Chapter 99

Nick knows who Qi Yanjun is, but he doesn't pay any attention to it.

Li Yiyao is infuriated by Nick's words, but Qi Yanjun smiles instead of anger. His mouth is full of evil charm.

"The lance family is really powerful, but it's a pity that your young master is just a chess piece of the Lansi family, but I am the real power holder of Qi family. There are essential differences between him and me."

Qi Yanjun's words, Nick's pupil shrank instantly, a trace of killing from his face.

"What do you know?"

"I don't know anything. I'm not interested in your lance family. But I have to see the woman inside today, so get out of my way

"Everyone can see the young lady, but you can't

Nick's stubbornness made Qi Yanjun lose patience. He patted Li Yiyao on the shoulder, and his voice was cold and deep.

"Yiyao, he will trouble you to solve it."

"Qi Shao, you go first. I'll stop him."

This is the hospital. No one wants to do it, but both sides are ready to move.

Li Yiyao is the king of special forces who has experienced a lot of battles, while Nick is the best bodyguard of the lance family. The two men are not equal in gas field.

Nick wants to hold Qi Yanjun, who wants to leave for the ward, but is clamped by Li Yiyao. Outside, the dark guard of Lansi's family and the people brought by Qi Yanjun also fight with each other.

He didn't care about the consequences of the fight between the two sides outside. Qi Yanjun only cared about the people in the ward.

"Xiao yue'er, you can't let me worry."

Walking into the ward, she saw LAN Yue, who was weak. Her condition was under control for a while, but it would take a long time for her weak body to recover.

After hanging anti-inflammatory water, she woke up, but her spirit was not very good. Even if she was very surprised, she could not make too many expressions.

"If you don't let me worry, you can't do anything stupid."

Qi Jun's eyes, which are white and white, are ignored by her.

The slightly cool temperature rubbed her slightly scalded skin, and blue Yue's lax eyes focused on Qi Yanjun's face again.

He looked down at her, or that beautiful face, slightly picked Phoenix eyes staring at her, as if to see through her.

"I meant to let you go, but now I've changed my mind."

No matter whether LAN Yue has listened to it or not, Qi Yanjun says what he wants to say.

At last, the soft, blue pupils of her body made her feel numb.

His face burned even redder.

What does Qi Yanjun want to do? Or is she confused and dreaming now?

LAN Yue now only hates that she doesn't have the strength to sit up, otherwise she will push away the face in front of her.

"From now on, I'll take over all of you again."

He gently plucked away her scattered hair on her cheek and whispered in her ear.

"Stay away from her."

At this time, the door came to the gentle male voice, Mu Ning rushed back, went straight to Qi Yan Jun in front of him, did not let him close to LAN Yue again.

After a deep look at the Mu Ning in front of him, Qi Yan Jun's corners of the mouth hook up a vicious radian.

His thick eyelashes set a pair of dark eyes more profound, his eyes are not the same as before, Muning found this, eyes turned dark.

"First of all, I have to admit that you or the LANs family behind you are really powerful. I spent five years without finding yue'er. You hid her very well. But now I want to tell you that I have made up my mind to ask her to stay

"She's my wife, the young lady of the lance family. Why do you let her stay?"

Muning frowned and looked at the blue Yue lying on the hospital bed. A woman like her needs protection, but he doesn't think that men other than herself can do this well, especially Qi Yanjun.

"Just three days ago, I finally knew the secret between you."

"Bang bang!"

Outside the ward downstairs, from time to time came the sound of fighting. Qi Yanjun's men and the guards of the Lansi family were still fighting. It seemed that it was difficult for the two sides with equal strength to win.

Different from the noise outside, the quiet ward atmosphere is dignified.

Mu Ning, who has always been indifferent and gentle, pulled Qi Yanjun's collar. The frameless glasses on the bridge of his nose fell to the floor beside his feet, and his half squinted eyes twinkled with cold light.

At this moment, Muning looks sinister, different from ordinary people.

"What do you know?"

"I know a lot, but I am most interested in the marriage agreement between you and LAN Yue. I knew from the beginning that your marriage was a deal, but I didn't realize it was so unfair to her. "

Qi Yanjun pushes Mu Ning's hand aside and stops by the bed. His deep eyes fall on LAN Yue's body again.Although LAN Yue is awake, she is wearing a breathing mask and can't make a sound. She looked at the two men in the room, her eyes brimming with sadness.

