Chapter 108

All of a sudden, the light of the flashlight shone on Qi Yanjun's face, and he subconsciously raised his hand to block his eyes.

The person who came to him was the security guard of the hospital. Qi Yanjun appeared at the door of the hospital in the middle of the night, and his body was full of alcohol, which inevitably made the security guard feel suspicious.

"Send someone over. There's a drunk at the door. Come and help me get him away."

Looking at Qi Yanjun, he was drunk by the alcohol on his body. The security guard immediately took out the walkie talkie to call on his companion.

It was too dark at night and the light at the door of the hospital was old. Qi Yanjun couldn't see the other side's face clearly. He only felt that the flashlight in front of him was too dazzling.

The next second, the security guard did not know what was going on, and the whole person was thrown to the ground.

The ground was very cold, and the security suit was soon wet with dew. The security guard watched Qi Yanjun step over him.

"Damn it! There is such a thing

The security guard, who was born as a soldier, didn't expect that he would be knocked down by a drunk. He swore, stood up, patted the ashes on his body, and angrily patted Qi Yanjun on the shoulder, and stopped him in a bad tone.

"Who are you, I say? What do you come to the hospital in the middle of the night? You look so lively that you didn't come to see a doctor, did you? "

Qi Yanjun didn't pay any attention to him. He only felt the heat was severe, but his head was blank. He even forgot what he was doing in the hospital.

"Did you hear me talking to you? You'd better call the police now, or I'd better stop now! "

"Well, are you really drunk or fake drunk? Are you deaf? "


The security guard kept on saying in Qi Yanjun's ear that he wanted to delay time, and that his companion came to him. After being knocked down, he was sure that he could not deal with the drunken man with extraordinary skill in front of him.

"What do you do? Stop

The hospital soon had two patrolling security guards with electric wands, and went directly to try to hold Qi Yanjun.

But the result was not what they expected. They didn't even see Qi Yanjun's face clearly, so they were caught by their arms.

Qi Yanjun's strength is very strong, and the two security guards can't get rid of them. The former guard wants to take the opportunity to lock his throat, but keenly, Qi Yanjun kicks him open.


Three wails, the other two security guards were caught by Qi Yanjun, forced to collide, two people's heads collided, a burst of dizziness after no strength.

After dealing with the three security guards, the cool wind at night brushed his thin cheek, and some of his body heat was taken away.

Late at night, Qi Yanjun played three more security, swaggered into the hospital, straight to LAN Yue's ward.

"Sir, it's not visiting time. How did you get in?" Xiao Yu, the night nurse, leaned on the rest chair outside the ward and fell asleep. Suddenly, she felt that she had two eyes looking at herself. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Qi Yanjun.

Qi Yanjun's eyes were a little red and half squinted, giving people a sense of danger.

He didn't open his mouth, the light wine gas floated, and he did not make a sound, even more terrifying.

Xiaoyu suddenly panicked and wanted to ask for help around. The hospital corridor is empty, only cold air from the exhaust fan, the atmosphere is cramped to the extreme.



"What's your name?"

Qi Yanjun has a black line. He has forgotten which ward LAN Yue is in. He originally wanted to ask the little nurse. Who knows he was just about to open his mouth, the little nurse yelled.

Impatiently raised eyebrows, Qi Yanjun rubbed his ears and made a hiss at the little nurse.

"Shut up!"

"Security! Come here

Qi Yanjun's spirit of wine is very high, because the medicinal liquor he drinks has a strong taste. In fact, he has lost a lot of drunkenness now.

But the little nurse smelled the wine on his body, and could not see his face clearly in the half light, so she regarded him as a drunken man who broke into the hospital.

The three security guards outside have been knocked down by Qi Yanjun, and they can't catch up with them now.

"What's the matter, Xiao Yu?"

The door of the ward behind Xiaoyu is opened. LAN Yue, who is thin and thin, sticks out her head and holds a stick tightly.

"A man broke in!"

The man in front of him is tall and gives a strong sense of oppression. When he hears his voice, he comes over. LAN Yue is also a little scared, holding the stick and sweating.

When the man approached, she hit him in the head without thinking about it.

The stick was blocked by his arm. The man's voice was low and could not hide his anger. "Raise your head and see who I am."

LAN Yue looked up, near the ward, the light was on. Qi Yanjun was staring at her, and she could see his face.

Seeing LAN Yue recognizing himself, Qi Yanjun reached out and took the stick from her hand and threw it on the ground. When she responded, the whole person had risen from the air and was held horizontally by him and put back on the bed.He put his slender hand on her knee to keep her from moving, then pulled over the quilt to cover her.


A black dragon let blue Yue for a long time difficult to recover, she did not understand the big night of Qi Yan Jun come to do.

But the next second, Qi Yan Jun's action let her board up a face. After that, not only did he lie down beside her, but she was trapped by her body.

