Chapter 125

"What are you going to do now? We have already deducted your salary. You must find a way to pay back the remaining money, otherwise we will call the police. "

The foreman saw Lu Yue saying that he didn't have money. He was not happy in his heart. He immediately threatened her with a straight face.

Lu Yue was afraid at first. When she heard that she was going to be sent to prison, she was even more pale. Her voice could not stop shaking.

"Don't call the police. If I do, I will be expelled from school and my parents will kill me." Lu Yue pleaded in a sad voice. Her hand tightly grasped the foreman's arm. Tears blurred her vision. "Foreman, I know you are a good man. Can you help me think of a way."

After pondering for a while, the foreman's eyes fell on Lu Yue's face. Although the girl was a little stupid, she was pure and lovely, which was in line with the appetite of some guests. Before that, many guests asked her in secret.

The foreman touched his chin, grasped Lu Yue's hand and lowered his voice.

"It's not that there's no way out, it's up to you to do it."

"What?" Lu Yue wiped her tears, and her black eyes were staring at the foreman.

The foreman reached her ear with a smile and whispered a few words, but Lu Yue immediately changed her face and shook her head.

"Let me chutai? No way. I have a boyfriend

"I've already pointed out the way. If you don't want chu, how do you plan to pay back the money? Since you have a boyfriend, you can return it to your boyfriend? "

"My boyfriend is in the army, I can't reach him, and he has no money." Lu Yue sobbed and shook her head. Her boyfriend was an orphan and had just come out of school to become a soldier. He was more unlikely to get 60000 yuan.

"Foreman, the manager came here just now. He asked you to tell Lu Yue that if she can't pay back the money today, she won't want to leave here."

A waiter came to convey the club manager's words to the foreman, and threw Lu Yue a sympathetic look before leaving.

For Lu Yue, this moment is just like a big mountain, which makes her breathless.

She leaned against the wall, slid down a little, sat on the ground, hugged her legs and burst into tears.

The foreman saw her thin shoulders shaking and thought that it was not easy for her to be a little girl, so he bent down and gave her an idea.

"Or you go in and beg Qi Shao?"


Qi Yanjun was in a bad mood. He sat on the sofa and drank. Suddenly someone pushed the door in and knelt down in front of him without saying a word.

He shook the rose liquid in his goblet, and glanced at the woman on the ground with his long and narrow eyes. He recognized that he was the waitress who had just knocked over the wine.

To tell the truth, he didn't think this girl who looked down from the beginning hated her, so he spoke patiently.

"What's the matter?"

"Qi Shao, I know that bottle of wine is nothing to you, but to me, it is a bottle of wine with high price. I really can't afford it. They said that if I can't afford it, they will let me Chu station or send me to the police station, so I want to come in and beg you... "

"You overturned the wine, and you should pay for it. What does it have to do with me if you go to prison or Chu channel?"

Qi Yanjun's face is clear and cold. In the dark light, the clear outline of his face is as beautiful as a sculpture.

He always gives people the feeling that he is superior, which makes people can't look directly.

Lu Yue knelt in front of him, with her shoulders drooping, unable to speak. She had knelt down and begged him, but he didn't seem to sympathize with her, which made her despair.

"PATA! Click

One tear after another falls on the floor in front of Qi Yanjun. The bright light refracts a weak light. Lu Yue kneels on the ground and cries, which makes Qi Yanjun feel upset.

"Why didn't you come out when they asked you to? The guests in the club are all rich people. You can get a lot of money if you accompany any of them. Those money will definitely be enough for you to lose a bottle of wine, and it will be more than you think. "

Qi Yanjun suddenly picked up the wine bottle in front of him, opened his eyelids, and glanced at Lu Yue with a smile. His eyes were slightly drunk.

He is really drunk, will want to talk to this strange girl.

"I have a boyfriend and I can't betray him."

"Well, you are a good girl."

Qi Yanjun's sudden question makes Lu Yue confused, and the man in front of him has gone out.

Just as she stood up in despair, Qi Yanjun came back again. He was sitting in front of her, with no waves and no waves on his face. He exuded a noble breath, which made people feel ashamed.

"I just told the foreman that the wine is on my account and you don't have to pay for it."

"Thank you, thank you, Qi Shao!"

At this moment, Lu Yue could hardly believe her ears. She was too surprised and surprised.

In the previous second, she also thought that Qi Yanjun was a hard hearted person, but she didn't expect him to help her so simply."Your name is Lu Yue? I heard the foreman say that you are a student of health school. Why do you come here to work

Qi Yanjun thought he was crazy. Just because I heard the girl's friend call her Yueyue when I entered the door, I was kind to the girl.

He poured himself a glass of wine, took out another empty glass and poured one for the young girl who was pale with fear in front of him.

