Chapter 215

"Do you really want to know?" Qi Yanjun came over, warm breathing made the cheek itchy.

She side face to avoid, do not like this kind of ambiguity, the resistance on the face let Qi Yan Jun action a stiff, finally did not kiss down.

"I'll go to have a rest, little yue'er, and come back to wake me up at five."

The rough fingertips brushed the cheek.

LAN Yue looks at him to leave the figure, the heart is slightly painful, went downstairs to explain with Lin Cui a few words before returning to the room to rest.

Until five o'clock, Lin Cui went to Qi Yanjun on time.

Her room is nearby, can hear the sound of knocking on the door, as well as Qi Yanjun's indifferent voice asked where she is. Lin Cui casually made an excuse that she was resting.

Qi Yanjun did not ask again, nor did he know what his mood was.

Soon, the door was opened from downstairs. It should be Qi Yanjun's going out.

She was relieved.

"Miss LAN, are you awake?" Outside the door came the voice of Lin Cui.

"Come in."

LAN Yue arranged her appearance and watched Lin Cui come over with a cup of stew. "This is cooked in the afternoon. Mr. Qi wants me to bring it to you. It seems that Mr. Qi really cares about you. He thinks about you before he goes out. "

"Put it here." LAN Yue has a light expression.


Lin Cui cheerfully responded, but she looked disgusted when she bowed her head. She couldn't get used to LAN Yue's conceited appearance. She made it look like Mr. Qi stuck her upside down!

After finishing her things, Lin Cui doesn't want to stay any longer.

Left LAN Yue sitting on the sofa beside the window, staring at the things on the table, and finally sighed, and did not want to think about things related to Qi Yanjun.

She took out her mobile phone and called Guan Mengmeng to inquire about her recent situation.

As soon as Guan Mengmeng answered her phone call, she immediately cried, "sister LAN Yue, the people of Qi's family are really too much. They actually lock up elder brother Qin. I want to send some medicine, and they won't let him go! Elder brother Qin's illness is still not well. Do they want to kill elder brother Qin? "

"Meng Meng, don't worry. Where are you now?"

Guan Mengmeng immediately reported an address, but it was a little far away. In addition, the Qi family were all there. LAN Yue had to ask Guan Mengmeng to come to the small foreign house to discuss.

Guan Mengmeng couldn't help crying. She kept blaming Qin Ming for her insistence on changing the hospital, which attracted Qi's attention. Now that Qin Ming is locked up, she is to blame.

"Sister LAN Yue, please tell Qi family for me. I want to see elder brother Qin."

"Meng Meng, get up first."

LAN Yue helped her to the second floor and poured a glass of water.

When Guan Mengmeng's situation stabilized, she said thoughtfully, "after I came back, I also asked Qi Yanjun what he meant. I don't think he wants to deal with Qin Ming. We can rest assured."

"But they -"

"locked up Qin Ming, sun Si couldn't find him. On the other hand, they were protecting him." She patted Guan Mengmeng on the shoulder, wondering what Qi Yanjun's "counter plot" really means.

At present, to be sure, Qin Ming is a very important chess piece, Qi Yanjun can not let him have an accident.

Guan Mengmeng can't find any reason to refute it. He is lost in his mind holding a water cup. Blue Yue see her mind tired, heartache let her go to rest.

The next morning, there was still no news from Qin Ming. Even Qi Yanjun simply called to let her pay attention to her body.

On the third and fourth days, Guan Mengmeng began to get impatient. Taking advantage of no one's attention, she secretly changed her clothes and planned to leave in the dark.

But just out of the door, in the room by reading blue Yue found.

"Meng Meng, wait for me." LAN Yue turns on the balcony light and calls Guan Mengmeng.

Seeing that she froze in panic, she went back to the room and changed into a fresh dress. She tied up her hair and went out with Guan Mengmeng.

They drove all the way to the place where Qin Ming was held.

Although it is said to be a prison, it is a famous five-star hotel in the city. The interior is decorated with luxurious atmosphere, and all the supporting facilities are available.

"Sister LAN Yue, is it OK for you to come with me? The people of Qi family are still here. Maybe they will drive us out again. "

Guan Mengmeng's physique is pretty good. There will be no problem being pushed by those people. But her sister told her that Lan Yue's health is not good, in case of a good or bad, she will feel guilty all her life!

