Chapter 121

With a look at Yunfang, Qifu's eyes hidden behind the glasses are very sharp. He speaks with righteous words and opposes the divorce between Qi Yanjun and Xu miaolung.

No one in Qi's family supported Qi Yanjun's divorce.

Divorce twice, for the Qi family, it is really a disgrace to the family.

"What's wrong with Miao Rong's child? You have to divorce her. Now the child has her. Even if she can't accept it now, she will accept Haohao after a long time."

"Your father is right. I think Miao Rong takes good care of her two children. She is also knowledgeable and reasonable. She must be able to accept Haohao. Even if you want to find another one, you may not be able to find one better than her. "

The night was deep, the sky was overcast, and the rain began to drip down again. The servant rushed out of the room to close the window.

The Qi family in the living room fell into a short silence.

Qi Yanjun leaned against the sofa, raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. "Mom and Dad, if I tell you that the reason why I divorced Miao Rong is that I want to marry LAN Yue?"

"Yan Jun, this kind of joke can't be played."

Yun Fang's excited reaction is in Qi Yanjun's expectation. Her brows are locked, her lips are pursed white, and her eyes are sharp as if there are two groups of anger burning.

"I don't approve of it either."

"Dad, are you prejudiced against her, too?" Qi Yanjun seemed to smile rather than smile, and his face turned pale under the light.

Qi Fu even shook his head, "it's not a matter of prejudice. Let's not mention the matter between you and Miao Rong. She has already married someone else. A woman who has been married three times, even if we don't say anything, what will others think of her

"Yan Jun, my parents hope you just talk about it casually. We can't afford this kind of joke."

Yunfang seemed to have been hit. After her anger, she sat down on the sofa, propped up her head, and spoke weakly.

Qi Fu came to her and touched her shoulder to show concern.

Qi Yanjun also wanted to say something, but Qifu gave him a stern look, indicating that he would not go on.

After swallowing the words to his mouth, Qi Yanjun slowly stood up and walked toward the upstairs in a lonely way.

The spacious and luxurious mansion is decorated magnificently. Everyone envies such a life, but few people know that even if they live in such a big house, they may not be able to be happy.

Not long after Qi Yanjun returned to the room, Xu Miaolong came out of her room again. She wore long hair and silk pajamas, and walked slowly to the stairs.

From the second floor to see the sitting room in the Qifu and Yunfang sad look, Xu miaolung eyes flash a smile.

"Xiuyuan, what are you doing here alone?"

Pushing open the door of rongxiuyuan's room, Xu Miaolong glanced at the messy room, went to the bathroom and saw a little boy squatting on the cold floor tiles.

He was only wearing a thin blue bear pajamas. Hearing the sound behind him, he turned his head in a hurry. There were still tears on his white face.

"Who bullied you? Why are you crying? "

Xu miaoreng's eyes flashed a touch of soft color, she bent down to pick up Rong Xiuyuan from the ground and put it on the bed easily.

Rong Xiuyuan is very thin. I don't know whether it's heredity or playfulness. He's grown a little bit in Qi's family for so many days, but his flesh doesn't grow much.

A small face as big as a palm, big eyes as dark as grapes flicker, the appearance of emaciation makes people love.

"Today, everyone is very kind to Haohao. When we eat, we give him vegetables. No No one likes Like me. "

Rong Xiuyuan held Xu miaoyong's arm and sobbed, trying to hold back his tears to keep it from falling from his eyes.

Xu miaoreng's eyes were dark and touched his hairy little head. "How can no one like you? My mother likes to be far away. Even if all people don't like it, mom doesn't like it."

"But I want my grandparents, dad and great grandfather to like me, too."

"So we hope everyone will like you?" Xu miaoreng patiently comforts Rong Xiuyuan, but her beautiful face doesn't have much expression.

"The housekeeper told me that this is my home in the future. This is Xiuyuan's home. My parents and others are Xiuyuan's family."

"Mom told you before, as long as you are good, everyone will like you."

"Mom cheated. Even if I was good, everyone would only like Haohao."

Rong Xiuyuan shook his head desperately and put his tears and snot on Xu miaoyong's shoulder.

Xu miaoreng did not push him away, but her hand was always on her side and did not hold him. After a while, she still spoke so softly.

"So, Xiuyuan doesn't hate Haohao very much?"

Hesitating for a few seconds, Rong Xiuyuan nodded solemnly.

Xu miaolung then held him in his arms. "Since it is so, let mother do something for you before leaving Qi's house."

Xu Miao Rong coaxed Rong Xiuyuan for a long time. Later, she couldn't resist the sleepiness, so she fell asleep with her arms around Rong Xiuyuan.The next morning, Qi Yanjun is going to take LAN Chen Hao to see LAN Yue. Before leaving, he goes into Rong Xiuyuan's room and sees a warm scene.

On the big light blue bed, Xu miaoyong hugs rongxiuyuan. Both of them are sleeping very well and emitting even breathing sound.

Without disturbing them, Qi Yanjun stepped out lightly, and the light of the corridor hit his face. After a sleep, his complexion improved a lot, and his beautiful face became more and more precious.

"It's wonderful to stay up late. They don't have to clean the kitchen. They don't have to wake up in the kitchen. They don't have to clean the room

"Yes, young master."