The man on the opposite side has a pair of very deep and charming eyes. When looked at by these eyes, she almost lost the ability to refuse. She took the glass of wine and took a sip. She told Qi Yanjun the truth about herself.

"It's not suitable for you. I'll arrange another job for you."

"Really?" Lu Yue is not familiar with the world, the mind is still very simple, not to hide the joy of the heart, immediately burst into tears into a smile.


Qi Yanjun arranged for Lu Yue to work as a nurse in the hospital, or to take care of LAN Yue.

Only the nurse named Xiaoyu is in charge of lanyue. However, Xiaoyu has other work in the hospital on weekdays, so she can't look after LAN Yue 24 hours a day.

So Qi Yanjun has always wanted to find someone to let Xiaoyu take care of LAN Yue with her in turn, and Lu Yue is a suitable candidate.

Lu Yue's smile was bright at this time. Qi Yanjun's beautiful and refined face was reflected in her eyes. Her mood was a little complicated.

Why should Qi Shao treat himself so well? Do you like yourself?

Lu Yue is in a complicated mood, but Qi Yanjun doesn't notice her abnormality. She raises her hand and glances at her expensive watch. She leaves the club early and returns to her old house.

But as soon as he got back to his old house, he noticed that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the old house.

"Mom, why are you sitting in the living room with the TV on and staring in a daze?"

The living room of the old house was silent. Yunfang was sitting on the sofa alone with a tired look on her face. She seemed to be distracted all the time. She didn't even notice that Qi Yanjun was back.

Seeing her son, Yunfang sighed deeply and frowned to let Qi Yanjun pass by.

"Yan Jun, how can you come back? You don't know what just happened at home. I'm a lot of years old, but I've broken my heart recently. "

"Mom, tell me what happened first?"

Seeing Yunfang's frown, Qi Yanjun picked her eyebrows helplessly.

"Before you came back, something happened. Xiuyuan fell into the pond at the back of the yard. If not for Miao Rong's presence, he would have been killed."

"Where is he now?"

Learning that Rong Xiuyuan had an accident, Qi Yanjun's face immediately appeared dignified color. Xiuyuan is Rong Yan's child. If something happened to Xiuyuan, how could he explain to Rong Yan.

"Don't worry about it first." Yunfang pulled Qi Yanjun, who was eager to get up, and asked him to sit down and listen to her. She said, "I asked Dr. Zhou to come and see him. It's no big problem. She was a little frightened. Now miaoyong is there to accompany him."

Seeing Yunfang's desire to speak, Qi Yanjun's expression was cold, and he guessed that it was not so simple.

"Mom, tell me the truth. What's going on? How can Xiuyuan fall into the pond?"

"Yes Xiuyuan said it was Haohao who pushed him, but Haohao refused to admit it. "

Yunfang heart is actually partial to blue Chen Hao, but after some inquiry, it is really the fault of blue Chen Hao.

Now blue Chen Hao has been scolded by Qi father, shut into the study to reflect, the reason why Yunfang said with Qi Yanjun is to let Qi Yanjun say a few good words in front of Qifu.

"Yan Jun, you also know that Haohao is a very good child at ordinary times. He certainly didn't mean to push Xiuyuan. It's inevitable for children to be careless. Your father is a real man. He has to shut up Haohao in his study and won't let him eat dinner. He is just growing up and has just arrived at our house. He must be scared. "

"That boy is very sensible. He knows how serious the consequences of pushing Xiuyuan into the pond, so whether he is intentional or unintentional, he must reflect on this matter."

But Yunfang didn't expect that Qi Yanjun didn't favor LAN Chen Hao after listening to him, but his face was more gloomy and cold.

"I'll go up and see him, and I'll ask about it."

He did not care Yunfang, directly frowned, striding upstairs, thin lips pursed a stern arc.

Yunfang looked at Qi Yanjun downstairs and stormed to the study. She secretly called out that it was not good for her. She didn't expect that Qi Yanjun, who had always been very good to LAN Chenhao, would be so serious about this matter.

Blue Chen Hao is shut by Qifu in the study on the second floor. He squats beside the bookshelf alone, with tears in the corner of his eyes and sniffs wrongly.

After coming back, Rong Xiuyuan suddenly asked him to play in the backyard pond. For the matter of insects in the cemetery, LAN Chenhao felt more or less apologetic, so he didn't refuse to agree.

Later, they played on the edge of the pond. Somehow, Rong Xiuyuan slipped into the pond. He was scared. Before he could react, Rong Xiuyuan was rescued again.But after Rong Xiuyuan was rescued, he insisted that he was the one who pushed him. No one at home believed him, and he was wronged.

"Obviously, he slipped down by himself. Why did no one believe me and hate..."

Rong Xiuyuan was mumbling, and suddenly there was a footstep outside the closed door of the study. With a click, the door opened. A tall figure came into his eyes, and his big dark eyes suddenly recovered a trace of hope. , the fastest update of the webnovel!