Chapter 282

LAN Jun, if you don't want to cheat her, give her the certificate. With the information on the certificate, you can easily find LAN Jun and arrest him. There is no need for LAN Jun to capture Qi Yanjun and expose his weakness foolishly at the same time.

The only explanation is that Lan Jun doesn't know what happened to Qi Yanjun. The document was given to her to make her trust.

"You don't know anything. How do you explain that these people are following you all the time?" Man's eyes full of doubt, sharp eyes look at blue Yue uncomfortable, "I don't know."

"You are not cooperating with the investigation!" He knocked on the table impatiently, "you're not afraid --"

"found it!"

All of a sudden, there was a scream outside!

Blue Yue quickly ran out, the man scolded low voice immediately catch up. A few healers with waistbags ran into the deep woods, and a comatose bodyguard was carried out from the cave.

After some treatment, the bodyguard woke up with a cough. Seeing that there were a group of people around before meeting, he subconsciously made a defensive action, but saw Li Yiyao also in the crowd. The bodyguard struggled to stand up, "brother Li"

"Li Heng, you are injured, don't move first." Li Yiyao kisses him, takes the bandage and bandages him.

Li Heng forced to hold back the pain, "Qi Shao, Qi Shao went deep into the woods, and those people were still chasing him." Because of the injury, he said intermittently, but people still understand.

Qi Hanmo glared at LAN Yue.

Li Yiyao immediately understood and asked cautiously, "who is the man who pursues Qi Shao? Is that the same group? "

"No Li Heng is a person around Qi Yanjun. Naturally, he knows who "that group of people" refers to. He shook his head hard, because he pulled the wound carelessly, and his speech became difficult. "Last night, those people had not only knives, but also pistols. They were not with those people."

"Who are those people?" Li Yiyao was surprised and asked. He even looked at LAN Yue. He didn't expect that these things had nothing to do with LAN Yue.

"I don't know. It was so dark last night that I didn't see it clearly." Li Heng's face was pale and his abdominal wound was bleeding.

Li Yiyao stopped questioning, immediately arranged to send him to the hospital, with several people to the direction Li Heng said.

According to Li Heng, Qi Yanjun hid Li Heng in a small cave in order to attract those talents. At that time, Li Heng was already injured, and barely following the past would only drag Qi Yanjun down. He wanted to get in touch with the outside world, but he was seriously injured and passed out in a coma until he was found out.

Fortunately, the terrain of the grove is complex, and Qi Yanjun still has the possibility of escaping.

"Give me an umbrella and I'll go and have a look."

LAN Yue tied up her cumbersome long hair and followed the search and rescue team to the depths of the woods. At this time, the rain intensifies suddenly. The heavy dark clouds make the scene dim. You must turn on the flashlight to maintain the lighting.

Li Yiyao didn't want LAN Yue to intervene in such a bad weather. But looking at the determination on her face, Li Yiyao could not say anything to stop him.

"Send some men to follow her." Qi Hanmo watched her slender back disappear in the dense rain curtain, and his sight was dim.

"Big or little, I'll go too."

Li Yiyao can understand his meaning. Qi Hanmo believes in LAN Yue! He quickly packed up his things to catch up with him and didn't want LAN Yue to have an accident here.

"Big little, can you really believe this woman?" "This is the result of the investigation last night. Although the group did not attack Qi Shao, their identity is simple. You see. "

Photos of LAN Jun and others were posted on the materials.

This is what Qi Hanmo ordered to investigate last night, and the result has not been found out until now.

He looked dignified. "If there is no mistake in the investigation, those people should be surnamed LAN. They may have something to do with that woman."

"Yan Jun knows these things." Qi Hanmo raised his hand and interrupted, "find the person first."

"Yes The subordinates did not dare to say more, and immediately called on several small teams to take action.

This forest is not only large but also small. Not far away, there is a small hill, the terrain is quite complex. Blue Yue according to Li Heng said the direction, all the way to find, also did not find any trace.