Since LAN Yue and his wife returned to China, Qi Yanjun has been investigating the fact that Lan Yue married Muning in foreign countries for the past five years. Some time ago, he had already made an appearance, but because of the accident in Rong's family, he had to transfer his staff back, and the investigation was interrupted for a time.

Recently, he spent a lot of money and finally got the clue. In addition, he had a talent brain different from ordinary people. He quickly guessed the truth.

"At the beginning, I misunderstood Yueyue and made her sad to leave. I had nothing to say. But you took her away, but you pushed her into another pit of fire. For you, the United States is in great crisis. I will never let her go back with you. "

Qi Yanjun's attitude is firm, but what he said makes Muning have nothing to say.

At the beginning, his marriage with LAN Yue was indeed an unfair deal. He gave her freedom at the cost of risking her life at any time.

The cause of all this began with the internal struggle of the lance family.

The lance family is a secret and brilliant family. Even the lance family can't say how much capital they have. In its heyday, the leaders of the lance family were able to respond to each other all over the world.

But the inheritance system of this huge and mysterious family is very cruel, because there is only one successor in the end. After the succession of each generation is established, the remaining successor candidates and their wives and children will be secretly executed by the family.

Therefore, it is inevitable that brothers of each generation of lance family kill each other, especially in the Muning generation. There are three brothers above Muning. The three brothers were born of a proper wife, while Muning was born to a father and a lover.

Since childhood, Muning was the target of three brothers' pursuit. Out of pity, Muning's father always sent people to protect Mu Ning's mother and son. Mu Ning had no intention to inherit the LANs family. When he became an adult, he lived with his mother in Haicheng. Until his mother died of illness, he began to contact his father.

"Five years ago, when my father was in poor health, the lance family began to choose a new successor. As an illegitimate child, I became the first to be removed by the three brothers. In order to survive, I had to participate in the struggle for the position of heir. "

"The candidates of the lance family must be married and have children, so you want to marry Yueyue?"

Mu Ning told Qi Yanjun what happened five years ago. What he said was similar to what Qi Yanjun had guessed.

When it comes to five years ago, Muning's face is full of guilt.

"At the beginning, if I gave up participating in the struggle for the successor, then I would definitely die. Yue'er knew this and helped me without hesitation. I thought I could protect them as long as I became the heir, but it wasn't as simple as I thought

Two of Muning's three brothers died together, and the remaining one was also assassinated by Muning. Finally, Muning became the last successor of the lance family, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

However, his illegitimate son's identity is completely Oriental. As the leader of the lance family, Muning can't convince everyone. Therefore, he is still under surveillance all the time, and sometimes some dissidents want to assassinate him.

"As far as I know, you were soft hearted at that time and didn't kill all your brother's family members. This not only aroused the dissatisfaction of the elders of the lance family, but also left a disaster for yourself."

Qi Yanjun obviously knew more than Mu Ning imagined. He was holding his thin lips and squinting his long and narrow Phoenix eyes, looking sarcastically at Mu Ning.

In his opinion, Muning is just a puppet of the lance family, and he is still in danger. LAN Yue will undoubtedly be in danger when he goes back with him.

See Mu Ning hang thin almost pale eyelids silent, Qi Yan Jun borrow to say.

"Your elder brother has a son who is young, but he is very resourceful. He is determined to avenge his father and replace you. He has the support of some elders of the lance family."

"Yes, you know a lot. Although yue'er will be in danger if she goes back with me, it will be more dangerous for her to stay here. They know that if they can't move me, they will turn to Yueer and her son. It is the safest thing for them to stay with me

Mu Ning looks calm and does not hide anything from Qi Yanjun.

Because he knew that if Qi Yanjun stopped him, it would not be so easy for him and LAN Yue to return to the United States.

"I don't think it's safest for them to stay with you. I can also protect them, and do you think she can go back with you now?"

LAN Yue's pneumonia caused by overwork and high fever is very serious. What she needs most now is rest, and her condition may deteriorate at any time when she returns to the United States.

The sunlight outside the window stretched Qi Yanjun's figure very long. Muning could not feel the slightest temperature in the half light.

His face was too clear and warm, and his eyes were empty.

Qi Yanjun is right. Yue'er is really not suitable to go back with him now. However, the young man who was once soft hearted is now plotting his own power in the United States. If he does not go back to stop him, the consequences will be unimaginable.It may be a good choice to leave LAN Yue's mother and son in Haicheng and give it to Qi Yanjun for protection. He can also deal with his eldest brother's children when he returns to the United States.

Mu Ning's hesitant look on his face, Qi Yan Jun's eyes, a touch of light in his face flash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!