Chapter 264

Shocked to shock, Xu Miaolong quickly recovered and quickly called the doctor. After arranging the matter properly, he called LAN Yue and asked her out.

At 7:30 p.m., a silvery white car stopped at the appointed restaurant door. When she opened the door, she could see that Xu miaoyong was sitting in a humble position. The light yellow retro light fell on her delicate face. The shadow formed by the bangs made her look gloomy.

Blue Yue refused the guide of the waiter, went straight to put down the bag, "Miss Xu, what can I do for you?"

"I should have asked you what you mean by sending this picture?" It shows that the mobile phone is being tested.

"Well, what does Miss Xu mean?" She raised her eyebrows and threw the question back.

Xu miaoreng's face was a little twisted, and took out a medical record from his bag. "This is the medical record that the doctor gave me. I didn't have a good rest during this period. The doctor gave me some sleeping pills. I just accidentally put them in your cup. You have to make a fuss about such a thing. I seriously doubt whether you are deliberately setting me up."

LAN Yue took over the report and checked it. The seal and signature of the hospital were indeed printed on it. "Pregnant women can also take sleeping pills," she said

"It depends on the extent of insomnia and the amount of medicine." Xu miaoreng rolled her eyes and didn't want to tangle with her about these problems. At the same time, he used his mobile phone to log on to the microblog and sent out the latest hot Western topic, "my wedding just ended last night, and it was exposed early this morning. You do these things, don't you? "

Although it is an interrogative sentence, her tone is quite positive. At present, the most suspect is Lan Yue.

"Miss Xu can say what she likes. But you have to bring out the evidence. " Throwing away the medical records, LAN Yue doesn't look at her much. Anyway, this medical record must be forged temporarily, so you can say whatever you like.

She conveniently lifted the broken hair falling in her ears, opened the lock screen of her mobile phone, called Qi Yanjun from an invisible angle of Xu miaoreng, and quickly hung up.

Because the light here is dim, Xu miaolung can only see LAN Yue's gentle side face in the past. The soft light reflected from her mobile phone depicts her full forehead and delicate nose.

At first glance, she is indeed a beauty.

But she's just a maid. What's the right to fight against her? She held her fist in anger. "Lan Yue, I want to let me find evidence to prove that you did it. I will make you regret it."

The voice just dropped, the ring came from LAN Yue's mobile phone.

Xu miaolung looked over and saw that it was a telephone call. But still did not see clearly, a white hand held the mobile phone, LAN Yue stood up, "excuse me, I'm going to answer the phone."

After she walked to the dish not far away, she saw that it was Qi Yanjun's phone. She was sour and didn't want to answer. She didn't know what to say to Qi Yanjun.

Looking for Qi Yanjun at this time is just on guard against Xu miaoyong's other conspiracy. He doesn't plan to chat with Qi Yanjun.

She is very clear, even if do not answer this phone call, Qi Yanjun also has a way to find out her specific address.

Think of here, blue Yue hung up the phone, but the mobile phone in the ear, pretending to chat with others. After about two minutes, she pressed again on the screen, pretending to "hang up.".

Qi Yanjun also did not call her, it is estimated that she has already started to check her position.

That's exactly what you want.

Returning to the dining table, Xu miaolung glared coldly, "I don't have the time to waste here with you. Even if you say that this matter has nothing to do with you, I won't believe it."

She picked up her bag and was ready to leave, taking away the medical records. This is her temporary doctor forged, as long as you contact the hospital, you will know it is fake.

LAN Yue didn't stop her from doing this, and then she left. However, she was surprised that Xu miaolung gave up so easily.

After she came out of the restaurant, she also paid special attention to the situation around her.

The location of this restaurant is a little quiet. There are only a few cars coming and going on the flat road, so quiet that you can hear the slight noise of the wheels rubbing on the ground.

Xu miaolung's car stopped under the street lamp not far away. By the dark orange light, you can see that there is a figure sitting on the driving table of the car. It should be the driver.