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound not far away!

"It's gunfire!" Li Yiyao quickly put LAN Yue behind his back. "Qi Shao is probably over there. You guys stay here. The others will follow me." He gave LAN Yue a look in the eye, "Miss LAN, those people have weapons, you wait here."


LAN Yue also knew that she knew nothing about guns. She had to follow the past, which would only delay Li Yiyao's rescue.

She looked around and took a few soldiers to one side to shelter from the rain. She did not dare to go too far. She kept a close eye on Li Yiyao's situation and was ready to support him at any time.

"Be careful --"

the people beside him suddenly exclaimed.

Turn head to see several several masked people trot over, the electric light fire time knocks them down! LAN Yue was pushed several times in the chaos. The soldiers urged her to go to Qi Hanmo. She didn't dare to delay and ran to the cliff.Who knows, those people surrounded her.

"Catch this woman and go back to work." The leader wore a black mask and didn't take a look at LAN Yue. He wiped his face wearily, and there was a black shadow around his eyes.

Tired of the whole night's pursuit, they just want to find someone to go back to.

"Who are you?"

Blue Yue is forced to retreat, accidentally saw a masked person strangely squeezed her eyes, that pair of familiar peach blossom eyes let her heart shake. Clenched his fist to keep calm, stretched out his hand and let the masked man tie her up.

The distance between them is very close. The faint smell of smoke on each other floats into the nasal cavity, and the strong sense of familiarity is holding back the heart! She looked up in surprise, "Qi --"

"Shhh." The man in front of him winked. After tying the rope, he bent down to carry her on his shoulder, "Xiao yue'er, you seem to sink." The man put his bad hand on her lap and was afraid to pat.

Blue Yue instantly red face, if not that group of people are still watching, she really want to push Qi Yan Jun away. All the people are looking for him, but he disguised himself in the enemy. No wonder Qi Hanmo couldn't find him all night.


The leader didn't see their small movements. With a wave of his hand, everyone evacuated orderly.

LAN Yue looks at the smiling people under her body and wants to know who these people are and why they are so well equipped and trained. Qi Yanjun obviously also wants to find out these things, otherwise why should he mix up with the enemy?

"Take this woman to the car."

They walked out of the woods and parked several black minibuses on the hidden mountain road. If you don't look carefully, you won't see it at all.

Qi Yanjun was sitting beside her, waiting for them to drive, and sketched in her palm.

LAN Yue thought that he wanted to convey information to himself, so he focused his attention on palm and wanted to know what Qi Yanjun was writing. But after a while, Qi Yanjun's fingertips gradually slide to the wrist, a hold of her hand, pull close to the arms.


LAN Yue forced to endure, but did not cry out, angry to push Qi Yanjun, finally understand that this person is not in the transmission of information, but in teasing her!

"Don't move. It's time to drive."

Qi Yanjun tightens the strength of his arms, and his eyes are filled with a heavy smile.

Suddenly, LAN Yue's eyes were black, a warm hand covered her eyes, she only felt the whole person was pressed on the car chair, someone exclaimed, "what are you doing?" , the door "bang" was pushed open, came the sound of heavy objects hit the ground, vaguely accompanied by screams.

Someone fell down!

LAN Yue's heart beat to her throat. She wanted to check, but the people who pressed her didn't allow her to move.

The inside of the car was in chaos. The sound of smashing and beating was accompanied by screams. The smell of blood was still in the air.

After nearly ten seconds, the shackles on the body finally released.

Qi Yanjun was sitting in the driver's seat with a smile. The mask on his face had been removed. He stepped on the gas pedal with a smile and said, "sit tight."

"What are you doing, ah --" Lan Yue just sat down, the car suddenly turned sharply and threw her to the door. Think of a big hand to hold her arm in time, leading to blue Yue directly hit Qi Yanjun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!