Chapter 107

Xu miaoyong's voice dropped, Rong Xiuyuan hung his small head and said nothing.

Tears were swirling around his eyes, and he was afraid that everyone would not like him.

"Xiuyuan, you have to figure out whether you want to listen to me. If people don't like you, they will leave you forever like your old parents

Xu Miaolong's eyes and eyebrows are elegant, and she has the unique gentleness of Jiangnan women, but her eyes are too cool and thin.

Once she wanted to sincerely raise Rong Xiuyuan, but now Rong Xiuyuan can only become her weapon to defend her own interests.

Staring at Rong Xiuyuan's shoulder sobbing because of helplessness, Xu Miaolong looks indifferent. Don't blame her. You can only blame Qi Yanjun and LAN Yue.

At this time, the study on the second floor, the atmosphere is completely different, the laughter is constant, the IQ is very high, the tutor and good LAN Chenhao is very liked by Qifu.

"I grew up in a foreign country when I was young, and my calligraphy is so good!" Qifu, who is fond of literature, praises LAN Chen Hao's words. "This year, Haicheng held a children's calligraphy competition, and asked me to be a judge. I think Haohao is definitely the best of his peers."

"He is really talented. He played chess with me for a while yesterday, and his level is not bad."

There is another man in the study. This man is Yun Fang's cousin, Dong Jun, who is also a businessman. He comes to Haicheng to do business these days, and he lives in Qi's house by the way.

"I didn't expect that you would be sent to the old lady's home again

"Haohao just stayed with us for a while, and his parents took him away after a while."

Although Qi Fu is calm and rigorous, he likes children very much. There is no lack of regret in his words.

Dong Jun has a two-year-old granddaughter, and at the beginning of the year he had a grandson. Qi Fu and Yun Fang are older than him, but they have not enjoyed the family happiness of their grandchildren. It is hard to avoid feeling sorry.

"Then let Yan Jun and his wife give birth to a baby and get married for a long time. If they don't want children, they will be criticized."

"The times are different now. Their young people are in charge of their own affairs, and our elders can't get in touch."

Dong Junyuan wanted to comfort Qifu, but the words stabbed him in his mind, which made him feel embarrassed.

Without realizing it, LAN Chen Hao practiced calligraphy with great interest. The verses written on Xuan paper were easily picked up and praised by Qi Fu and Dong Jun.

Outside the door that was not closed, Xu miaolung led Rong Xiuyuan's hand through. Two people heard the sound coming from inside and stopped.

Xu miaolung means to point to pull the arm of Xiuyuan, motioning him to look at the door, where blue Chen Hao is surrounded by two adults, full of confidence.

"Xiuyuan, do you remember what mom told you? Do you understand now

Xu miaolung takes Rong Xiuyuan away from the study and walks through the long corridor. She whispers softly to Rong Xiuyuan.

Rong Xiuyuan listened, beautiful eyes dark, he nodded solemnly.

"I won't play with him any more. He's very bad. He came to my house and robbed my grandparents of their love for me."

"Well, you will not be good friends with him after Xiuyuan. You should regard him as your enemy."

Standing in front of the antique hollowed out window at the end of the corridor, the scenery in the courtyard is beautiful. Xu miaolung puts her hair disordered by the wind behind her head and trims her delicate eyebrows. Her black eyes are shining.

Her hand touched her face, which was cool and cool, and the corners of her mouth drew a cool and thin arc.

In order to stay here, she has to do everything she can.

As the sun sets and the street lamps are on, Qi's old house is shrouded in a warm color.

"Elder sister, this wine was brought out from Miao village by a friend of mine. It has a good effect. After a while, at the dinner table, I'll give the banquet husband and wife a drink. You'll help a little bit, all in order to let you have your grandson early. "

In the living room of the old house, Dong Jun pulls Yunfang aside and mysteriously takes out his wine hidden in the trunk.

Yunfang looked at the wine in her cousin's hand. Her eyes were bright. The transparent liquid was suffused with light luster under the light, and deer antler and other tonics were deposited at the bottom.

"Jun, is this wine safe? Are there any side effects? "

"Cousin, don't worry. There will be no side effects. Men in Miao village often drink it."

Dong Jun patted his chest to guarantee that he and Yunfang looked at each other with a smile.

At the dinner table, Qi Yanjun didn't notice the abnormality. He drank two cups in a row, and Qifu also wanted to have a drink, but was stopped by Yunfang.

"Xiaoyuan, after dinner, let's go and play in the yard for a while."

"I'm not going!"

Blue Chen Hao behaves very well in Qi's house, he whispers with Rong Xiuyuan who is sitting beside him in a low voice, but he didn't expect that Rong Xiuyuan simply refused him and turned his face in the past.

Some lose ground low head, blue Chen Hao does not know Bai Rong Xiu Yuan why suddenly ignore him.

Sitting on the left of Rong Xiuyuan, Xu miaoyong glanced at the blue Chen Hao and hooked the corner of his mouth."Xiuyuan, are you finished? I'll take you upstairs to wash. You're tired of practicing calligraphy these two days. Go to bed early today! "

"Miao Rong, Xiuyuan will give it to Mrs. Wu today. You can go back to your room in a moment. My mother wants to tell you something."