But the figure has been lowering his head, even if Xu miaoyong walked to the side, the driver did not get out of the car to open the door, which is very strange.

LAN Yue frowned. She had seen the driver of the Xu family several times. She was a middle-aged man in her forties. She was very respectful to the Xu miaoyong family. She would get out of the car and open the door in person every time.

"Miss Xu, wait a moment."

In doubt, she went up to stop Xu miaoyong.

Xu miaolung has reached out and touched the car door. Hearing her words, she looks at her displeasantly. "What else?"

But LAN Yue is still staring at the strange driver and does not agree with Xu miaoyong for the first time. Xu Miaolong felt a little impatient. She was afraid that the woman was going to make a big fuss about sleeping pills. She really wanted to deal with LAN Yue, but LAN Yue was not cheated, and now she can't let this become her own handle!"What's the matter with you?"

Xu miaolung stepped forward, flat shoes on the sidewalk made a crisp sound.

At this moment, LAN Yue was horrified to see that driver raised his head, showed a young face with a fierce face, stepped on the gas pedal and directly rushed to Xu miaoyong.

"Be careful!"

Almost a reflex, LAN Yue pushed the person in front of her and stepped back quickly. However, she tripped over a tile protruding from the sidewalk, and watched the car with its front light directly hit the ground.

The glare of the light blinded her eyes. She heard the extremely harsh sound of the wheels rubbing on the ground, and the pain came from the palm. It was estimated that the skin was worn.

At the critical moment, she thought of blue Chen Hao's smiling face, vaguely heard Qi Yan Jun's low drink "avoid!" She jerked her legs up.

The next second, the whole person was pulled up, bumped into someone's generous arms, and seemed to turn around.

She tried to see everything clearly, but the back of her head was pressed, and her eyes were dark, only to hear the familiar hum. Then, both of them fell to the ground, and a huge noise almost broke through the eardrum.

"Banquet king!" Xu miaoyong screamed nearby.

LAN Yue's ears and eyes were dizzy. The dark sky seemed to devour the divine consciousness. Warm and thick liquid flowed slowly from the back of her head. But she didn't feel the pain, and she didn't know if she was too dizzy, or because These blood roots are not hers.

She saw Xu miaolung crying and kneeling in front of her, pushing the people on her.

Why do you want to get out of the car when the young man is forced to get off the car and bump into the black light? I like you so much, why don't you stay with me? "

The man pinched Xu miaoyong's neck and pressed Xu miaoyong on the wall. Xu miaoreng's face soon turned pale, beating him repeatedly, questioning who he was, but his strength was less and less.

Seeing that Xu miaoyong was about to be strangled to death, she struggled to get up, but she felt a pang of pain in her lower leg. When she raised her head, she was shocked to see that the lamppost was pressed on her body - no! Not on her, but on Qi Yanjun.

“……” Blue Yue exclaimed, but a strong throat, dizziness again.

Before the coma, she barely saw several motorcycles, helmets and fully armed people rushing to pull the man away.

"Uncle LAN, is that her?"

She heard a voice that belonged to a teenager to approach her in front of her, but her head was too dizzy. LAN Yue lost consciousness and fainted. A large amount of blood flowed onto her white cheek and was shocked.


The accident soon attracted the attention of the restaurant, called the ambulance and the police, after a review, they found that a crazy fan of Xu miaorong couldn't stand the news of her marriage and pregnancy, deliberately followed Xu miaorong, cheated the driver when she didn't pay attention, and wanted to die with Xu miaorong.

Fortunately, a group of enthusiastic citizens arrived in time to prevent a tragedy.

Two people were injured in the accident, and Xu miaoyong fainted.

"Xiaoyue'er, are you ok?"

Guan Xiaoxiao turned off the report on the TV and looked at the person sitting in the hospital bed worried. Her face was extremely pale.

Hearing the voice of his friend, he moved his eyes stiffly, and the edge of his eyes became red. "Where's Qi Yan Jun?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!