Chapter 281

"He doesn't -"

"Damn, how come back so soon!" LAN Jun clenched his teeth and glared out of the window. He quickly handed over his certificate to LAN Yue, "there is my contact information on it. I will try to contact you. Never give the children to the Qi family

"What do you mean?"

LAN Yue wants to stop him, but there are dense footsteps outside the window. The door is knocked by "Dong Dong Dong" and "Miss LAN, are you ok?" It's Li Yiyao's voice.

In the dark, LAN Jun cursed. Without time to explain, he jumped out of the window and ran for a distance. After running for a distance, he deliberately kicked down the flower plate on one side, causing Li Yiyao's attention, "over there!"

Dozens of soldiers rushed to catch up.

LAN Yue takes the opportunity to erase the footprints on the ground. Li Yiyao doesn't want to be known by Li Yiyao that she has met LAN Jun. Li Yiyao will definitely tell Qi Yanjun.

"Auntie..." The glutinous rice balls in my arms are twisting their small bodies.

Blue Yue put Rong Xiuyuan down, by the flash of thunder, saw his timid body, a pair of big eyes staring at the ground has not yet time to clean up the shoe prints. The shoe prints were also mixed with rain and mud, and it was obvious that someone was coming in.

LAN Yue is in trouble. Rong Xiuyuan probably woke up early and saw LAN Jun. Just now she did not explain clearly, LAN Jun may have misunderstood Rong Xiuyuan as her child.

First of all, she appeased rongxiuyuan and asked softly, "Xiuyuan, what's the matter with you?"

"No, No Rong Xiuyuan retreated with a pale face.

LAN Yue just wanted to persuade him, the door was knocked again, "Miss LAN, are you ok?"

She heard Li Yiyao's voice, picked up Rong Xiuyuan again, and quickly removed the shoe marks on the ground. Opening the door, she saw Li Yiyao walking around the hall with a flashlight. She said, "just found someone running, have you seen any suspicious people?"


LAN Yue hugs her.

The child in his arms looked at Li Yiyao. He knew that this man was the one around Qi Yanjun, and he was very kind to him. But - the big dark eyes looked at blue Yue, and Rong Xiuyuan lowered her head and pursed her lips.

Seeing his small movements, Li Yiyao mistakenly thought that the child was just afraid. After a simple look around the room, he found nothing suspicious. He sighed with relief, "I'll look for it in other places. Someone will come to repair the power right away. Don't go out tonight."

"Good." Blue Yue nods, in the eye dye some hesitation, "Qi Yan Jun how hasn't come over?"

Li Yiyao was stunned and then made an excuse. "Qi Shao's car was sucked up in the mud on the way. We are still trying to get the car out. We should not be able to get it back tonight."

Stuck in the mud? In spite of some doubts, LAN Yue also knows that Li Yiyao still has something to do, so he doesn't ask more questions and returns to his room with Rong Xiuyuan.

As soon as he put the child under the warm quilt, he began to feel drowsy again. Before going to sleep, the eye longed to look at blue Yue, Nuo moved the small mouth as if to ask, but took the lead to yawn, next to blue Chen Hao sleep in the past.

LAN Yue is also relieved. I don't know how to explain these things.

At midnight, the power in the house was restored. Looking at the increasingly fierce rainstorm outside the window, she was vaguely worried, but there was no signal on her mobile phone, and she couldn't contact Qi Yanjun.

Not wanting to wake the two children, she changed her clothes and went to bed.

To the next day more than seven o'clock by blue Chen Hao wake up, want to eat breakfast.


Just walked into the kitchen, Rong Xiuyuan pulled her dress. I won't tell Uncle about the elder brother last night His voice is very low, LAN Yue has to squat down to understand what he said.

A warm heart, she was surprised to touch Xiuyuan's head and chuckled, "Xiuyuan, this is not a secret, but aunt wants to tell Uncle in person, so please Xiuyuan to help keep secret."

