these days. I don't know if it is because she is going back to America.

Although he knew that Lan Yue didn't like to stay in the United States, Muning admitted that he was selfish and wanted to take her back and let her stay with him forever.

"Did I do it wrong?"

After sitting by LAN Yue's bed for a long time, Muning reached out to wipe her tears, turned off the light and left the room.

The bright moonlight beat on his back when he left, looking so lonely.

"Crazy girl, if you don't let go, I'll do it!"

Compared with upstairs, Guan Xiaoxiao's room on the second floor is noisy. Guan Xiaoxiao, who is also drunk, is not as peaceful as LAN Yue. She even regards Nick as her ex boyfriend Lin Feng and gives Nick a beating.

The cold and hard character Nick would have been unable to help if Guan Xiaoxiao was not a friend of blue Yue.

His face was scratched with bloodstains. Although it was not painful for him, it was also a shame for his subordinates to see it.

"Asshole! Lin Feng, you bastard! You don't know how good it is for you to leave now Miss Qi is just playing with you. For her sake, you abandoned me. Now you regret it

"Shit! Let me go again


"Oh! Why are you crying? I haven't touched you at all

Nick probably never knew that women were so difficult to deal with, and he was dealing with a drunk woman.Muning passed the second floor and heard the movement. His face was gloomy and desolate. He had no intention to intervene and walked away in silence.

Outside the stadium, it was pitch black. The huge full moon hung in the sky. The bright moonlight sprinkled down, and the shadows of trees were reflected on the windowsill.

It was destined to be an excessively cold night.

"Nick, what's wrong with your face?"

The next morning, lanyue, who overslept, got up and saw Nick standing in the hall on the first floor as rigid as wood.

Nick's dark skin was strewn with eye-catching scratches, which didn't fit in with his cold look.

In the face of LAN Yue's inquiry, his insidious eyes fell on Guan Xiaoxiao, who had breakfast at the table not far away.

Guan Xiaoxiao seemed to feel Nick's sight, put his hand over his mouth and made a heartfelt belch. When she woke up early this morning, the maid in the venue told her what she had done last night.

"Young lady, Mr. Ni's face was caught by Miss Guan."

The atmosphere inexplicably embarrassed, one side of the housekeeper can not help but come forward to explain in a low voice.

Blue Yue slightly Leng Leng, facial expression delicate swept between two people. She remembers that she was drunk with Guan Xiaoxiao yesterday. She didn't know what happened after she was drunk. However, Guan Xiaoxiao was brave enough to grasp Nick's face like this.

Silently knead a sweat for Guan Xiaoxiao, LAN Yue goes to the company with her after dinner.

"Xiaoxiao, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to. I'll ask Munin to do ideological work for Nick, and he won't bother you

Two people busy in the morning, lunch together, Guan Xiaoxiao appetite is not good, heavy look, LAN Yue thought she still mind hurt Nick things, then make a voice of relief.

Guan Xiaoxiao frowned and shook his head gently.

"I'll apologize to him for this. He should have been responsible for my mistake. I'm sad now because I'm angry with myself. I think I've put it down, but after I'm drunk, I think of Lin Feng's son of a bitch! "

"If you can put down your feelings for more than three years, you are not Guan Xiaoxiao. Xiaoxiao, that person is not worth your nostalgia, but you should give yourself a period of time to accept. "

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao can become friends because they are both emotional people, so she can understand Guan Xiaoxiao's current mood.

"Yueyue, in fact, Lin Feng called me a few days ago. He knew that my career was developing very well and wanted to get back together with me. I refused. Then he contacted my parents by phone. I don't know what he did to my parents. Now my parents forgive him and help him persuade me... "

After hesitating for a while, Guan Xiaoxiao tells LAN Yue what he has been holding for a long time.

"My parents think that I'm not young, and there are no other good men around me. They think that although Lin Feng made a mistake once, they will take heart after they marry me and let me marry him as soon as possible..."

Guan Xiaoxiao's parents are also for Guan Xiaoxiao's future consideration. After all, it is not easy for Guan Xiaoxiao to find a man with better conditions than Lin Feng.

With the age here, after a long delay, Guan Xiaoxiao is really a leftover woman.

"Xiaoxiao, your parents' suggestions are important, but marriage is a lifelong thing. Do you want to think clearly that people like Lin Feng are really worth trusting for life? Wait a second. Isn't it good to have someone who really loves you all your life? "

"I think so! But it's really hard. What if I find another one and find out that he is the second Lin Feng after three years of talking? "

"Silly girl! You have to have confidence. There are still many good men now, but you haven't met them yet. "

LAN Yue grabs Guan Xiaoxiao's hand painfully. She never knows that Guan Xiaoxiao, who seems to have stepped out of the shadow of betrayal, still has such a deep wound in her heart.

"After I leave, you can't think so wildly, or I can't go back at ease..."


In the quiet restaurant downstairs of the company, LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao's mobile phones suddenly vibrate at the same time. They take out their mobile phones in surprise and find that they are all from the company's employees.

"Mr. LAN, there's something wrong with the live broadcast! Where are you now? "

Come on, come back


Before hanging up, LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao rush to the company.

There was a problem with the live broadcast that was scheduled to start at 12:00 p.m., because LAN Yue couldn't contact Qin Ming, the anchor who was supposed to be on time.

Fans have been asking about the start time of the live broadcast, but the company is still at a loss as to how to answer.

The tension spread through the fledgling company.

"Xiaoxiao, how are you? Have you contacted him? "

"No, the mobile phone was turned off, and there was no response to e-mail It's irresponsible of him to play and disappear at this time! "

Guan Xiaoyue and Qin Xiaoyue are not in touch.

Many customers are very dissatisfied with this, and some even want to cancel the order.Frowning and pondering for a while, LAN Yue let the online store release a message, because of the rectification problem, the live broadcast time was changed.

The news sent out, temporarily stabilizing the mood of customers, but there are still some questions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!