Chapter 267

This is the boy!

"Can the police find out who this man is?" She quickly sent the picture back and asked the assistant.

"The boy?" The assistant doubted, "aren't they enthusiastic citizens just passing by? If it wasn't for their help, the police couldn't catch the fan. It was too much! It's the first time I've been an assistant for so many years

"I want to know who this man is!" Xu miaolung accentuates her tone.

The assistant saw that she was really in a hurry and immediately answered "OK" to investigate this person.

Xu Miaolong put away her mobile phone and glanced at LAN Yue. She was sure that this teenager knew LAN Yue! At that time, she had not yet completely fainted. She fell on the ground and saw the young man anxiously checking her face before running. Then she showed a disappointed expression, clearly looking for someone.

When he came to LAN Yue, the boy breathed out in a low voice. He turned to ask the middle-aged man next to him. Xu miaolung frowned. He thought that he wanted to say "Uncle LAN, is it her?"

Uncle LAN?

Young people call middle-aged men "blue uncle". Is this the same surname as LAN Yue? She is more and more strange, since LAN Yue's father passed away, she has not heard about LAN Yue and other family members. Where did these people come from?

She increased the intensity of frowning, re examined the photos, found that these people's motorcycles are very high-grade, belong to the existence of high-grade, a look at the know is not ordinary.

But because the video was too dark, she couldn't see it too clearly, so she had to investigate slowly.

Intuition told her that this group of people and LAN Yue have a great relationship!

Xu miaolung steadied the waves in her heart and put away her mobile phone. Fortunately, Qi Yanjun and LAN Yue fainted at that time. Only she saw this group of people. In addition, the news repeatedly stressed that it was a group of enthusiastic people who called the police. I believe no one else will find out the inside story.

She is waiting for LAN Yue to expose!

Quickly to the bathroom, Xu miaoyong simply washed the handle, gently stroking the slightly raised abdomen. As long as the child can be safely born, she will have a chance to suppress LAN Yue!

Back in the garden, Qi Yanjun and Gu Xuan have almost talked.

Seeing Xu miaoyong walking slowly with his stomach on his back, Gu Xuan stood up and smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes. "I'll go back first. You'll have a good recovery."

"Yes." Qi Yan Jun glanced at the other side of the eye, "the doctor has arranged for you to handle the rest. Little yue'er, I'm hungry. "

Ignoring Gu Xuan's tense face in an instant, he patted LAN Yue's back waist and motioned for LAN Yue to push him back.

"Good." LAN Yue is still thinking about Qi Yanjun's words and looks at Gu Xuancai's departure.

The servant was warming the soup at any time. She helped Qi Yanjun to bring it to her room and changed her clothes. Standing in front of the window, you can see that Gu Xuan's car is driving out of the villa, and it soon turns to drive far away.

Thinking of what Qi Yanjun and Gu Xuan said, LAN Yue's heart sank slightly. It seems that Qi Yanjun did not intend to leave the child from the beginning.

It's just that none of this has anything to do with her.

Go to the bathroom to change clothes, see blue Chen Hao has not come back from school, she lies in bed to rest. Half a dream and half awake, the ear seems to linger around a special youth's Qingyue voice, again and again calling her "sister."

But when you open your eyes, you still have a familiar room in front of you.

She held up and rubbed her ears. After her coma that day, some people kept calling her in her ears. However, for a moment, she really couldn't remember who that person was. Maybe it was just a dream.

Blue Yue spits out a mouthful of turbid gas, see oneself but sleep half an hour, lie down again continue to rest. This is what the doctor told her.


After eating, sleeping and sleeping in Qi's family for more than half a month, she almost recovered from her injury and took a vacation to work. However, Qi Yanjun refused to go to work with her.

"Xiaoyue'er, take me with you. I'm bored at home." Qi Yanjun is sitting in a wheelchair and holding her hand. This look and their childhood, Qi Yanjun every time do bad things outside, will act like this with Qi old man.

LAN Yue stops and looks at the man in his thirties who is still playing tricks. He opens his lips and wants to scold him. Qi Yanjun immediately pulls her hand and hems and haws.

