Chapter 280

"It's not clear yet."

Qi Hanmo closes the file and gives a look to the adjutant next to him. The adjutant quickly gets to know him, turns on the monitor on the tablet, and calls up a video to Li Yiyao.

You can clearly see the situation in the off-road vehicle from the video.

"Is this Qi Shao's car?" Li Yiyao quickly reflected that every vehicle equipped by the military area command was equipped with a monitor, which could be checked at any time.

This video is obviously from the time of the accident. You can see that the whole car is shaking greatly. The one in charge of driving is a bodyguard with good training.

Qi Yanjun was sitting in the back seat. The dim light covered his face with frost. He closed his eyes and did not speak.

"Qi Shao, they've come after me!" The bodyguard held on to the steering wheel to keep the car from being thrown out. Some of his voice was gnashing his teeth, and he was extremely tired of being angry with the people behind him.

However, the monitoring can not see the situation outside the car, so Li Yiyao can only watch nervously.

The video is as long as two minutes, in this process, Qi Yanjun just issued a few orders. However, "Qi Jun laughs out of the window for a few seconds."

"Qi Shao, there is no way ahead!"

The driver was frightened, and the video then turned into dark. He could only barely see Qi Yanjun take the driving right of the car at the last moment.

But Rao is so, the car still rushed down the cliff.

Li Yiyao did not dare to tell LAN Yue that he had a car accident. Even if Qi Hanmo sent someone to look for it at the first time, it was difficult to search because of the dark sky and heavy rain.

"Yiyao, you have been with you for so long. Do you know who he is talking about?"

Qi Hanmo adjusted the video back to the scene where Qi Yanjun sneered at the window. The person who pursues Qi Yanjun is clearly his old acquaintance, otherwise, he would not show such an expression.

"There is such a group of people."

Li Yiyao thought very quickly, took out his mobile phone and handed out the information of Yang Jun and others. "This group of people began to follow Miss LAN since Qi Shao was injured. Qi Shao asked me to pay attention to them. These people have been trained and have strong anti reconnaissance ability."

"Find the man out."

Throw the mobile phone to the adjutant, Qi Han Mo coldly ordered to drive, and then rushed to the scene.

His subordinates held an umbrella for him, and others held flashlights to shine on the muddy ground, and several ferocious brake marks could be seen, one of which went straight to the bottom of the cliff.

This cliff is only more than three meters high, which is usually used for training. It's not life-threatening to fall from here.

What's worse, Qi Hanmo went down to check, only to see Qi Yanjun's SUV rollover in front of the tree, which was empty, with blood on the driver's seat.

There are several car marks beside the car, which seems to be the pursuit of soldiers.

"Keep looking!" Qi Han has a black face.

"Yes The people around him should go down immediately and chase after him all the way along the trail, while others search nearby to prevent Qi Yanjun from getting hurt and fainting on the way.

Thinking that Lan Yue's mother and son are still in the military area command, Qi Han Mo asks Li Yiyao to go back and stabilize them. This time, the pursuit of soldiers is obviously aimed at Qi Yanjun. It is hard to guarantee that they will seize Qi Yanjun's wife and children in order to threaten him.

"Big and little, I know."

Li Yiyao looked at the rollover car. Although he was not willing to leave like this, he also knew the intention of those people. LAN Yue is not safe now. He must rush back immediately.

However, the mountain road is rugged, and the rainstorm intensifies at this time, which seriously hinders the journey.

In the dark sky, thunder flashed from time to time, and the two children were afraid to withdraw into LAN Yue's arms. Although LAN Chen Hao stretched his small face and tried to pretend to be not afraid, his small body trembling slightly betrayed him.

"Hao Hao, sit down a little bit."

Blue Yue heartache to hold him in the arms, the other hand is holding has already curled up the Rong Xiuyuan. Rong Xiuyuan seemed to be particularly afraid of thunder. When the first thunder came out, he was so white that he squatted on the ground and sobbed.

LAN Yue quickly held him in his arms, heard him sobbing "Mom and Dad", and felt a sharp pain in his heart. He could not help but hold people closer.

