Chapter 97

"Yueyue, I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't trust a stranger. I don't know he's such an unreliable person."

Standing in the office, through the glass, you can see the employees who come back and forth from the outside, and almost have no time to breathe. Guan Xiaoxiao bit his lip in remorse, and his eyes are gray.

"It doesn't matter. If he doesn't broadcast it, we just need to find a replacement as soon as possible."

"It's too much for us to replace people. I don't know if customers can accept it. Really, this Qin Ming killed us! "

Guan Xiaoxiao can't understand why Qin Ming, who had promised well, suddenly changed his mind. However, his willfulness caused irreparable losses to their brands.

"I must find a way to contact him and ask him to give us an explanation. Even if there are special reasons, I should tell us about it."

"Qin Ming really should have a good investigation. At the beginning, I thought something was wrong with him."

LAN Yue agrees with Guan Xiaoxiao, but now the top priority is to find someone who can live.

Fortunately, lanyue, as the founder of a famous brand, still has certain contacts. Soon she contacted a model who happened to be in Haicheng to save the scene.

Although the model was not as good-looking as Qin Ming, he saved the scene.

"No, Yueyue, we're finished!"

In the evening, LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao, who had been busy all day, returned to the stadium. Guan Xiaoxiao, who came back to the stadium late, saw LAN Yue sitting on the sofa with a choking voice and a dignified look on his face.

"Calm down. What happened?"

Will lose the soul of Guan Xiaoxiao pulled to his side, blue Yue frown smoke eyebrows, calm inquiry.

Seeing this, needless to say, there must be something wrong with the company.

"I know why Qin Ming didn't broadcast it. He didn't dare to live it." Guan Xiaoxiao regretted that his eyes were red.

LAN Yue is comparatively calm. She looks at Guan Xiaoxiao with clear eyes and signals her to make things clear.

It turns out that someone picked out the background of Qin Ming after watching yesterday's live broadcast.

Qin Ming is really from Haicheng, and he is famous in Haicheng.

"Qin Ming told me that he was a model, but he lied to me. He was a male public relations man who entertained rich women in the club. Many people in Haicheng know him, and it is reported on the Internet that he once worked as a lover for several married women in Haicheng He's always a very unruly and notorious man

At this moment, Guan Xiaoxiao would like to slap himself a few times. How could she not have thought of finding Qin Ming.

It is said that the reason why Qin Ming went abroad is that he offended people who should not have been offended in Haicheng. He promised to do live broadcasting, which is probably a temporary interest, but he didn't expect such a big response, so he simply hid himself now.

"A few days ago, we asked him to do live broadcast. Now we are talking about it online. Many people begin to question our brand, and many people ask for refund."

After listening to Guan Xiaoxiao's introduction to the background of Qin Ming, LAN Yue guessed that it would be like this.

The brand image they built up was destroyed by Qin Ming alone.

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao are lost in thought. They both want to cry without tears for this sudden situation.

Soon, the data from online stores and physical stores showed that in a short day, their brand clothing sales began to decline significantly.

Before the good expectations were broken, brand employees were in a depression.

More and more pressure falls on LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao. LAN Yue will leave in three days. She is more worried. She does not know whether the situation can be recovered before she leaves.

"Xiaoxiao, cheer up and declare that I have asked the lawyer to draft it. We will explain the real situation and believe that someone will understand us."

On a rainy morning, LAN Yue goes downstairs just to see Guan Xiaoxiao coming out of the room. Two huge bags under his eyes appear on Guan Xiaoxiao's face. It is obvious that he has not slept well.

"But now the live broadcast format will certainly not continue. We must re plan the publicity plan, which will cost a lot of energy. And The factory is still in mass production according to the contract, and the clothes on our side are not sold as expected. After the season, we can only store them in the warehouse... "

Guan Xiaoxiao opened a pair of bloodshot big eyes, and his face was guilty. She stayed up all night thinking about the worst, and the result was almost haggard.

Since the establishment of the brand, LAN Yue has been guiding her to solve various difficulties. Now she has not helped, but has harmed everyone, which makes her feel almost shameless to reappear in the company.

"Yueyue, it's me who got you in trouble. I really hate myself now. It's useless. It's just going to help."

"Don't say that. It's good that you know what we're going to do next. According to what you said, we can deal with the problems one by one, and we will be able to solve them in the end. "Yesterday, LAN Yue had passed through with Mu Ning Gou. Mu Ning promised to wait for her to help Guan Xiaoxiao deal with the company's affairs, and then return to the United States.

However, further delay can only be delayed for about a week, so LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao must properly deal with the storm within a week.

