Chapter 148

Qi Yingying stretched out her slender white hand and caught Huang Siwei's finger. Huang Siwei obediently approached her, and the two naturally kissed each other.

Huang Siwei looks gentle, but his action is very rude. His hand directly attacks Qi Yingying's waist and abdomen.

Qi Yingying half opened and half closed her eyes, the color of disgust flashed on her face.

After a long time, Qi Yingying pushed away Huang Siwei, "you go to take a bath."


Huang Siwei looks at Qi Yingying in disbelief. He heard Xu miaolung mention that Qi Yingying's style is very open, but he didn't expect to meet for the first time. She thought

"Hurry up

Qi Yingying was enchanted to poke his chest and plucked her long hair. A fragrant fragrance floated from her body.

Under the light of the hotel, Qi Yingying's face was white and delicate, and her facial features were extremely beautiful. Huang Siwei was too excited to speak at this time.

He took too much advantage this time!

Can't bear to think more, Huang Siwei immediately in accordance with Qi Yingying's order, obediently went to the bathroom.

After hearing the sound of water coming from the bathroom, Qi Yingying can't care about a lot. She quickly finds out the medicine bottle she brought out from her bag. The medicine bottle contains not only aphrodisiacs sent by her friends, but also two sleeping pills she has prepared by herself.

Now it seems that aphrodisiacs are unnecessary. She just needs to give Huang Siwei these two sleeping pills.


Qi Yingying poured a glass of water. When she put the sleeping pills in, Huang Siwei in the bathroom suddenly called her. Her hand shook violently and almost knocked over the water cup.

Siwei, she turned her head and found out.

He was obviously afraid of Qi Yingying's repentance, so he rushed out with water and rushed out. Qi Yingying moved the cup with some guilty conscience. He was not sure whether Huang Siwei had seen her dispensing the medicine.

"Why are you so fast?"

"How can I let you stay out alone?"

Huang Siwei approached Qi Yingying. He was wearing a bathrobe, flabby and revealing a large area of barley colored skin.

He has been hanging out in the gym all year round, and he has great confidence in his body.

Waiting for Qi Yingying to talk, he picked up Qi YingYing and took her to the big bed.

Qi Yingying was surprised to stare at big eyes, quickly pressed his hands in his own body, "wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Huang Siwei has a pair of big and small eyes, which radiate a burning sight.

Qi Yingying pulled the clothes on her chest and looked at the cup on the tea table.

"Go and get the water. I'm a little thirsty."


Huang Siwei frowned heavily and resented Qi Yingying's distraction at this time. But since it was her request, he could only do it.

"This water is not hot. Please help me to have a look."

After listening to Qi Yingying's words, Huang Siwei glanced at her and thought deeply, because when he came out of the bathroom, he seemed to see what she put into the cup.

Originally he could not confirm, now she let herself drink water, which is a little suspicious.

"Don't try. The water is not hot."

Huang Siwei doesn't put on a suit at all. Qi Yingying's face looks ugly.

She stares at the water in front of her, and does not take it. "Forget it, I don't want to drink it."

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to drink it. I know you're a little nervous. There's a bottle of wine here. Why don't we have a drink before we get down to business?"

Huang Siwei quietly changed the topic, took two goblets and poured two full glasses of red wine.

The curtain in the room was closed, which cut off the light outside. The rose colored liquid was shaking with faint light. Qi Yingying's palm was sweating.

Things didn't go according to her plan. Her brain is blank now.

If she can't, she can only take one risk. Only do this once, the child in his belly should be affected!

In this way, Qi Yingying also has no scruples, she takes over the goblet with a smile, and drinks up the wine inside.

Soon, there was a gasping sound in the dark room, which gradually became more and more urgent.

"Wait a minute. I'm not feeling well."

In the dark, Qi Yingying suddenly opened her mouth, her voice trembled, as if in pain.

Huang Siwei, who had been deeply addicted to lust, didn't care what Qi Yingying said until he reached for a piece of sticky wet.

"My God! What is this

"Hello! You... "

Originally also rejected him, Qi Yingying has been bound by him, this time, Huang Siwei found that she has not been moving for a long time.

Huang Siwei gets out of bed in a hurry and turns on the lights. Huang Siwei is frightened by the scene in front of him.

Qi Yingying's leg blood flow is not only, even the bed sheet was dyed with a large amount of blood.

Unable to respond, Huang Siwei had to casually put on a dress and rushed to the front desk outside the hotel for help.Struggling for nearly half an hour, Qi Yingying was sent to the nearby town hospital, the hospital soon gave a diagnosis, she is miscarriage.

Huang Siwei told the doctor what happened in the hotel. The doctor's face suddenly changed and he reprimanded Huang Siwei.