More than ten minutes later, Qi Yanjun opened the Lamborghini, with blue Chen Hao to the hospital.

Sitting in the back seat of the child seat blue Chen Hao sway legs, low head do not know what to think.

Qi Yanjun went through the rearview mirror and looked at him carefully with a faint smile in his mouth.

The more you look at it, the more you feel like yourself.

"Uncle Qi, why do you often take me to see my mother recently?"

"Kid, don't call me uncle again."

"If you don't call your uncle, what do you call it?"

Blue Chen Hao hang shoulder, low head, secretly toward Qi Yan Jun made a face. This uncle is really troublesome. He can't get along with himself.

After hearing the words of blue Chen Hao, Qi Yan Jun seems to be very happy, and a low smile comes out in his throat.

"Mr. Qi, you are here at last."

Qi Yanjun takes blue Chen Hao into LAN Yue's ward, and finds that there is no one on the bed. It's strange that Xiaoyu, the nurse who is responsible for taking care of blue moon, comes up.

"And LAN Yue?"

"I don't know what happened last night. She called in the middle of the night. I advised her to go to bed, but she didn't listen. As a result, she got worse in the morning and has now been transferred to intensive care unit."

Xiao Yu's voice dropped, and Qi Yanjun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"However, the condition is stable. You should stay in the intensive care unit to continue to observe. Don't worry too much."

"Take me there. I want to see her."

"This According to the regulations of our hospital, family members are not allowed to visit Well, Mr. Qi, where are you going

More than ten minutes later, wearing disinfection clothes qiyanjun has entered the monitoring room, and blue Chen Hao is left outside, can only see through the glass sleeping mother.

Last night, LAN Yue originally wanted to contact Mu Ning and tell him about LAN Chen Hao. He wanted him to send someone to take Haohao back.

Who knows she has been unable to contact Muning, Muning lost contact let her panic.

However, she contacted her friends in the United States for help and was told something even more terrible. It is said that her house and Muning's in the United States have been sold.

Do not know what happened, LAN Yue can only call everywhere for help, under all kinds of anxiety, coupled with the cold weather, she fell ill again.

Sitting beside LAN Yue, Qi Yanjun saw that her face was haggard, and a clear Sichuan character was squeezed out between her eyebrows.

"Why can't you take good care of yourself?"


Qi Yanjun's words in LAN Yue's ear seemed to wake her up. She moved her cracked lips and spit out some vague words.

However, Qi Yanjun could hear the two words clearly. He immediately looked cold, and a little sneer overflowed his mouth.

He immediately got up, and before he got out of the monitoring room, he threw off his gloves and pulled off his disinfectant suit. He was so angry that people didn't dare to get close to him.

"What's the matter?"

Xiaoyu, who is responsible for taking care of LAN Chen Hao, is so smart that she didn't expect Qi Yanjun to leave like this, but LAN Chen Hao is in her hands.

"So angry that you don't want a child?"

"Sister, I want to go in and see my mother, too."

"Little brother, you are too young to go in. My sister will send you to chase your father! He doesn't care how he leaves. "

Xiaoyu is in a daze, hurry to catch up with blue Chen Hao, and blue Chen Hao is reluctant to face.

Qi Yanjun went out directly to the underground garage and sat in his car. Xiaoyu sent LAN Chenhao over. He opened the door with a cold face, grabbed LAN Chen Hao and pushed him into the car.

"I'm not going. I haven't seen mom yet."

See Qi Yan Jun start car ready to leave, blue Chen Hao immediately pounce on the steering wheel, shake his head vigorously.

"Get out of here

"I want to get out of the car!"

"Stay with me!"

Qi Yanjun has been confused by jealousy. He hears Muning's name from his unconscious blue Yue's mouth, and his whole person is blown up.

Thanks to him early in the morning with blue Chen Hao came over, in the mind looking forward to a lot of pictures of three family reunion, but LAN Yue is seriously ill again and she is worried about Muning, which makes him hard to bear his anger.

With him to blue Chen Hao also have no good gas, will blue Chen Hao press in his side, to his random buckle safety belt, Qi Yan Jun stepped on the accelerator directly rushed out of the underground parking garage."Big villain! A liar! You said that you brought me to see my mother, but as a result, you secretly looked at her by yourself, and didn't let me see her at all. "

Blue Chen Hao did not hear Xiaoyu and Qi Yan Jun's conversation, so he did not know that Lan Yue was seriously ill. He simply thought that Lan Yue just changed the ward.

Qi Yanjun forehead of the green tendons jump, bear blue Chen Hao in his side of the uproar, all the way, will he back to Qi home.

"What's the matter, young master? How can Hao put it down? "

Housekeeper comes out to water flowers and plants, just to see Lamborghini leave, blue Chen Hao stands alone in the yard.

Blue Chen Hao Du mouth, to Qi Yan Jun a face disdain.

"He is a great liar! You're such a bad guy that even kids cheat. "

"Oh, my little young master, don't say that, er Shao. He's going to lose his temper. You're going to suffer."

The housekeeper half is a joke half is to frighten ground to lead the small hand of blue Chen Hao, sent him into the room.

In the living room, Yunfang saw LAN Chen Hao come back, happy and smiling, but saw that he did not call his grandmother enthusiastically, the heart was magical. After asking clearly, he knew that although he went to the hospital, LAN Yue did not tell him the truth.

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