She felt helpless and warm Qi Yanjun gave her only one person.

"Then you stay in the lounge. I have to deal with the documents and have no time to pay attention to you." Bear to want to upwarped lip corner, she turned in time, can't sink for Qi Yan Jun.

"I'll just watch you." Qi Yanjun, holding a wheelchair, kisses her in the face.

Before blue Yue gets angry, she pushes the wheelchair out again. Seeing his appearance, LAN Yue can't help but smile.

After laughing, she felt lost again. She didn't know how long this harmony could last between them?


Back in the company, the work is not heavy, Guan Xiaoxiao helped her deal with most of the things.

LAN Yue settled Qi Yanjun in the office, afraid he was bored and took a tablet, "there will be a meeting, you will stay in the office.""Yes."

Qi Jun nodded. Click open a small game on the table, skillfully play.

Blue Yue knows that blue Chen Hao is also playing this small game, and Qi Yan Jun's score is higher every night. Sitting on the office chair, watching Qi Yanjun focus on the screen, the soft sunshine fell on the body.

Suddenly, she seems to see the shadow of blue Chen Hao.

However, he quickly turned his head back to God. After all, Qi Yanjun and Hao Hao Hao were biological father and son. Naturally, there were similarities. Yunfang also often holds Haohao and says that he and Qi Yanjun grew up quickly when they were children.

But at that time, she was just a child, and she didn't remember what Qi Yanjun looked like when she was a child.

"Miss LAN, the information for the meeting is ready." The secretary called.

"OK, I'll be right here."

Looking at Qi Yanjun, seeing that he didn't have a special reaction, LAN Yue picked up his things and left. When passing in front of the wheelchair, Qi Yanjun took her hand and pulled her into his arms, kissing her lips.


Qijun is in the middle of the party. What can she do when she kisses

"Come back early. I'll wait for you here." Qi Yanjun smiles.


LAN Yue wiped off the residual sense of touch on his lips and glared at him before leaving.

Qi Yanjun aggravates his smile. After the door of the office is closed, he stands up and stretches. He drags some inconvenient legs to the rest room to lie down and wait for lanyue to come back.

If this scene is seen by LAN Yue, he must be driven out!


The content of the meeting was very boring. LAN Yue was distracted frequently, which made the product manager a little nervous. The original plan was also said to be intermittent.

"Take a rest first."

Guan Xiaoxiao really can't see, more people said hello, and asked the Secretary to buy coffee back.

"Have you been thinking about Qi Yanjun?" Looking at the person who had just come back to God, she smacked her lips, "little yue'er, you are really more and more interested in Qi Yanjun, but also brought him to the company, don't worry about his legs?"

"Do you know?" Blue was stunned.

"How can you not know?" Guan Xiaoxiao turned to his mobile phone, and his hands were smeared with pink nail polish. The screen was undone. Then the monitoring screen of the company's door was popped up. "Just saw it."

She pointed to the monitoring, blue Yue suddenly understood.

The company's security system is tied to her and Guan Xiaoxiao's mobile phones, and they can check the monitoring at any time. Guan Xiaoxiao has nothing to do in his spare time. In addition to brushing microblogs and watching TV dramas, he is watching monitoring.

No wonder she will know what happened to Qi Yanjun.

Guan Xiaoxiao also did not intend to say more, touched her shoulder with emotion, "you and Qi Yanjun are back single, some things need careful consideration."

Different from Guan Mengmeng, Guan Xiaoxiao has experienced a failed marriage and has different views on feelings. If Qi Yanjun really likes LAN Yue, even remarriage is OK.

"I know." LAN Yue nodded, more and more depressed in her heart.

Just as the Secretary bought the coffee back, she picked a cup that was in line with her taste and went to the corridor to think about how to deal with the relationship with Qi Yanjun. They couldn't drag on like this all their lives.


Suddenly, someone called her.

LAN Yue turned to see a boy in yellow takeout clothes carrying a basket. He was wearing a hat on his head and could not see his face clearly.

Qing Yue's voice is a little familiar. , the fastest update of the webnovel!