Chapter 268

"You are -" Lan Yue can't remember who he is, "have we met?"

The boy pressed his hat and lowered his voice. "Miss, are you LAN Yue?"

"Yes, you have something to do with me?"


The young man took out an envelope from his pocket and wanted to give it to her. But the next second, he quickly put the things back into his pocket. His movements were very skillful. LAN Yue did not react at all.

"I'm looking for you after work." The boy whispered to his ear and walked quickly to the elevator and left.

LAN Yue was still suddenly, until he saw Qi Yanjun pushing his wheelchair from the corridor, he realized that the youth was avoiding Qi Yanjun!

"How did you come out?" She stepped forward quickly, "just now there was a little boy who was delivering takeout to me. He saw you and ran away. Did you know him?"

"Which one?"

Qi Yanjun was at a loss and looked at the elevator. Eyes across a strange light, smilingly holding LAN Yue's hand, "you find me more and more love enemies."

"Don't talk nonsense!" LAN Yue shook off his hand and looked around. Unfortunately, she found that it was the dead end of monitoring. She could not check the monitoring.

"I'm thirsty. Would you please help me pour a glass of water?"

Qi Yanjun put on that pair of play to depend on the appearance again, squeezed an eye at her.

LAN Yue was electrified for a moment, and her face became dark.

In Qi's family, she also served Qi Yanjun many times. Seeing that he had a foot injury, LAN Yue went to the tea room to pour water for the banquet.

Who knows this person suddenly holds her hand again, "where do you want to go after work?"


She was stunned and thought of what the teenager said in her ear, "after work, I asked the driver to send you back first."

"No, I'll wait for you nearby."

The Lord prayed and played with her little hands.

The numbness in the palm of her hand was inexpressible. She struggled for a moment and did not push it away. She sat next to the Lord praying for dinner, but she wanted to ask him why he had to stay with him all the time. But she was afraid that the LORD would take the opportunity to tease her and shut her mouth.

Just as the secretary informed the meeting to continue, she waited for the banquet to return to the office before leaving.

After work, she asked the Secretary to look at qiyanjun. She went to the downstairs of the company as agreed, but did not know where to find the teenager.

Just now I have asked the secretary that the teenager came in as a salesman, leaving his contact name and telephone number.

"Yang Jun?"

She looked at the boy's name frown, trying to dial the number he left, did not expect to really get through!

"Is it miss LAN?" From the microphone came the voice of juvenile love, but across the microphone it seemed a little low.

"It's me. What can I do for you?" LAN Yue is on guard.

But the other side did not directly answer this question, but said the address, "you now follow the zebra crossing, cross the road, go ahead and you will see an alley, I will wait for you in lane 12."


She looked suspiciously across the road, there is a row of high-rise buildings, buildings and buildings will be separated by an alley.

Lane 12, as the teenager said, is opposite her company. You can cross the road.

The teenager didn't hang up after she finished the address. Maybe she couldn't find it - but why did she go there?

LAN Yue stepped back, and the other party did not know each other, can not be unprepared to believe him! "Tell me what you want to do with me. Otherwise, I'll have to ask the security guard to bring you here. "

"Hoo --"

the boy gasped and seemed to be running.

Soon, LAN Yue saw a handsome figure standing in the opposite lane. The figure supported his knees with both hands, and his face was blocked by his hat when he looked up.

It's the delivery boy!

Is he running to find her?

Seeing the boy in such a hurry, LAN Yue was moved. The other side is just a teenager of seventeen or eight years old, and she can't deal with it. She doesn't need to fight against all kinds of people. "You wait for me, I'll come --"

"don't come! There's someone behind you! " The young man on the opposite side suddenly turned around, and his gnashing teeth came from the microphone, "I'm here to help you. Don't trust the Qi family, especially the one behind you!"


Just said, behind came the sound of wheels rubbing against the ground - it was praying for a banquet! She had an answer in an instant.

Looking at the past, the boy has disappeared, perhaps hiding, but the call did not hang up, "I will find another time to meet you, do not let the Qi family know." With that, the phone hung up.

LAN Yue put down her mobile phone with some consternation. The only sentence left in her ear is "don't believe the people of Qi family". In a trance, she seems to have heard similar words.

"Little yue'er."

The hand that hangs down is held, blue Yue saw the smiling face of pray banquet gentleman, "stand here wait for who?"Perhaps it was the setting sun on his beautiful face, blue Yue saw the peach blossom eyes flash cold, subconsciously avoid, "did not wait for who, before the appointment of the customer has something to change."

She shook her mobile phone, "I'll send you back, Haohao is going to school."


Pray for the banquet, you lift your lips and let her push the wheel. The cold light swept to the car parked on the side.

As soon as they got in, a man dressed in black clothes came down from the black car. It was Li Yiyao.

Li Yiyao crossed the road and rushed into the lane.

Ten minutes later, Qiyan Jun received a call from Li Yiyao in the car, "Qi Shao, ran away."


Praying for a banquet, the king bent his fingers and knocked on his thigh, and there was no joy or anger on his face.

Li Yiyao said in a quick voice, "I just caught his hand and was thrown away. I had a lot of strength. I have practiced. There's a car waiting for him outside. It's checking the license plate, but it's probably a fake

"Keep processing and contact me if you have any information." The voice of praying for banquet is a little cold.

LAN Yue sat beside watching him hang up the phone, not in the mood to ask what happened. What the young man said just now made her have a very strange feeling.

Although the youth is not willing to show up, but there is an intuition that the youth will not harm her. If you want to hurt her, you won't come to see her alone, and you've run so far.

But who is he?

LAN Yue is holding her mobile phone. If it wasn't for praying for dinner, she would immediately like to call and ask clearly.

"Xiaoyue'er, are you hiding something from me?" Pray for a banquet, you hold your head with one hand and ask with a smile.

"No LAN Yue put away the phone.



Her mind is not in the car chair, did not respond to pray what the emperor said. Until the car air-conditioning cold wind blowing in the face, she was excited to return to God.

When I think of the words of praying for the banquet, my hair is creepy! Why does this person ask suddenly, should be to see that young man!?

Looking to pray for a banquet, unexpectedly, the other party is also looking at her, that deep eyes can not show any light, staring at her for a moment.

"What are you looking at me for?"

LAN Yue's scalp is numb. He doesn't want to be seen through.

The Lord prayed for banquet to put his hand on her white thigh and leaned over There was a cold light in his eyes, but at last he laughed and said, "I'm watching when you promise to remarry with me."

"You dream!" She turned black and said no more.

I wish you a smile.

Back to Qi's house, LAN Yue returns to his room, and he goes to his study.

Li Yiyao then came back and handed out the information, "I checked. The license plate is fake. The boy's name and telephone number are all fake. The telephone number has been cancelled and their whereabouts can not be found. "

"Their target is xiaoyueer." Pray for a banquet.

"Yes Li Yiyao nodded solemnly, "the boy pretends to be a delivery man, and he approaches Miss LAN. But miss LAN didn't know them. She was just at the door of the company. Miss LAN didn't want to see them. "

He can see these things clearly in the car.

"Keep staring. Don't make a fuss." The Lord of the banquet waved his hand.

"I see."

Li Yiyao turned away and closed the door.

On the desktop is placed juvenile information, even that photo also has the trace of modification, completely can't play my appearance.

He grinned and found things more interesting.

LAN Yue is the one who even if he is bound to be tied around, and this group of people seems to want to take LAN Yue away from him This is really interesting.

Pray for the banquet king to stand up and throw the juvenile's information into the shredder and smash it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!