"You go down! This bed can't sleep two people. "

Qi Yan Jun's sudden action makes her feel at a loss. LAN Yue's words make her want to smoke her mouth.

Can a bed hold two people so that they can sleep together?

Bitterly spit on his mouth for a while, LAN Yue is struggling to turn over in the quilt, trying to push Qi Yanjun down.

"I don't do anything. I just want to rest with you. I'm drunk."

"It's none of my business if you're drunk. Why do you come here?"

"You can't stop for a moment. You didn't talk so much before."

Qi Yanjun looks affectionate, and his desire is under his eyes. He can only wrap his arms around the quilt outside lanyue, and the whole person pastes it.

He leaned down, his head close to LAN Yue's aftereffect, and his hair fragrance ran into his nose, which made his eyes dark, but his hands pressed on the quilt without any extra action.

LAN Yue felt the hot breath behind her. Her face was red, and she was ashamed and angry, but she couldn't help Qi Yanjun.

After a long struggle, LAN Yue decided that she couldn't get rid of it. LAN Yue gave up. She turned her back to Qi Yanjun and closed her eyes. She just wanted to make him feel bored and leave.

"when we were children, we used to sleep together like this. Do you remember that

"That was before seven, OK?"

"How much do you remember before you were seven?"

Seeing that Lan Yue is willing to talk to himself, Qi Yanjun still raises the corners of his mouth, hoping to disperse his restless desire by chatting with LAN Yue.

"I don't remember very well."

"It doesn't matter if I don't remember. I can tell you slowly."

Qi Yanjun said as he approached lanyue. Her white and delicate skin was in front of her. His thin lips moved. At a distance of several centimeters, he retreated and his kiss did not fall.

The gentle male voice rings in the room, maintaining just the action, Qi Yanjun really solemnly tells LAN Yue what happened when they were a child.

Sleepy idea does not know when to come, eyelids like to start fighting, and when LAN Yue wakes up again, Qi Yanjun has left.

"Miss LAN, was that your husband last night?"


Early in the morning, Xiaoyu, who is in charge of looking after LAN Yue, comes in and changes the hanging bottle on the bed.

Facing Xiaoyu's question, LAN Yue doesn't know how to answer.

"I saw you sleeping in a bed yesterday! But miss LAN, your husband is so strange that he came to see you so late. "

What Xiaoyu said made LAN Yue unable to argue. If she said Qi Yanjun was not her husband, it would be more frightening!

"What's more, the security guard said that yesterday someone injured three security guards and broke into our hospital, but no one has been found. That person should be your husband, right? But don't worry, I didn't say anything. "

"Xiaoyu, he came to see me yesterday. Please don't tell anyone else."

"Well, I see. I promise."

Yesterday, she shared a room with Qi Yanjun, a lonely man and a widowed woman, which inevitably made people fantasize. LAN Yue tried to hide, is worried that if someone recognized Qi Yanjun, the matter will be spread out, it is bound to have an impact on them.

But there is no airtight wall in this world.

Xu miaoyong learned about this at noon the next day. As a well-known lawyer, her brother Xu Tong was very easy to help her investigate such a small matter.

"I went to see the doctor again and again, and said it didn't matter. Did I really think I was a fool?"

Sitting alone in the room, Xu miaolung turned pale with anger.

After Qi Yanjun drank the aphrodisiac medicinal wine, he went to find LAN Yue for the first time. Xu miaolung could not swallow it anyway.

"You wait for me!"

"Mom, blue Chen Hao was called to study by grandfather again."

Xu miaoyong sat in the room sulking. The door was so slender that he put in a small head and pursed his mouth wrongly. Since the blue Chen Hao came, his status in the Qi family plummeted.

"Grandfather these days always like to let blue Chen Hao accompany him, I take the initiative to look for grandfather, grandfather does not seem to like me very much."

"Xiuyuan, you come here, grandfather is not like you, but his attention was blue Chen Hao attracted away."

Xu miaolung leads Rong Xiuyuan into the room, closes the door carefully and holds him open with great sincerity.

"Qi's grandfather can't take all of your children's attention.""What am I going to do?" Rong Xiuyuan didn't understand, and her delicate face was full of depression.

"You want all things to do better than blue Chen Hao, let grandfather they also see your advantages."

Xu Miaolong heard from the servant that Lan Chen Hao was very clever and could do a lot of things. He was a little genius. This was enough to cause a threat.

"But I can't do a lot of things he can..."

Rong Xiuyuan grabs his head and pouts his small mouth depressed.

He is willing to play with blue Chen Hao because he is very powerful and can teach him a lot of things. Even video games are better than him.

Looking at Rong Xiuyuan's depressed face, Xu miaolung shows a trace of disappointment.

Although only one year old, but Rong Xiuyuan is different from blue Chen Hao.

"It doesn't matter. My mother will try to drive him out of Qi's family. But you have to remember, no matter what happens, you will be on my side. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!