Chapter 126

"Uncle Qi!"

Blue Chen Hao timidly called, hesitated to go to Qi Yanjun.

Qi Yanjun's face and expression went to him, but he couldn't see the joy and anger. Without waiting for blue Chen Hao to notice that it was not right to shrink back, he caught him in front of himself.

He glanced at the blue Chen Hao from a commanding position, the sound line was cool.

"What happened before I came back? Why did Xiuyuan fall into the pond? Did you push him? "

"I don't have one."

Blue Chen Hao is anxious to cry quickly, in front of Qi Yan Jun again stubbornly purses a mouth.

Qi Yan Jun frowned, took his arm, took him out of the room, "you follow me."

When Qi Yanjun with blue Chen Hao appeared in Rong Xiuyuan's room, Xu miaolung was also present, the room was silent, time seemed to stop at this moment.

Rong Xiuyuan, the whole person shrinks in the quilt, only shows a pair of delicate eyes, looks to the blue Chen Hao, his face shows the color of guilty heart.

Fortunately, Xu Miaolong was standing beside him with a glass of water in his hand, and his face was calm.

Qi Yan Jun pulls blue Chen Hao to the bed of Rong Xiuyuan, releases the hand of blue Chen Hao, he goes forward to touch the forehead of Rong Xiuyuan.

"Is there anything wrong?"

Rong Xiuyuan shook his head and subconsciously looked at Xu miaoyong.

Xu miaoreng throws a complicated look at Rong Xiuyuan and goes forward to pretend to cover his quilt. A hand stealthily pinches his small hand.

"Dr. Zhou looked at it and was sure it was ok, but he was a little frightened."

"I heard from my mother that you saved Xiuyuan? You were there? "

"I was just about to go to the backyard to look for Xiuyuan and Haohao. On the way, I heard the crying of the child. I ran to see Xiuyuan struggling in the water, so I quickly rescued him. Fortunately, Xiuyuan was dressed fluffy and didn't sink for a moment. It was estimated that I would be too late for a moment. It's a good thing that nothing is going on now

Qi Yanjun seems not to listen to Xu miaoyong's words. He once again focuses on Rong Xiuyuan.

"Xiuyuan, you said Haohao pushed you down?"

"Well Don't blame brother Haohao. It's because we're in a mess. Haohao just accidentally pushed me, and I fell into the pond. "

"You're talking nonsense. We didn't make trouble. I didn't push you."

Blue Chen Hao see Rong Xiuyuan wronged himself, angry little face red, agitated fork waist excuse.

And Qi Yan Jun glanced back at LAN Chen Hao, his sharp face showed cold, he scolded in a low voice, "shut up, I didn't ask you."

"Xiuyuan, you tell me, why are you so upset?"

Do not go to see blue Chen Hao aggrieved look, Qi Yan Jun still let Rong Xiuyuan talk.

Rong Xiuyuan, according to Xu miaoyong's words, went to the cemetery, and after that, he tried to admit his mistake.

Under the hint of Xu Miaolong's eyes, he looks at LAN Chen Hao, who is standing beside him. His voice is weak, "brother Haohao, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be angry with you about the bug in the afternoon. I know you didn't mean to..."

"Hum!" Blue Chen Hao wrung Ba brow, dark Mou son stares very round, angry don't go to see Rong Xiuyuan.

He did not know why Rong Xiuyuan said that, but he knew that Rong Xiuyuan did not sincerely apologize to him.

Qi Yanjun observed the expressions of the two children in silence, and his beautiful face showed a trace of sinister color.

Because he is very disappointed with LAN Chenhao's performance. No matter who is right or wrong, he is brave to admit his mistakes. But LAN Chenhao is not as good as Rong Xiuyuan, who is one year younger than him.

"Blue Chen Hao, you come here!"

"What are you doing? Mom said you can't call me this name. "

"Come here!"

Qi Yanjun's patience is limited, he starts again and pulls the blue Chen Hao who does not cooperate with him to the front of Rong Xiuyuan's bed and pats the back of his head.

"Apologize to your brother quickly."

"Why should I apologize? I'm right. " Blue Chen Hao bone is also very stubborn, he glared at all the people present, even though the bottom of his eyes is full of tears, but also do not want to show the grievance.

"And you're right? My patience is limited. You'd better hurry up. "

Qi Yanjun's voice was overcast and his eyes narrowed dangerously. At this moment, everyone could feel his anger.

Xu miaoreng stood behind Qi Yanjun and looked at the scene in silence, with a happy smile on his lips.


Although the small figure shivers in Qi Yan Jun Sen's cold and severe eyes, LAN Chen Hao still refuses to lower his head. He curls up his small fist and admits that he has done nothing wrong.

Qi Yan Jun sees blue Chen Hao a face is stubborn, eyebrow jumps, thin lip tightly purses.

"You're all bullying me. I'm going to tell mom."

Blue Chen Hao eyes piled up two bubble tears, in the orbit of the eye, he was stifled back.

But this sentence of him actually completely ignited Qi Yan Jun's strong pressure to go down the anger, his eyes color a cold, toward the blue Chen Hao raised a big palm.Blue Chen Hao Leng in situ, did not escape the meaning.

Qi Yanjun's blue veins protruded on his forehead, but this slap did not fall down until Xu miaolung came up and held his hand with a smile.

