Chapter 120

"He is also Muning's child. You didn't recognize him at the beginning. Now he has nothing to do with you."

LAN Yue's attitude suddenly changed, because she thought of a terrible thing.

According to her understanding of Qi family, Qi family will never allow Haohao to live with her and Muning. Sooner or later, they will take Haohao back.

What's more, Haohao is now in Qi's family. The cold idea sweeps through LAN Yue's whole body. She sinks her face and has mixed feelings in her heart.

She must secretly send Haohao back to the United States before Qi's family moves.

"I don't want to hear that from you again, LAN Yue. This is my bottom line. I won't allow my son to call someone else's father."

"What can you do? In the past five years, Haohao has lived with me and Muning, and he will not deny Mu Ning. "

LAN Yue's word for word bumped into Qi Yanjun's eardrum, as if pouring a basin of cold water on him.

He thought he had the best excuse to take care of them, but LAN Yue refused him a thousand miles away.

"But I am his own father."

The rain continued to wash the glass, gathering on the mottled windowsills, and running down the outer walls towards the ground.

The cold wind took away the temperature in the room. Qi Yanjun, who didn't even wear a coat, felt a little cold. He pursed his thin lips and his dark Phoenix eyes were full of disappointment.

"Haohao, but I think I'm happy with you when I know it."

Arrogant as Qi Yanjun, he flattered LAN Yue again and again, not just because he felt guilty, but more because he loved this woman.

But now he felt that the woman in front of him was like a stone, even if it was put in his heart, it was not hot.

Is she really in love with Munin?

Bitter and astringent spread in the corner of Qi Yan Jun's mouth. He looked at LAN Yue with a frown, and got up without saying a word.


Qi Yanjun's hand with expensive watch just touched the door, and blue Yue's urgent voice came from behind.

She sat up with some difficulty, her face appeared anxious color, "you go back do not tell Haohao this matter, you bring him tomorrow, I told him personally."

Qi Yan Jun slightly side face, looked back at blue Yue, is acquiescence.

Looking at the man's thin back disappeared in the door, blue amber eyes swept a trace of strange color, always feel there is something wrong.

At night, the rain was light, Qi Yanjun returned to the old house, the living room of the old house was bright, and everyone was waiting for him to come back.

"Sister Wu, come here with that towel."

As soon as Qi Yanjun entered the door, Yunfang, who met him, exclaimed and found that his thin clothes outside were all wet.

The rain dripped down his trim black hair and scratched his thin cheek. His long eyelashes were wet with water vapor, which made his eyes more deep.

"You silly child, don't you know how to take an umbrella when it rains outside? I also put an umbrella in your car

For the blame of Yunfang, Qi Yanjun, who is in a bad mood, seems to be a little impatient.

He did not pick up the towel that sister-in-law Wu took over, and said faintly, "I go upstairs to take a bath."

"Yan Jun, what's the matter? When you go out, you can see that you are in a good mood. How can you come back like this? "

Qi Fu came over and was surprised.

And cloud Fang frowned, a little mean tone, "must be blue Yue that girl provoked, do not know how they talk about."

"We'll ask him when you come down from the bath."

"I see. I can't wait to meet our grandson." Even though Yunfang doesn't like LAN Yue, she likes LAN Chen Hao's grandson from the bottom of her heart.

"Wait a minute. If you go and say that the child won't believe me, I'm sure I can't accept it for a while. The key is that we don't know what LAN Yue means."

"What is her opinion? The child belongs to our Qi family. Isn't she happy that we don't recognize Haohao? "

For this, Qi Fu helped the gold rimmed glasses on his face and nodded in approval.

"Since it's Yan Jun's flesh and blood, we naturally want to take it back. Dad also means that."

"The happiest thing is the old man. Suddenly he has a great grandson who is five years old. He has been upstairs with Haohao."

Yunfang smiles happily, nestles in her husband's side, has never had the joyful atmosphere in Qi family dizzy dye.

In the second bedroom bathroom in the southwest corner of the building, there is a tall man standing under the shower. His muscle lines are not prominent, but his outline is very clear. His long legs are narrow, his waist is wide and his shoulders are wide. His figure is perfect and thin like a supermodel.

The hot water fascinated his eyes, so he wiped it, turned off the shower next to him, wrapped himself in a bath towel and walked out.

"Why are you here?"

After raising the temperature of the air conditioner in the room, Qi Yanjun threw the remote control on the sofa. Only then did he find that there was an extra person in the room.

He sat idly by the bed and took a look at Xu Miaoyuan.Xu Miaolong saw that his black hair was dripping all the time, and came forward with a smile, "I'll help you clean your hair."

Xu is in a bad mood. Qi Yanjun doesn't refuse Xu miaoyong's approach. He allows her to get close and carefully helps him dry his hair.

