Chapter 214

Lung cancer?!

LAN Yue was shocked to see him. Qin Ming didn't have half a joke on his face, even a little self mockery, "maybe, this is retribution?"

He rubbed the report and threw it to the garbage can. The sun fell on his face and looked gaunt. "Miss LAN, I didn't cheat you anyway. If you don't believe it, I can stay here until the truth comes out. "

LAN Yue rubbed her sore temples, and the other side said that it was too unreasonable for her to hold on to her words. Moreover, Qin Ming's face is not very good-looking.

"Forget it, you have a good rest." She got up tired and said, "Meng Meng, during this period of time, you just..."

"Sister LAN Yue, I know. I will take care of elder brother Qin!"


Looking back in amazement, Guan Mengmeng's eyes turned red and wanted to help Qin Ming up. "Brother Qin, you should go back to rest first. Don't give up. There should be a chance for treatment."

"I..." Qin Ming wants to persuade, but because LAN Yue is still standing beside him, he is unnaturally stiff and returns to the room.

Guan Mengmeng is busy preparing a lot of things for fear that something will happen to Qin Ming. After all, she brought people back. If something happened, she couldn't let go.

LAN Yue didn't disturb anyone. He carefully picked up the report. It did contain Qin Ming's information. She took a picture and confirmed to the hospital that Qin Ming was indeed a patient.

But because the patient's information was private, the nurse answering the phone did not tell her much.

Why did Qin Ming find all the clues stuck in his mobile phone?

However, the nurse didn't want to disclose that she only prepared some supplements for Qin Ming. However, Qin Ming's health was getting worse and worse. Guan Mengmeng often saw him cough.

In the face of such a patient, all forced confessions have become empty talk.

LAN Yue had to promise to keep the secret for Qin Ming, but she was still a little uneasy.

It lasted three days.

At noon three days later, Guan Mengmeng called in a hurry, "sister LAN Yue, it's not good! Elder brother Qin was found by the Qi family. Please come and have a look at it

"What's the matter?"

If you don't open your hands to the hospital, you can't do it according to the people's address

The two men frowned impatiently, in a terrifying manner.

The patients and family members passing by were pointing at them. The nurse quickly called the security guard over and stopped the two people.

LAN Yue takes the opportunity to take Guan Mengmeng out of the crowd. Guan Mengmeng is still struggling at the beginning. After seeing her clearly, tears burst out, "sister LAN Yue, please go in and have a look. I wanted to come with elder brother Qin to find an expert to study the disease. Who knows Who knows, the people of Qi family are unreasonable! "

Guan Mengmeng couldn't cry.

LAN Yuexin sank and probably guessed the whole story. After a few words of consolation, he walked along the direction of the crowd. Qin Ming is sitting in the ward with a stiff face. Qi Han is sitting in the office chair which belongs to the doctor. His muscles are slightly bulging and his arms are encircled in front of his chest.

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, he looked coldly, "you are covering him."

"No, Qi Dashao has nothing to do with Miss LAN." Qin Ming wanted to explain.

Qi Hanmo looked down and hissed.

"Come on, why help him?" For the sake of Qi Yanjun, the coolness in his tone was restrained.

Blue Yue handed a quiet look in the eyes, stepped in, "Qi Dashao, I think you are misunderstood."

"What's wrong?" Qi Hanmo took out a saber and wiped it, "I intended to give it to him. After all, he brought a big gift to the Qi family. "

LAN Yue feels the creeps on her body. This Qi Han Mo is really not easy to deal with! He said he would give the knife to Qin Ming. Who knows how he gave it?

"Qi Dashao, Mr. Qin has explained to me that Chen Dongqing has nothing to do with him." "You can see that Mr. Qin's health is not good, and he doesn't have the energy to make so many things," she said

Qi Hanmo raised his eyebrows and his eyes became darker.