Xu miaoreng plans to take Rong Xiuyuan upstairs, but Yunfang stops her as usual.

"I'll send Xiuyuan upstairs first and then go back to my room."

Although very surprised, but Xu miaoyong still obediently do.

On the other side of the dining table, Dong Jun is still pouring wine to Qi Yanjun. Yunfang takes the opportunity to call Qi Fu away and explain the situation to him. He asks him to take LAN Chen Hao back to his room to create opportunities for Qi Yanjun and Xu miaolung.

After everyone else went upstairs, Qi's old house was very quiet tonight. The big European clock in the corner made a tick tick tick sound, which made Qi Yanjun feel inexplicably upset and irritable.

After drinking a bottle of wine, the servant came to clean up the table. Qi Yanjun was leaning against the dining chair. Under the light, his waxy thin eyelids were covered with a slight crimson color.

His long, dense eyelashes covered his dark pupils, and his eyes were a little lax at the moment.

Untied two shirt buttons, Qi Yanjun pinched his eyebrows, "is the temperature of the air conditioner at home higher today? Why is it so hot

"This is the normal reaction of young people after drinking wine, or I'll take you back to your room for a bath first?"

"It's OK. I'll just go by myself."

Qi Yanjun pushed Dong Jun's outstretched hand, stood up according to his temple, and walked upstairs with slightly drunk eyes.

Worried that Qi Yanjun went to the guest room upstairs, Yunfang immediately followed up. After going upstairs, she helped the comatose Qi Yanjun to the master bedroom on the second floor.

The door opened, standing in the room Xu miaoyong unknown, so, see Qi Yan Jun, her expression is delicate.

Seeing Xu miaoyong standing there, Yunfang frowned, lowered her voice, and sighed helplessly, "Yan Jun has drunk a lot of wine today. Come and help him a little."

Xu miaolung hesitantly looks at Qi Yanjun, whose angular face is more profound and white under the light, and his Phoenix eyes are half open and half closed, which makes him not look as cold as before.

Feeling Xu miaolung's hand touching his arm, Qi Yanjun pursed the corners of his mouth, but the cool touch made him unable to refuse.

He just felt that there was a fire burning in his body, which made him sweat a layer on his forehead. It was a familiar feeling.

The event five years ago reappeared in front of him again, and a cold color flashed in Qi Yanjun's eyes.

"Go away!"

"Get out of here!"


Bang bang bang bang!

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of smashing things from upstairs, which frightened Yun Fang, who was guarding the next room. She listened for a while, and then came out in a hurry when she heard the sound of slamming the door.

At the door of the next room, Xu miaolung stood with a face of grievance and confusion, and the corners of his eyes seemed to have watery light.

"Miao Rong, what's the matter? Where's the banquet? "

"I don't know what happened to him. Suddenly he got angry with me and smashed something and ran out." Seeing Yunfang's eyes dodging, Xu miaoyong noticed something strange, "Mom, did you hide something from me?"

When Qi Yanjun smashed something, his mood was out of control, and his subordinates didn't show mercy. The floor was smashed and cracked, and there was too much movement. Dong Jun and Qi Fu rushed over.

"Maybe he found out there was something wrong with our wine." Dong Jun patted his head and looked apologetically at Xu miaoyong, who was at a loss and wronged.

Xu miaolung soon understood what was going on. Qi Yanjun was so angry because he thought he had been drugged as he had been five years ago.

"It's just a tonic wine. How can the child Yanjun make such a big noise?"

"Mom, there are some things you don't know. You must think that I have participated in this banquet. In the future, he will be angry with me for this."

Xu miaoreng's delicate willow leaf brow squeezed out a Sichuan character, her face flushed, you can see some anger.

She finally let Qi Yanjun temporarily give up the idea of divorce with her. She didn't want Yunfang to help them. If they didn't explain clearly this time, he would be killed.

"By the way, where are you? Where is he now after drinking

Now Yunfang is only worried about Qi Yanjun's safety. She goes downstairs in a hurry and wants to have a look outside.

It's dark outside. In addition to the winding streetlights, nothing can be seen. Yunfang is in a panic.

In front of the housekeeper downstairs, I saw Yunfang's face pale, and quickly told her where Qi Yanjun was going, "the second young master got on a taxi at the door and left."

"It was a taxi. It scared me to death, as long as I didn't drive by myself."

Knowing that Qi Yanjun did not have a wine rack, Yunfang breathed a long sigh of relief.

On the other hand, Xu miaoyong is still frowning. Some guilty Dong Jun sees this and hastens to comfort him.

"Don't worry. When you come back tomorrow, I'll explain it to him clearly. It won't affect your husband and wife's feelings."

Although he said that, after Xu miaoyong left, Dong Jun patted Qifu on the shoulder thoughtfully."According to the reaction of today's banquet king, their husband and wife haven't had children for such a long time. Maybe it's not physical problems, but emotional problems."

"My two sons are more stubborn than the other, and I can't help it."

Under the night sky, the taxi stopped at the door of the hospital. Qi Yanjun, wearing a thin shirt, got out of the car. His thin cheek was covered with unnatural flushing.

He got out of the car and did not walk a few steps before he was watched by a man.

Step by step, the man walked towards Qi Yanjun. Unconsciously, the lights around him were dim. , the fastest update of the webnovel!