"You young people are too much of a mess! She is not in good health and pregnant. This is the time when the fetus is the most unstable. You are still... "

Being scolded by the doctor, Huang Siwei's face turned green. Qi Yingying didn't tell him about her pregnancy!

Is it difficult for this woman to

Thinking of a possibility, Huang Siwei turned pale and left the hospital with a gloomy face.

"And the families of the patients? The patient's condition is very dangerous. If he can't be rescued, he needs to be transferred to another hospital! "

"The patient may have a heart problem, she is in shock now..."


When the doctor came out of the emergency room, he saw that the corridor was empty and the patient's family members did not know where to go. They were both surprised and angry.

"Try to contact the patient's family quickly!"

According to the doctor's advice, the little nurse had to go to search Qi Yingying's bag and try to contact her family.

Fortunately, Qi Yingying keeps Li Yiyao's contact information in the first place, so it is Li Yiyao who knows Qi Yingying's abortion for the first time.

"The patient's condition is very critical, there is no family present, we have no way to arrange the operation."

Li Yiyao was both surprised and worried. He was so anxious.

"You arrange the operation first. It's important to save the patient. When I get there, I'll arrange for her to be transferred immediately."

"No, the operation is likely to have to remove the uterus. Without the signature of the patient or the patient's family members, our hospital can not make decisions without authorization and can not bear this responsibility."

"I also need more than an hour now. There is no time at all. You should arrange the operation first to ensure the safety of her life."

Li Yiyao's voice was extremely cold, but it didn't work at all.

The doctor still insisted that his family members should be present, which made Li Yiyao clench his fist, and the blue veins on the back of his hand burst out.

Soon, his eyes a Lin, hang up the phone, in this case, only one person can help.

In less than 20 minutes, a slender woman appeared at the door of the hospital emergency room. Her hair was black, her skin was white, and her face was full of anxiety.

"Hello, I'm Qi Yingying's family. How is she now?"

"Who are you?"

Asked by the nurse this question, blue Yue looks slightly stunned.

"It's sister-in-law."

"All right! Time is urgent. I will tell you the main situation now, because this operation has great risks. We will definitely put the rescue of patients first. When we have to, we need to remove the patient's uterus. "

"What? It's no good. She's so young. She's not married. How can she... "

LAN Yue looked serious and didn't approve of it at all.

Seeing this, the doctor shook his head. "The patient's condition is really dangerous and can't be delayed any more. You should stop discussing with your family and make a decision quickly."

The doctor walks away, leaving LAN Yue some time to think. LAN Yue stands in the same place, frowning.

Before she came, Li Yiyao specially told her that she should never tell anyone in the Qi family about Qi Yingying's abortion.

But in this case, she couldn't make up her mind.

"Brother Li, I have arrived at the hospital What do you want to do with this situation? " LAN Yue had to contact Li Yiyao again to explain the current situation to him.

Li Yiyao, who was always resolute, hesitated.

He was driving to the hospital where Qi Yingying was in. He put out the cigarette end on his hand with one hand. "Forget it, you let them think of a way to drag it. I will make a decision after I go there. I have experts from Rongjia hospital in my car."


After LAN Yue made the phone call, she felt a little relieved.

After the doctor learned LAN Yue's idea, her face sank and she told LAN Yue seriously, "the patient really can't wait long. If anything happens, our hospital will not be responsible for it."

Seeing LAN Yue's delay in signing, the doctor was helpless.

Qi Yingying at this moment lying in the emergency room, wearing a breathing mask, hanging drip, all rely on drip support body, the back of her hand has been blue.

As time went by, LAN Yue leaned against the wall, staring at her watch. She was also worried.

"The patient can't do it! Blood pressure is too low, you may lose vital signs at any time! "

Ten minutes later, the nurse rushed through the door of the emergency room and stood in the corridor shouting. The doctor who walked to one side also rushed to come.

He looked sternly at LAN Yue, and his tone was very serious, "sign quickly! Can't wait any longer! "

The anxious faces in front of LAN Yue made LAN Yue realize the seriousness of the situation. She had no chance to hesitate any more, so she could only sign the agreement.The lights in the operating room are on, and I can vaguely hear the miscellaneous footsteps inside. LAN Yue sits uneasily on the rest chair and prays silently.

She wanted the worst not to happen, or she didn't know how to deal with it.

"It's too late. I've already signed it. Now she's in it!"

After nearly an hour, Li Yiyao finally appeared in the hospital with experts.

Blue Yue pale face, pointed to the operating room.

Li Yiyao Mou color a sink, thin lips tightly pursed, "in how long?"

"Forty minutes, too. Her condition is very dangerous. She has been issued a critical notice."

"What happened?"

Turning around, Li Yiyao thumped heavily against the wall and took all the responsibility to him. He felt that he had not taken good care of Qi Yingying. , the fastest update of the webnovel!