Chapter 147

Qi Yingying slender body heavily hit the ground, blue Yue has not responded.

Her pupil shrinks slightly, hastily pushes Qi Yingying forward, but Qi Yingying lies on the ground motionless and falls into a coma.

"What's the matter?"

Blue Yue ignored to explore, rushed to help her to the sofa to lie down, is hesitant to send her to the hospital when Qi Yingying's phone rang.

"It's me!"

"How did you answer Yingying's call?"

Li Yiyao called. He was driving from Haicheng City to Du Hong's house. When he couldn't put her down, he called.

"It's too late to explain to you. Qi Yingying just passed out. I helped her to lie down on the sofa, but I didn't know whether to take her to the hospital."

"She has medicine in her bag. Give her the medicine first. If she still doesn't wake up, you can send her to the hospital immediately."

Li Yiyao lowered his voice for fear of arousing Yunfang's suspicion.

Waiting for LAN Yue to ask, he hung up the phone and drove to the countryside.

"Yiyao, you call YingYing and say who you want to send to the hospital?"

"Yes It was Yingying who picked up an injured kitten on the side of the road

In the face of Yunfang's question, Li Yiyao casually found an excuse to perfunctory.

LAN Yue, according to Li Yiyao, rummaged in Qi Yingying's bag and found the medicine he had told Qi Yingying to take with her.

In a hurry to pour out a into Qi Yingying's mouth, help her swallow down, blue Yue a little relieved.

While watching Qi Yingying, while holding a medicine bottle, LAN Yue's eyes suddenly widened, because this medicine is for pregnant women who suffer from physical discomfort due to pregnancy reaction.

Is Qi Yingying pregnant? LAN Yue couldn't believe it.

"If you don't wake up in ten minutes, I'll take you to the hospital."

Blue Yue sighed and took his big scarf to cover Qi Yingying's body.

She looked at the time, about eight minutes, Qi Yingying had a reaction, slowly opened her eyes, first confused, and then angrily looked at LAN Yue.

"What are you staring at me for? If it wasn't for me, you would still be lying on the ground Blue Yue looks light, "are you pregnant?"

LAN Yue's voice fell, arm was Qi Yingying slender fingers to buckle.

"How do you know that?"

"When you fainted, brother Li called me and asked me to take the medicine in your bag for you to eat. I saw it was for pregnant women."

"I'm pregnant, but you can't tell anyone about it."

"Are you ordering me? Why should I keep your secret? "

Blue Yue smile, a pair of clear and thorough eyes fixed on Qi Yingying, deliberately tease her.

Although I don't know who the child is, it is not good for a woman to get pregnant before she is unmarried. So even in the face of Qi Yanjun, she will help Qi Yingying keep the secret.

"How can you be so vicious

Qi Yingying was so angry that she couldn't speak. She stood up and was about to leave.

LAN Yue held out her hand and stopped her, "brother Li sent a message and asked you to wait here. After he sent your parents to Aunt Du, he would come to pick you up."


Qi Yingying disdain to cold hum a, standing in place to walk is not, do not go is not.

"Well, I promise you that I won't tell anyone about it. Does your brother know about it?"

"My brother doesn't know, and certainly can't let my brother know. If my brother knew about it, he would certainly scold me to death

Although Qi Yanjun dotes Qi Yingying on weekdays, he has a hot temper. If he is really angry, he can do anything.

"And who is the father of the child?"

"It's none of your business!" Qi Yingying angrily sits aside, turns her head and no longer answers LAN Yue. She thinks that Lan Yue wants to see her joke.

LAN Yue's temper is also cold, knowing that Qi Yingying doesn't like herself, she won't like Xu miaoyong to please Qi Yingying.

Two people stay in the same room, but then do not say a word, each doing their own things.

Fortunately, Li Yiyao came soon. Before he left, he wanted to stop talking. LAN Yue was clear in his heart.

"Don't worry. Before you came, I promised her that she would not tell anyone."

"Lan Yue is such a damned woman! I don't like the thought that I have a handle on her hand. "

Sitting in Li Yiyao's car, Qi Yingying complains and scoffs at LAN Yue.

Li Yiyao shook his head helplessly in front of him. "You don't know her. She's not the same as you imagined."

"What! It turns out that elder brother Li is standing on her side, and she will pretend to be pathetic. You and my brother are blinded by her appearance. ""You are such a fool."

From the rearview mirror, I saw Qi Yingying with a frown on her face. Li Yiyao's steady face passed by a smile.

This side has not yet arrived Du Hongbiao's home, sitting in the car qiyingying suddenly did not speak, the line of sight was focused on the mobile phone.

Because Huang Siwei sent her a lot of news, she made an appointment with Huang Siwei to meet tomorrow, so now Huang Siwei can't bear the excitement in his heart.

"Yingying, who are you talking to?"