Xu miaoreng stood behind Qi Yanjun, her eyes glued to him, and her expression was a little trance. It was a long time ago to see this man for the first time, but she fell in love with her at the first sight.

Xu Miaolong, you fool, where is he worth your paying so much in the past?

"Remember what day it is?"

"Well?" Qi Yan Jun languidly hummed, the light in the room was a little dazzling, he raised his hand to block his eyes.

"Our anniversary."

Xu miaoreng's voice fell, Qi Yanjun suddenly opened his eyes, eyes light incomparable.

Seeing Qi Yanjun's beautiful face, Xu miaolung delicately hooked his lips.

"Just casually, don't be so sensitive. You won't remember this day every year. Don't worry, we won't get divorced in three months. If I want to harass you in the future, I can only call you on the anniversary of divorce. "

Xu Miaolong mentioned that the divorce was so light that Qi Yanjun was at a loss.

He sat up with his eyes on her, his eyes mingled with inquiry and reflection.

"Haohao is your own child. I know about it. When mom and dad are talking in the living room, I overhear it."

"Sorry, I didn't have time to tell you about it."

Qi Yanjun sincerely apologized, and his tone was much softer.

Now LAN Yue is not dead, and their children are living well. Even though Xu miaoyong secretly used a lot of small means, she did not commit any heinous things.

It's really unfair to her that she wasted five years in Qi's family.

"When I announce the divorce, I will explain that I am the wrong party and I will try my best to give you the most compensation."

"No need to. Even if we get divorced, we'll still be friends, aren't we?"

Do you think so

Today, Xu Miaolong makes Qi Yanjun feel strange. She seems to have changed her voice or expression.

In the past, Xu miaoyong was always sensitive and fragile, but at this moment, she calmly discussed the divorce with him.

This kind of feeling, very much like when he began to know her, Xu miaoyong at that time was a natural and generous girl with her own light.

"Of course, I figured it out."

"That's good."

Qi Yanjun lowered his eyelids and took a deep look at Xu miaoyong, who was sitting by the bed. His thin lips showed a slight radian.

Xu miaoreng's performance made him feel relieved. In LAN Yue's place, he held back a lot of unhappiness. If Xu Miaolong had a big fight with him again, he would surely feel broken down.

But now Xu miaoyong's reaction let him breathe a sigh of relief, at the same time, he also appreciated her a little more.

"Now everyone in the family knows about it. I can see that my parents like Haohao. I believe it is not difficult for you to take over LAN Yue after our divorce."

Xu miaolung slightly lowered her head, and her voice was gentle. But in the angle that Qi Yanjun couldn't see, the corner of her mouth raised a trace of cold radian.

"I'll give her an account if she wants to."

Silence for a long time, Qi Yan Jun light mouth, tone mixed with a bit of hesitation and worry.

Today, LAN Yue's reaction really let him down. His tired color flashed through Qi Yanjun's eyes.

The next second, a soft arm on his shoulder, refreshing fragrance from behind, Xu miaolung from the back around his neck.

Without waiting for Qi Yanjun to push her away, Xu miaolung said in a soft voice, "don't be in a hurry to refuse. I know you're tired. It's just an ordinary hug between friends."

Xu miaoreng's fragrance is the smell of her own essential oil. She is very good at flavoring, which has the effect of calming nerves and calming the heart.

This kind of taste made Qi Yanjun confused. After a few seconds of hesitation, he stood up and walked to the door, indicating Xu miaolung to leave.

"Don't think too much, go to bed early! The reality show will start shooting next week, and I will leave Haicheng temporarily. That hug just now is also a departure hug in advance

Don't want Qi Yanjun to have a psychological conflict with himself, before leaving, Xu Miaolong explained again.

Qi Yanjun didn't put it in his heart. He changed his clothes and went downstairs to tell the story of today's blue Yue to the public.

"It's OK. You'll take Haohao to look for her tomorrow. By the way, when she is well, or come home for a while, Haohao's problem always needs to be solved. "

Qi Fu sipped his tea on the sofa and told him anxiously.

Yunfang was more excited at the side. "You have to urge her to banquet Jun. you can't drag on all the time. Who knows what she's thinking in her heart, not to mention she's married to someone else.""It's between me and her, and I'll take care of it."

"By the way, Yan Jun, just now I saw Miao Rong go to your room to look for you. Did you tell her about Haohao?"


Qi Yan Jun nodded, but let Yun Fang and Qi father show surprise at the same time.

Because it's too quiet upstairs. Since I said it, why didn't Xu miaoyong react at all?

"What did you tell her? She didn't make any noise, didn't she?"

"Yueyue didn't die. She knew it for a long time. I had mentioned divorce with her before, and I had already talked with her at that time, so it doesn't make any difference whether Haohao is my child or not. "

Again mentioned the matter of divorce, Qi Yanjun's tone of determination, let Qifu and Yunfang two people a little confused.

"You can't divorce." , the fastest update of the webnovel!