Chapter 98

"Xiaoxiao, you've opened your own company now. It's really different from before. You've got more temperament and more perfect."

Lin Feng is good at sweet talk, with his handsome appearance, ordinary women are hard to resist him.

But Guan Xiaoxiao, who had suffered a loss here, was not moved and couldn't help sneering, "so it's you who are following me today. I've made it very clear to you before. Since you betrayed me, I hate you to the bone. You are now with "Xiaoxiao, you have opened your own company. If it's different from before, it looks more temperament and more perfect."

Lin Feng is good at sweet talk, with his handsome appearance, ordinary women are hard to resist him.

But Guan Xiaoxiao, who had suffered a loss here, was not moved and couldn't help sneering, "so it's you who are following me today. I've made it very clear to you before. Since you betrayed me, I hate you to the bone. Don't you think it's funny that you're reuniting with me now? "

"Xiaoxiao, you are not such a stubborn person. Don't do this. There are so many people watching here. Let's find a quiet place to talk about it."

"I have nothing to say to you. You'd better get out of my sight at once."

"I can go now, but you must come over for dinner in the evening. Your parents are also here. I have taken them over."

"Lin Feng, are you cheap?"

After listening to Lin Feng's words in her ear, Guan Xiaoxiao was hysterical, and his anger was surging up.

Lin Feng in order to reunite with her, it can be said that there is no use for it, even from his parents.

"Xiaoxiao, whatever you say about me now, I believe that over time you will find my good intentions." Lin Feng was scolded by Guan Xiaoxiao, his face turned white, but he was still warm and whispered: "you know, I never lack women around me. What do I ask you to compound with me for? It's not because I think you are more suitable for me than they are."

Since this is the case, why do you want to hurt Qi Yingying one and three again after engagement?

"You go! Let me go, let my parents go. I don't want to have anything to do with you

"I won't give up. Xiaoxiao, you can think about it again. Marrying me is definitely your best choice. The consistent feeling you want doesn't exist at all. I made a mistake once, so I know how to cherish... "

Lin Feng has a pair of good-looking eyes. He looks serious, just like when he confessed with Guan Xiaoxiao. This kind of tension and attention doesn't seem to be put on.

Have to admit, at this moment, Guan Xiaoxiao's heart is shaken.

"Ah! Someone over there has fainted

"Doctor! There's an emergency patient here! "

All of a sudden, the noise in the hospital hall became quiet. There were people calling for help in the waiting room, and many people gathered around.

Guan Xiaoxiao doesn't care about Lin Feng to follow him. He sees the blue Yue who is held out from afar.


Guan Xiaoxiao exclaimed and hurriedly followed.

LAN Yue's constitution is weak. She can't endure the overwork in the past few days. Her illness was much more serious than she had imagined. After being sent to the emergency room for examination, she was found to have pneumonia.

Looking at the doctor's first aid to LAN Yue, the nurse comes in and out, Guan Xiaoxiao is outside, feeling very uncomfortable.

This time, LAN Yue was implicated by her.

"I've just checked with a director I know at the hospital and arranged the best doctor and the best ward for your friend."

Just as Guan Xiaoxiao was blaming himself, Lin Feng came back with the bill and some food in his hand. No matter how Guan Xiaoxiao drove him away, he insisted on staying and helping.

Looking at Lin Feng's forehead with sweat, Guan Xiaoxiao droops his eyelids and shakes the streamer of light under his eyes. Once upon a time, in her most helpless time, Lin Feng is also with her side.

"I'll go to the hotel and tell your parents in case they don't worry, and I'm sorry to take them over without your permission."

See Guan Xiaoxiao tardy did not speak, Lin Feng also did not force, turned to leave the hospital.

"Yueyue, how are you?"

After Lin Feng left the hospital, Guan Xiaoxiao went into the ward to guard LAN Yue, who was out of danger. LAN Yue finally woke up after hanging two bottles of drip.

"Don't let Munin know. I don't want to trouble him any more."

She laboriously opened her eyes, lifted her hand and took off the ventilator. She whispered to Guan Xiaoxiao and quickly fell asleep.

The reason why she didn't want to trouble Munin was entirely out of guilt.

Because of the brand crisis, she insisted on staying to help, which has delayed Muning's return to the United States. If they knew that she was ill, then their return time would be delayed.

"It's natural for her husband to take care of her sick wife. Why does Yueyue say she doesn't want to trouble doctor mu? Is there a problem between them? "

Accompanying lanyue's bedside, Guan Xiaoxiao is suspicious. In other people's eyes, LAN Yue and Mu Ning's feelings are good enough to be enviable. However, after observing for so many days, she always feels that they are too respectful to each other.While getting up to pour some hot water back, he patted himself on the head. Guan Xiaoxiao told him not to think nonsense. She has not dealt with her own affairs well, and she is in the mood to speculate on their husband and wife's feelings.