"It's OK. I guess Qi Yanjun will be here too."

Sure enough, after they got out of the elevator, they immediately met several strong men. Their sharp eyes swept over and immediately recognized Guan Mengmeng as the woman who had made trouble before. They gave each other a look and tried to drive her out.

"Wait a minute." The man in front stopped his subordinates and looked at the calm blue Yue, "are you miss LAN? Qi Er Shao said that you can come in. As for this woman -- "

" I will look at her. "LAN Yue pulls Guan Mengmeng from them.

Although a few people are dissatisfied, they don't want to clamor with Qi Yanjun's people in person. They cautiously follow up and guard against Guan Mengmeng.

Guan Mengmeng shrinks behind him and sees the ferocious man coming up. He pulls lanyue's sleeve nervously. "Sister lanyue, they're coming!"

"Never mind."

LAN Yue took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qi Yanjun and got the exact address.

"Room 201." She said it silently and quickly found the target.

White hand pushed to the door, originally thought to knock on the door, but the room was pushed open.

The cold air of the air conditioner gushed from the crack of the door, and she frowned solemnly.

When he walked in, he saw Qin Ming curled up on the sofa with a thin quilt on his body. The whole person was shaking.

"Brother Qin!"

Shocked, Guan Mengmeng runs in and looks at the air conditioner? They're crazy, aren't they? They'll die of cold! " Angrily, he grabbed the remote control and adjusted the temperature.

The man behind him was not happy. He went to stop him, but was stopped by a slender arm.

"I have something to ask him. You've frozen people to death. Who can I ask?" Blue Yue took out the mobile phone to shake, "I have explained with Qi Shao, you'd better wait outside."

The leader saw the number of Qi Yanjun on his mobile phone and said, "you'd better hurry up. This person is also the object of interrogation."

"I know." Qi Hanmo's face, she had to give.

After closing the door, she could not see Qi Yanjun. She had a message in the past, "where are you?"

Qi Yanjun, "miss me?"

Looking at his teasing, LAN Yue is full of blood and doesn't want to reply.

No matter how much flirting they have now, it is in vain!

Qi Yanjun recovered again, "I'll come right here."

She put away her mobile phone and watched Guan Mengmeng anxious to warm Qin Ming, but the fact was cruel. There was only a thin quilt in the room, which was now wrapped in Qin Ming's death.

This quilt is very thin. It is more a piece of cloth than a quilt.

People outside are determined to kill Qin Ming!

"I, I'm fine." Qin Ming's teeth trembled and he coughed painfully.

Guan Mengmeng immediately helped him get along.

"Mr. Qin, it seems that Qi Dashao doesn't believe that you have nothing to do with Chen Dongqing." LAN Yue sits opposite.

"I..." Qin Ming hesitantly looks at Guan Mengmeng, but doesn't speak.

His strange appearance attracted LAN Yue's attention. "Meng Meng, you go out and pour a cup of warm water. I've already talked to them. They won't stop you."

"All right, I'll be right back!" Guan Mengmeng runs out quickly.

LAN Yue changed her sitting posture, "Meng Meng is not here, can you tell me the truth?"

"Did you mean to let her out?" Qin Ming was stunned.

LAN Yue calmly looks at him, this kind of looking at the posture makes Qin Ming very uneasy, twinkles wants to avoid. But his limbs have been frozen stiff, it is difficult to move an inch, let alone avoid LAN Yue.

LAN Yue saw him dodging, and had a bad premonition in his heart, "you don't want to say, I have to wait for Mengmeng to come back and ask you."

"Never!" Qin Ming was shocked and didn't want to hurt a girl who had been helping him. After thinking for a moment, he gritted his teeth in pain and refused to say more.


LAN Yue was just about to ask, but there was a steady sound of footsteps coming from the door. He saw Qi Yanjun's smiling one hand in his pocket. He held her in his arms and handed a document to Qin Ming.

"Xiaoyue'er, of course he doesn't dare to say more. Some things are fake from the beginning. Is that right, Mr. Qin? " He had a sharp smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!