Chapter 263


LAN Yue was surprised and said, "why do you think these things have something to do with me?"

"Isn't it?" Xu miaoreng stares at her coldly and quietly adds a small pill in a clean cup. The pill melted in water with almost no trace.

Xu miaoreng stood up leisurely with two cups in his hand. "I went to see Aunt Yunfang that day, and Gu Xuan happened to be in Qi's house. Wasn't that your arrangement?"

"Sorry, it's not me." She looked at the two cups, and doubts flashed in her heart.

The next second, Xu miaoyong handed over one of the cups, "if you say that, I will believe you?" Delay half a second, she put the quilt back, "how, water do not dare to drink?"

"Of course not."

LAN Yue took it, but didn't drink it. In her impression, Xu miaoyong would not be so polite, but also offered water.

"Gu Xuan suddenly asked me to marry him. Does it really have nothing to do with you?"

Xu miaolung's eyes changed slightly and began to turn the topic aside, paying attention to LAN Yue from time to time. After chatting for nearly half an hour, LAN Yue didn't touch the glass of water. Her chest heaved with anger, but she didn't dare to go too far.

"Miss Xu."

Just at this moment, the door was knocked by the waiter, "Mr. Gu is looking for you."

"I see."

Xu Miao tolerated anger and glared at LAN Yue, "don't think things are clarified, I will believe you. You must have said something to Gu Xuan. He doesn't believe me! "

She hummed and walked away.

In fact, it is very clear in my heart that Qi Yanjun is really dealing with her. She slandered LAN Yue, but wanted to let her drink the water. Who knows this woman is not cheated!

After Xu Miaolong left, LAN Yue still felt a little puzzled. The other party specially asked her to come over to question her relationship with Gu Xuan? It seems that It's not like that.

Looking at the cup in her hand, she was a little shaken. In the process of chatting, Xu miaoyong looked at the cup in her hand several times. Although she quickly stopped looking, she still saw it.

Is there anything in this glass of water?

Blue Yue went to smell, did not smell a special smell, just a glass of water looking very ordinary.

"Little yue'er, are you ok?" Guan Xiaoxiao quickly walked over and looked at LAN Yue nervously, "what did Xu miaoyong do to you?"

"No, I just said something strange."

Put down the cup, she took an empty bottle from the side and poured the water into it under the strange gaze of Guan Xiaoxiao.

Guan Xiaoxiao can't help but ask, "what is this doing? Are you thirsty? "

"No LAN Yue shakes her head and tells her what happened just now.

Guan Xiaoxiao sat on the opposite side of the sofa, holding up the cup and looking up and down, "is there anything special about this water?" She murmured, but when she thought of Xu miaoyong's behavior, she could not help shivering. "Take it and check it. If anything happens, let Xu miaolung be responsible."


LAN Yue also has this plan.

From the banquet hall came the voice of the master of ceremonies Qingyue again. It seemed that the toast was about to begin. She has just been confused by Xu miaolung. Now she doesn't want to go back. She and Guan Xiaoxiao leave first.

As soon as the news was put on the Internet, netizens immediately gathered around.

These gourd eaters have long guessed the truth that Xu miaoyong has left the entertainment industry for a while. Now, it just coincides with the previous scandal. It has long been suspected that Xu miaoyong was promiscuous, met his lover in the middle of the night, and was photographed drunk in the grass. It is estimated that the child was conceived at that time.

When Qi Yanjun found out about this, he divorced Xu Miaolong. Who knows Xu Miaolong has gone to Gu Xuan again.

"That's great."

As soon as Guan Xiaoxiao swiped her microblog, she saw that her article had been forwarded tens of thousands of times. She was quite satisfied to read the comments of netizens. Most netizens believed it was true, and several passers-by revealed photos of the wedding.

LAN Yue looked, these people should be hotel attendants, secretly took photos last night.

The whole wedding is very low-key, netizens look more suspicious, ran to private letter Xu miaolung, asked her to give a reply.

In a short morning, things got big.

The entertainment company personally called Xu miaoyong and asked what happened to her. Even the company didn't know she was remarried!

"What's going on? Who put these pictures on? "

Xu miaolung's assistant was ordered to show the photos in the hotel to Xu miaolung. She was angry at the sight. What made her even more angry was that there were people who stigmatized her child as an unknown source. Therefore, Gu Xuan became the pan Xia.

"Who published this article? I will sue her

The assistant was afraid of her angry appearance, and secretly moved to the side. "The company has been checking, but the other party is only a small number. All the information of the Department is false, and the network address is also false. The technology department said that it should be done by professionals."She swallowed the foam and looked cautiously at Xu miaoyong, "elder sister Rong, the boss asked me to ask you, have you offended anyone recently?"

"What do you mean?" "Xu miaolung beautiful eyes tiny stare," this is to say I offend people outside, those people come to the door to just implicate the company? "

"No, that's not what I mean." The assistant shrank again.

Xu miaolung took a deep breath of anger, and knew that it was useless to lose temper at the assistant at this time. She didn't want to spoil her image too much. Sitting on the sofa with his forehead up, "it's not convenient for me to meet with reporters recently to let PR handle these matters well."


Looking at her slightly raised abdomen, the assistant also knew that the matter was serious. Xu miaolung is very important to the company. If her reputation is damaged, it will cause the company to lose a lot of money.

"Sister Rong, I'll go back first."


Xu miaoyong waved and didn't look at the assistant. When the headache abated, she picked up her mobile phone to discuss with the company how to deal with the matter, but unexpectedly saw a missed message.

Open to see blue Yue, but also with the inspection report.

Xu miaoreng was shocked and his mobile phone fell to the ground. I didn't expect that blue Yue would take that glass of water to test! , the fastest update of the webnovel!