"Yan Jun, calm down."

"Hum!" Qi Yan Jun snorted coldly, but his hand finally declined, but his face was full of disappointment.

If LAN Yue knows that Lan Chen Hao has done this kind of thing, she will only be more worried when she is ill. This smelly boy is really more and more ignorant.

"Haohao, come to grandma."

When Xu Haofang arrives at the door, she doesn't even want to stop her at the door.

"Haohao is a child. Your father has already punished him. How can you scold him? Look, you frighten him."

Yunfang see blue Chen Hao pale face, immediately the heart can not bear, complain about Qi Yan Jun.

Qi Yanjun had a bad temper and was impatient with children. He didn't suppress his anger just now. Now he saw LAN Chen Hao staring at him bitterly, and he had some regrets in his heart.

Originally, I wanted to meet my father and son, but I didn't expect to turn into such a picture.

"Well, training has also been trained, I took Haohao to dinner."

Now the whole Qi family, the person who loves LAN Chen Hao most is Yunfang. After all, LAN Chen Hao is her grandson.

A few days down, blue Chen Hao to cloud Fang pour is to become intimate a lot, Xu miaolung stands quietly at one side, will all this have a panoramic view.

Looking at Yunfang to take the blue Chen Hao away, Qi Yan Jun hangs down his long, feathery eyelashes, and his mouth overflows with a sigh.

Since leisurely Xiuyuan fell into the water, the atmosphere of Qi's old house has also changed. Qi's father and his father are far less doting on LAN Chenhao than before, but they are strict with him on more matters.

But the following things happened one after another, let the blue Chen Hao in Qi family's position more and more precarious.

"Xiaohong, do you really see that the vase was broken by Haohao?"

Near noon, in the corridor on the second floor of the hotel, Yunfang looks dignified at the broken antique vases in the corner.

In front of her stood a small maid, she told Yunfang that the vase was broken by blue Chen Hao.

"Yes, madam. I saw it with my own eyes. When I came down from the third floor, I saw master Haohao pushing down the vase."

Xiaohong's tone is resolute, while Yunfang's solemn eyebrows are a little more melancholy.

If you don't want to know anything, she says in a low voice

"But this vase is very valuable. If the master asks, he thinks it was broken by our servant, I'm afraid..."

"Yunfang, what are you talking to Xiaohong here? Just now Miao Rong was looking for you upstairs, but I didn't see you for a long time. "

All of a sudden, Qi Fu's voice came from the upstairs. Yunfang's heart was tight, and her face suddenly looked ugly.

Just a few minutes ago, Xu miaolung wanted to give it to Yunfang with her newly made essential oil. Seeing that Xu miaolung couldn't find Yunfang, Qi Fu came downstairs to have a look at it and happened to see this scene.

Qi Fu went to the second floor and saw the scene in front of him. He immediately straightened up his face and took off the gold rimmed glasses on his face. Because of his anger, he accumulated several wrinkles on his slender eyes.

He pinched his brow with headache, "don't tell me this thing is done by Haohao again?"

Yesterday, the electric plug of the viewing fish tank in the living room was pulled out. All the fish in the fish tank died. Those were the father's favorite.

A servant told Qifu that blue Chen Hao played near the fish tank all morning. As like as two peas,

was originally worried about what he was going to do, but worried about the grief of his father and his lack of evidence. He had to go back to the market and pick up fish that were exactly the same as before, and pretend nothing happened.

But who would have thought that this happened again today.

"Xiaohong, what did you just say to your wife? Now tell me exactly what you said."

Qi Fu's voice was very severe.

But small red face not angry since Wei's Qi father, exactly will she see ground said, Qi father immediately face iron blue.

He glanced around, his face was frightening black, "where is Haohao now? Let him come to me. "

"Haohao is in the study now. You don't want him to copy the book of songs. In the afternoon, he's been copying the book of songs." Yunfang was afraid that Qi's father would punish LAN Chen Hao again, so he quickly pleaded, "it's inevitable that children play and make trouble. You can't always punish him for some children. Haohao doesn't know his identity now. What will he do if he doesn't recognize us

"You can't let him go on like this! I think he's spoiled by you, and he didn't do these things when he first came

"Well, well, it's my fault. You can't scare him again! That day, when you came back, you scolded him. The child didn't sleep well at night. "Cloud Fang drags Qi father's arm, does not let him go to the study that side looks for blue Chen Hao.

Stopped by Yunfang, Qifu wiped his glasses with headache and sighed for a long time.

"If he's really scared, how can he make trouble at home all day long? If it goes on like this, sooner or later, he will cause more troubles. We don't care if he is not responsible. "

"It must be, but we can't be anxious at this moment. I'll talk about it later today, so you can leave it alone. You make such a big noise, let dad know, dad is not happy again

By Yun Fang such a persuade, originally want to severely punish blue Chen Hao Qi father can only give up.

After Qi Fu's dignified appearance went upstairs, Yunfang glared at Xiaohong with a look of displeasure, "don't talk too much, how can you still say it out?"

Xiaohong lowered her head, said nothing, Yunfang is not good to continue to embarrass her, had to frown upstairs to see blue Chen Hao.

After Yunfang left, Xu miaoyong, who had been standing in the corridor on the third floor, came out slowly. The half light made her face dim.

But she is toward small red hook up the corner of the mouth, beckoning her past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!