She continued to analyze, "I just didn't want the real killer to get away with it. The real murderer also deliberately guided us to focus all our attention on Mr. Qin, and then calculated us by surprise. "

"I believe Qi Dashao doesn't like the feeling of being fooled."

"Evidence." There are two words in Qi's calligraphy.

LAN Yue's delicate eyebrows were twisted off. Now there is no real evidence to prove the innocence of Qin Ming. However, Qin Ming looks very weak and has no ability to do so many things.

"Qi Dashao..."

Just to say more, a familiar footstep came from the door.

Looking back, Qi Yanjun is coming here.Without waiting for her reaction, a warm arm was put on her shoulder, and she was hugged into Qi Yanjun's arms. "Brother, I believe what xiaoyueer said. As for this person -" he glanced at Qin Ming, "you can find a few people to look at."

Because she was so close, she could feel Qi Yanjun's chest trembling slightly when he spoke. Her heart beat slightly disordered, white hand against him to push away.

"Don't move, brother." His peach blossom eyes light pick, the strength of the palm tightened, "if the elder brother does not lift properly, I can personally look at him."

Qi Hanmo gazed at him.

After a long time, he said in a cold voice, "are you sure."

"I'm sure." Qi Yanjun smiles.

Qi Hanmo's face was ugly, and his backhand saber was thrust upside down on the table top and pierced through the table!

He walked past and told his subordinates, "look at Er Shao, no mistakes are allowed!"

"Yes The soldiers outside stand at attention and answer!

These words seem to be aimed at outsiders, but they are actually said to Qi Yanjun.

Qi Yan Jun raised a smile and made a gesture toward the outside, "take this man away and look at it well."

"Yes, er Shao!"

Qin Ming was immediately taken away, a little uneasy on his face, and Guan Mengmeng, standing outside the door, screamed to break away from the encirclement.

"What do you mean?" LAN Yue is confused and doesn't believe that he really helped Qin Ming.

"Xiaoyue'er, have you ever heard of the counter plot?" Slender fingers pick up a woman's chin, his smile with a sharp, "things tossed so long, it's time to end."

"But --"

just as she wanted to refute, Qi Yanjun directly hugged her and left the hospital. The brilliant sunshine fell on his beautiful facial features, looking at it, there was a cold and fierce, hiding it even deeper than Qi Hanmo!


Back in the small foreign-style building, she is still a little confused. She can't understand what Qi Yanjun is doing.

In contrast, this man, since stepping into a small foreign-style building, has leisure to inspect her life traces. Since he bought this small foreign-style building, he seldom comes here. Now he looks at LAN Yue putting his personal clothes and shoes in order. His heart overflows with warmth.

"Qi Shao, you are here."

Lin Cui respectfully prepared the tea, secretly looked at Qi Yanjun's resolute handsome face, bowed her head, and her heart beat "plopping".

However, Qi Yanjun waved and hugged LAN Yue in the past, chatting with interest about the decoration of the small house.

Lin Cui flashed a bit of hate and went back to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

"What are you thinking about?" LAN Yue pushes him away.

"Xiao yue'er understands me best. I'm wasting my time."

"What time does it take?"

Qi Yan Jun, with a secret smile, patted the empty seat beside her, motioned her to come over, sipped the tea, and pushed the quilt away. "It's hard to drink."

As soon as this speech comes out, Lin Cui in the kitchen is stiff for a moment.

LAN Yue is aware of this and takes Qi Yanjun to the second floor. There are no guests in the small house, so we will not prepare high-quality tea.

Qi Yanjun has been used to drinking top-level tea since childhood. Of course, he can't see these small teas that can't be called names. Speaking in person will inevitably hurt Lin Cui's heart.

"What? Afraid I'll punish the maid? "

Qi Yanjun changed her hand and circled her between the wall and the arm. Gangyang's masculinity haunts her. She tries to struggle, but she can't get rid of it.

"You can tell me what you're thinking She said angrily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!