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao are standing in the corridor with the sound of rain coming from the wide window.

Different from the gloomy sky outside the window, LAN Yue's face showed a bright smile like sunshine, "let's refuel together! It's sunny after the storm. "

Next, LAN Yue took Guan Xiaoxiao to try to eliminate the negative impact of the previous live broadcast. In addition to various discounts offered by online stores and physical stores, they also thought about a lot of online and offline activities, and invited positive energy stars to make endorsements. Advertising and charity activities took place every day.

Three days later, the situation finally improved.


After the meeting, the meeting room was quiet, with occasional coughing. The woman sitting in front of the conference table had white skin and dark hair, and was meticulously sorting out the contents of the meeting.

From the door of the meeting room came the sound of footsteps. Guan Xiaoxiao came in with a cup of warm water. "Yueyue, you have been coughing these two days. Now the company is getting better. Take time to go to the hospital and have a look."

"No, I'm fine."

After sipping her dry lips, LAN Yue raised her eyes, took Guan Xiaoxiao's cup and drank a sip of water. Her mouth was immediately moist and comfortable.

"If you don't go to the hospital today, I'll tell your doctor Mu when you go back."

"No! He has been to Haicheng Town for free in recent days. He is very tired when he comes back every day. If you tell him, he can't have a good rest when he comes back. " Blue Yue's hand movement pauses, opens the clear run big eye, looks to Guan Xiaoxiao, the facial expression is difficult to hide the tension.

"It's OK not to tell him. I'll drive you to the hospital after you clean up."

Guan Xiaoxiao has to move out of Muning to threaten LAN Yue. Obviously, this move is very useful. LAN Yue has to compromise.

More than an hour later, LAN Yue put on a thick windbreaker and went downstairs with several warm babies waiting for Guan Xiaoxiao to drive.

"Sister LAN, someone sent something. I didn't see you upstairs, so I put it on your desk."

Suddenly, an employee in the building caught up and told LAN Yue about it.

"OK, I see. I'll see it when I get back."

Blue Yue reluctantly smile, standing in the wind, her hands and feet are cold, ear is the roadside whistle, the noise makes her feel a little dizzy.

Fortunately, before long, Guan Xiaoxiao came and sat in the car, and her condition improved.

While driving, he saw blue Yue's pale face. Guan Xiaoxiao looked worried. "Yueyue, your face is more and more ugly. Hold on, and you will be in the hospital immediately."

"I'm ok. Maybe I have a fever. Just concentrate on driving."

LAN Yue reached out and touched her forehead, the scorching temperature and her cold hands formed a huge contrast.

"There's a car in the back that has been following us since we came out. Drive fast and get rid of him."

LAN Yue is right. Guan Xiaoxiao also sees the suspicious gray Mercedes Benz following them.

She stepped on the accelerator and sped up the car, which had disappeared before she got to the hospital.

LAN Yue walked into the hospital not long after he felt that he was weak, and soon even had no strength to walk.

Today, there are so many people in the hospital. Guan Xiaoxiao helped LAN Yue and looked at the long queue in front of him. He was extremely anxious.

"I knew I wouldn't come to the hospital, so it's better to go back to see a private doctor. Otherwise, I'll call Dr. mu. He must know the people in the hospital and ask him to arrange it? "

"No, everyone is in line here. It doesn't matter if I wait a moment. Besides, I didn't tell Muning about my discomfort?"

"Well! Then I'll line up here. You go there and have a rest. "

Let LAN Yue go to the waiting room to have a rest, and Guan Xiaoxiao stands in line for registration.

Suddenly, a hand across her in front of her, she raised a delicate face, eye is a familiar face, standing in front of him the man looks handsome and sunny, but inside is disgusting and disgusting.

I didn't expect to meet her ex boyfriend Lin Feng in the hospital. Guan Xiaoxiao's face was completely cold. She held her arm and said, "how can you be here?"

"Of course, I came to see you. I wanted to ask you for dinner, but you didn't answer my phone all the time. I had to stay at your company."

Lin Feng once again looks at Guan Xiaoxiao at such a close distance. She has a delicate and beautiful baby face, which is not amazing. However, the more she looks, the more she looks, the more attractive she looks. She is more suitable to be a wife than those who are dressed up in a demon.

If he had not met Qi Yingying, he would have married Guan Xiaoxiao.

Looking back on the women she has been in contact with over the years, Lin Feng still thinks Guan Xiaoxiao is the most suitable one for herself, not to mention he is Guan Xiaoxiao's first , the fastest update of the webnovel!