"No No one, just a good friend... "

Li Yiyao in front of me quickly found the abnormality, while Qi Yingying explained with great sincerity that she quickly put away her mobile phone.

When Li Yiyao and Qi Yingying return to Du Hongbiao's house, it is already late. They just catch up with the start of the birthday party.

Du Hong's cousin and her husband, Mr. Zhao, were both gentle people, entertaining their family guests in accordance with the traditional etiquette.

The guests are all relatives who have regular contact with each other, and the whole family is very happy. Such a night is especially warm.

"Yingying, are you sure you don't want to go back with us? My cousin is old too. Would you disturb her here? " Before leaving, Yunfang still wants to persuade Qi Yingying to go back with her.

Qi Yingying shook her head again and again, "Mom, I haven't seen my cousin for a long time, so I want to accompany my cousin. My cousin will leave early tomorrow morning, and it's too cold to be alone at home."

"Yes! Let Yingying stay here with me for a few days. "

Du Hong's cousin blinked at Qi YingYing and helped her speak.

Yunfang had to nod her head, and then quietly pulled Qi Yingying to the side. "Yingying, I heard Miao Rong say that you are in contact with that Huang Siwei recently. You live here with your cousin. Isn't it inconvenient for you to meet?"

"It's OK. I asked him to come to see me from my cousin. Anyway, he has a lot of time."

"Well! What do you think of his character when you come into contact with him? According to your sister-in-law, his family background and conditions are quite suitable for our family. If you think he can, don't miss it. "

"Don't worry, mom! I have a sense of propriety. "

Qi Yingying pushes the cloud Fang that reads to say repeatedly to leave, oneself long a sigh of relief.

Du Hongbiao and her husband are busy seeing the guests away. No one notices Qi Yingying. Qi Yingying returns to the room alone.

There is an express on the head of the bed in the room. It was sent by her friend yesterday. It contains the medicine. Tomorrow, she will wait for Huang Siwei to come. She will find a chance to start.

The night passed quickly. Qi Yingying, who got up early, made up for herself in the mirror, put on her tight clothes carefully, and then went downstairs slowly.

"Yingying, where are you going

"I have a friend who has asked me for lunch. I'm going out."

"What friend? Why don't you bring it home? It's not a waste of time to run back and forth like this. "

Du Hongbiao saw her husband off and was surprised to see Qi Yingying going out.

"The place for dinner is not far from the town. He came to see me specially. I can't break the appointment."

"Well, forget it, your mother can't control you, and my cousin can't control you any more. No matter what friends you have made an appointment with, you must be back by seven o'clock this evening. "

"I promise!"

Qi Yingying embraces Du Hongbiao. Her pretty face looks innocent.

After successfully leaving Du Hongbiao's home, Qi Yingying did not go far, and a Porsche drove up to her.

When the door opened, a handsome young man appeared in front of her. This man was Huang Siwei.

They had seen photos of each other before. In addition to Huang Siwei's poor appearance and lack of heroism, Qi Yingying was satisfied with other aspects.

"Yingying, you are much more beautiful than in the picture!" Huang Siwei opened the door for Qi Yingying in a gentlemanly way.

Qi Yingying see Huang Siwei has been praising herself, very proud to sit in the car, she now has 80% grasp of Huang Siwei.

Huang Siwei smiles brightly and looks at Qi Yingying from time to time, but he has other thoughts in his mind.

He didn't expect that this rich lady was so easy to cheat. He drove a rented car and borrowed friends' clothes. She didn't have any doubt.

"Where shall we go later?"

"Look for KTV or something in the neighborhood, and we'll sing and chat casually."

"Well, it's up to you."

Seeing Huang Siwei's obedience to her words, Qi Yingying is more confident of her plan.

One morning, Qi YingYing and Huang Siwei were singing and chatting in a KTV nearby. Two people with different purposes chatted happily.

In the afternoon, after two people had a meal, Qi Yingying lowered her head and nervously held the lamb's leather bag on her hand.

"That I'm not feeling well. I want to have a rest"Uncomfortable? Shall I take you to the hospital? " Huang Siwei pretended to be eager and took the opportunity to embrace Qi Yingying's shoulder.

Qi Yingying didn't resist and leaned on him. "Don't go to the hospital. There's a hotel over there. Or open a room and let me have a rest."

"All right, then."

Huang Siwei eyes light a dark, secretly looked at Qi Yingying one eye, some can not understand her mind.

Huang Siwei, who wanted to get Qi Yingying's heart, naturally would not refuse Qi Yingying's request. He immediately opened a room in the front of the hotel.

After entering the room, Qi Yingying pretends to be powerless and leans on the sofa. She looks at Huang Siwei with a pair of flattering eyes.

"Come here."


Seeing Qi Yingying's eyes like silk, Huang Siwei suddenly got up and walked to her in a trance.

"From now on, you are my boyfriend." , the fastest update of the webnovel!