But even harder, the wires in the house were burned out and the room was pitch black. This is the old area of the military region, and the wires are aging. It is inevitable that there will be emergencies in this bad weather.

There is no lighting tools on hand, LAN Yue can only rely on a flash of thunder to see the situation of the two children.

Although she was not afraid of thunder and power failure, she felt uncomfortable listening to Rong Xiuyuan's cry. She pulled the quilt over them and coaxed them to sleep.

Today I spent most of my time in the car. The children were already tired and frightened. Before LAN Yue finished telling the story, they went to sleep.

LAN Yue helps LAN Chen Hao cover the quilt. When it's Rong Xiuyuan's turn, he feels that his collar is being grasped. He looks down and sees that Rong Xiuyuan clenches his fist and refuses to let go.

He was younger than LAN Chen Hao, but he witnessed his parents die in the fire. But when he thought of this scene, LAN Yue felt heartache. He held him carefully and closed the window in the room.She didn't have time to close the window and the rain made the floor wet. If you leave the windows open, you'll probably get everything in the room wet.

"Woo Mom... "

Cold rain splashed on the body, because Rong Xiuyuan was held in her arms, part of the rain also splashed on him. Worried about waking him up, LAN Yue quickened her action and went downstairs to lock the door.

Looking at the watch, it's 11 o'clock. Qi Yanjun hasn't come.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Suddenly, there was an abnormal sound coming from the side hall, like someone tapping on the window!

LAN Yue quickly protects Rong Xiuyuan and retreats. Under this weather, how can someone be outside?

"Miss LAN, it's me."

People outside also guess that she will not open the door, carefully made a voice, is a man! But listen carefully, this voice appears a little clear, it is a teenager.

Yang Jun?!

In a flash, I think of that boy with a hat!

In front of a pitch black, blue Yue can only listen to the voice to the side hall over there, midway hit a few chairs, fortunately rongxiuyuan did not wake up. By the thunder that flashed from time to time, I saw a figure standing outside the window, vaguely revealing Yang Jun's fuzzy facial features.

"Are you Yang Jun?" LAN Yue cautiously inquires, did not open the window suddenly.

I don't know how the boy came here. There are people on duty 24 hours a day in the military area command. He can mix in, and his skill is quite good!

"I have something to tell you." Yang Jun knocked on the window, "I won't hurt you. Your father and my father are good friends. We have been looking for you since uncle Gang died."

"My father's friend?"

LAN Yue is surprised. She told Guan Xiaoxiao that her father had no friends except work. Yang Jun and her father appeared and tried to approach her three or four times, but they were stopped by Qi Yanjun.

These people have warned her not to believe Qi Yanjun, her father also said the same thing

LAN Yue fell into deep thinking and doubted the credibility of the other party. Yang Jun did not urge, but from time to time to pay attention to the situation nearby, so as not to be found.

Finally, LAN Yue opened the window and said, "you come in."

Yang Jun quickly jumped in, black trousers and black coat lining his vigorous body, standing in front of LAN Yue, even higher than her.

"What evidence do you have that your father is my father's friend?" She backed away from her face until her ankle touched the table and stopped.

She remembered that there were several vases on this table. As long as she kicked the table down, people from outside would rush in. No matter how powerful Yang Jun was, he couldn't escape.

"My name is LAN. My father and your father are cousins." The boy wrung out the water on his clothes and took out a card like thing and handed it out.

Through the thunder light can see is the ID card thought, the above photo is indeed "Yang Jun", but the facial features are more immature. LAN Yue came to see his name LAN Jun.

Her heart stopped for a moment, and she strained her nerves. "Why should I believe you?"

LAN Jun frowned, "has uncle Gang never told you about us?"

"No LAN Yue denies, but vaguely remembers that when her father died, she really had something to say to her, but she only thought about Qi Yanjun at that time.

By the time she got back, her father had passed away. It's just that these words can't be told with LAN Jun's words, so as not to lie.

LAN Jun dignified some, just want to explain, but see her holding the child, eyes flash in amazement, "he is your child?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!