Muning received three patients with myocardial infarction in the town of Haicheng. In order to arrange treatment and operation for them, he temporarily stayed in a country hotel.

Therefore, it's very simple to conceal LAN Yue's illness from him. Guan Xiaoxiao has been working on it. Mu Ning doesn't know about LAN Yue's illness.

But on the third day, Guan Xiaoxiao was completely flustered after receiving the notice from LAN Yue's attending doctor.

Lanyue, who had been in a coma for two days, did not get better. Instead, she continued to deteriorate and entered the rescue room again.

At ten o'clock in the morning, LAN Yue, who had been in the rescue room for more than an hour, was not out of danger because of lung infection. Guan Xiaoxiao told Nick about the situation, and Nick immediately told Muning about it.

In a small hospital in the county with poor conditions, Muning in a spotless white coat walked through the corridor, and his clean and dusty face attracted countless eyes.

He stood at the window with a cold look and a stern tone. He could not hide his anxiety between his eyebrows. "They don't know Yueer's physical condition at all. It's a mess Nick, arrange for yue'er to be transferred immediately, and I'll go back now! "

"Well, I'll do it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Muning's fist on his side tightened a little, and the anger spread on his soft face.

He seldom gets angry, but at this moment, anyone can see his anger.

Back to his temporary department, Muning took off his white coat and quickly packed up his luggage, which surprised people passing by the window.

"Doctor mu, what are you doing?"

"Xiao Wang, please tell the dean that there is something urgent in my family and I have to leave now."

Muning frowned and told a doctor in the hospital that he was about to leave immediately.

Soon the Dean knew the situation and rushed to stop it.

"Doctor mu, are you going now? But we are all ready for the operation in the afternoon. If you leave, none of us can complete the operation here! "

"I'm sorry, the operation has to be rescheduled, or I'll arrange someone else to come and do it for me when I get back."

Even if the Dean came forward, Muning with the luggage bag did not change the meaning of the decision.

The Dean looked at Muning's cold face and frowned. He was a little disappointed because he didn't expect that he would be such an irresponsible doctor.

What kind of personal matters can be more important than patients?

The president couldn't stop Mu Ning, but mu Ning didn't go out of the hospital. The family members of the patients who had the operation in the afternoon learned that the experts were going to leave, so they quickly arrived at the gate of the hospital.

"Please, doctor mu, you can't ignore my old man! My old man is waiting for your help

"You must finish the operation for my father before you leave. Our family will be grateful for your great kindness."

Looking at the dark and ragged family in front of him, Mu Ning pursed his lips, and his eyes were dim.

The patient's family conditions are very poor, they can not afford the operation costs, if it was not for the arrival of Munin, they would have given up treatment.

In their opinion, there are top experts like Muning who come to perform free surgery for patients, just like pie in the world. If Munin leaves, who will operate for free?

"Sorry, I have to go today."

The gentle doctor Mu became very cold and strange at the moment. The family members of the patient were staring at him, unable to speak for a long time.

The patient's wife wept and almost fell to the ground, while the patient's son and daughter-in-law bowed their heads in sorrow and guilt.

They can't blame Munin for leaving. They can only blame them for their inability to pay for their families.

"Doctor mu, can't you wait a second? At least after the operation, you can see how sad the patient's family is. "

"Yes! For you, the patient's operation is so unimportant, thanks to you are still an internationally renowned expert. In the name of your own, you should do well in your own name, not in the beginning. "


Soon, there are two male doctors for the patient to stand up, blame Muning is not.

The atmosphere suddenly became more dignified.

Seeing this, the old Dean stepped forward and wanted to get rid of the encirclement. "That doctor mu, I believe you must have a reason to leave. But can you tell us what is the reason for you?"

Muning did not answer, but dropped his eyes and left the hospital under the gaze of the public.

"What a man! This is Thanks to his expertise, he is so irresponsible. "

"People think they are experts, they don't take patients seriously."


Muning left without looking back. The president was very embarrassed, and other people also had a questioning attitude towards Muning.

Driving back to Haicheng, Muning is holding the steering wheel. It is a little late. The lights on both sides of the highway shine on his face. His thin eyelids are as light as wax, covering his quiet eyes.He never disdains to explain anything, because in his heart, nothing is more important than LAN Yue.

"What are you doing here? Inside is our young lady! "

"Get out of the way!"

In Muning has not yet returned to Haicheng City, Nick, who has arranged for LAN Yue to transfer to another hospital, is in trouble.

Qi Yanjun, who knows the news of LAN Yue's illness from nowhere, appears in the hospital with Li Yiyao, trying to drive out Mu Ning's people and control the whole situation.

The bronze complexion Nick's whole body's muscle all tenses, glares in front of two men who look provocative.

"Kindly remind you, this is Haicheng. If you want to get the best treatment for the women in it, you'd better follow my arrangement."

"No, just how can the Qi family be compared with the lance family. Besides, our young master is a doctor himself. He will come here soon. You should leave here quickly, so that I don't want to start. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!