"Really?" My eyes are bright. After all, he is just a child, naturally not good at lying. LAN Yue doesn't want him to come into contact with this matter. He nods and pulls a hook with Rong Xiuyuan. "Xiuyuan can promise to help aunt keep secret."

"Good!" Let Xiuyuan happy promise, skipping out to find blue Chen Hao to play.

Although "lying" and "keeping secret" are similar in nature, they have different meanings. Rong Xiuyuan just helped her keep secret and did not lie, which would not cause psychological burden to children.

Take out the ID card that Lan Jun handed to her last night. Unexpectedly, there is a small note on the back with a string of telephone numbers on it. She saved it and burned it.

These things can't be known to anyone else.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, the rain weakened a little. LAN Yue was thinking of taking her two children to bed, but Li Yiyao appeared solemnly. "Miss LAN, you've got something to do with Qi Shao."

Qi Hanmo looking for her? Blue Yue light frown, "you wait a minute." She led the children back to the room to rest, agreed with them not to run around, and let Li Yiyao find someone to look at them.

After confirming that there are no omissions, he follows Li Yiyao on an SUV and comes to the grove along the dilapidated mountain road.Push open the door, blue Yue saw a rollover off-road vehicle, can not help but be scared.

Qi Hanmo stood next to the car with an umbrella, looking grim, "before Yan Jun disappeared, the car rushed down from above."


LAN Yue didn't know who he was talking to. Subconsciously, he looked at the cliff with a height of more than three meters. The rain mixed with the mud flowed down. However, the cliff was very smooth. If he was careless, he would fall down.

Qi Hanmo looked at it coldly, "take a look at this video."

The adjutant immediately handed it to him. Because the umbrella blocked the light, the upper half of Qi Hanmo's face was covered by shadow. He could only see the sharp light in his eyes and seemed to see through her.

Qijun, as well as the back of the cool video, he said quickly! "Isn't Qi Yanjun in a car accident?" She swept to Li Yiyao with a nervous look on her face that she did not even notice.

Li Yao didn't worry about you last night. Da Shao and I searched the neighborhood, but we didn't find Qi Shao. If there was no mistake in guessing, this group of people should have attacked Qi Shao. "

He took out his mobile phone and found photos of LAN Jun and others. "These people have been around you frequently recently. Miss LAN, do you know who they are?"

"It can't be them..." LAN Yue's face turned white. LAN Jun only told her last night that they had blood relationship with her father. If it was really LAN Jun who attacked Qi Yanjun, wouldn't it represent that her father was once one of them?

If dad didn't die, would he fight Qi Yanjun?

"It seems that you do know something."

Qi Hanmo made a look at others, and then a few soldiers came forward and surrounded LAN Yue. He looked down and looked down at him, "Yan Jun was injured when he disappeared. It has been a night and has not been found. I'll give you ten minutes to make it clear. "

"You didn't give me an explanation." LAN Yue welcomed her.

Qi Hanmo pressed his lips tightly and didn't like people disobeying him. Qi Jun is looking for blue soldier, but he doesn't pay attention to him.

"Please come with me." Qi Hanmo's subordinates stopped her.

LAN Yue's heart is slightly angry, just because of a video, Qi Hanmo convicted her, that she is an accomplice, even half a sentence of explanation is not a chance. Looking at the severe looking soldiers beside her, she knew she couldn't run away, so she followed them to the car.

A man in charge of interrogation sat opposite her with a pen, his sharp eyes swimming on her calm face, "please make clear what you have to do with these people. Qi Er Shao disappeared all night with injuries. We have good reasons to suspect that Qi Er Shao was taken away

"I don't know these people."

LAN Yue leans on the back of her chair, and there is no flicker between her words. She believed that Lan Jun did not deal with Qi Yanjun.

Since LAN Jun wants to win her over, he should have told her about their plan last night. But LAN Jun didn't even mention it. He didn't even know that Li Yiyao would bring someone to chase her.

What's more, LAN Jun only wore a simple coat and sports pants last night, which could not stop Qi Yanjun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!