Chapter 283

She reacted to find that she was carried to the co driver's seat, and the person who had been responsible for her surveillance had disappeared!

"Home." Qi Yanjun put his hand on her waist and pinched it. Looking through the reversing mirror, he saw those people start to catch up. He added a smile and stepped on the gas pedal.

The black van sped along the muddy road with four other cars of the same type rushing after them. The window of the car was put down. Several masked men with pistols fiercely shot at Qi Yanjun and tried to force the car to stop.

The loud and dense gunfire resounded all around, and soon attracted the attention of the garrison soldiers. Several camouflage SUVs appeared in front of them.

Qi Yanjun protects LAN Yue and turns the steering wheel neatly to let the car rush into the woods on one side. Strong vibration let blue Yue subconsciously embrace Qi Yanjun, the strong smell of blood filled in the nose.

Whose blood? Just feel confused, the car stopped, looking back, the several vans fled everywhere, for fear of being overtaken by the military.

"On purpose?"

LAN Yue is surprised to see the men beside him. If Qi Yanjun hadn't led them over, these people would not have been surrounded.

"Xiaoyue'er really knows me more and more." He pinched her face and helped LAN Yue get out of the car. Just started the pace, Qi Yanjun body instability, nearly fell to the ground.

LAN Yue quickly helped him, "what's the matter with you?" Looking down, Qi Yanjun's black trousers exuded blood and dyed the muddy water on the ground red! She breathed hard. No wonder she could smell the blood all the time. "I'll take you to the doctor!"

She did not dare to let Qi Yanjun walk again. She put his hand on the difficulty and helped him carefully. However, she did not see that the smile in Qi Yanjun's eyes became softer and softer. Most of her body was next to lanyue.

When Qi Hanmo and others arrived, there was a large amount of blood on the ground.

Qi Hanmo frowned and asked the treatment soldiers to deal with it. After cutting his pants, he found that the old wound on Qi Yanjun's leg was cracked. It was estimated that it was caused by running in the woods. Fortunately, it was not too serious. After simply stopping the blood, he was immediately sent to a nearby hospital.

Blue Yue also want to accompany, Qi Yanjun all the way holding her hand, never let go. When the hospital confirmed that there was no big problem, her heart was finally put down.

"I'll get you hot water."


Qi Yanjun released his hand and looked at her leaving with a soft look in his eyes. He put his palm on his lips and gently kiss, recalling LAN Yue's nervousness when he was hurt. The sweetness in his heart made the corners of his lips rise.


Qi Hanmo arrived at the hospital in the afternoon, and his face was not very good-looking.

"Run away?" Qi Yanjun is sitting on the hospital bed, drinking the water that blue Yue gives him. Even if it is boiled water, also tasted the sweet taste, a pair of peach blossom eyes smile curved.

Qi Han Mo increased the intensity of frown, "do you know who those people are?"

"I don't know." He put down the cup as much as he could, leaving only their two brothers in the room. Qi Yanjun was playing with the water cup on the table. "At first, I had some ideas, but after deep investigation, I found something was wrong. After following them all night, these people are very vigilant. I don't speak when I'm on a mission. I just rely on gestures. "

He had a hard time to grab a suit of clothes last night. He wanted to go into the tiger's den to find out who sent these people. But in the process of carrying out the task, they all exchange information by hand gesture.

Qi Yanjun had been trained in the military area command. After observing a little bit, he could barely understand these sign languages. These people originally wanted to catch him, but when they found that he was missing, they temporarily put the target on LAN Yue.

Before meeting LAN Yue, their leader didn't say a word. Rao is Qi Yanjun's strong observation ability, he can't see through his expression under the other party's masked face. In addition, it was dark at that time, so he ran away to guide those people to pursue him, and led the people from the military region to come.

Who knows, they ran away.

"Did you doubt them at first?" Qi Hanmo draws out a picture, it is Lan Jun and others.

"Yes." Qi Yan Jun did not care with his hands on the back of the head, "these things, I will deal with."

“……” Qi Hanmo also wanted to say, but Qi Yanjun's eyes were put on the empty cup again. He couldn't hide his joy. "Xiao yue'er should be back soon. If you're OK, go first."

"Son of a bitch, I've been looking for you all night."

Qi Han Mo threw down the information, turned around and left, too lazy to see him.

Qi Yanjun flipped through some useless materials. Since the group of people dared to fight him in the vicinity of the military area command last night, they must have been brave and distinguished.

He used a lighter to burn the photos of LAN Jun and others, so as not to be seen by LAN Yue.

Because the injury was not too serious, the doctor asked him to stay in the hospital for observation for a day and then he could be discharged. Yunfang knew that Qi Yanjun was injured again, and after a long time at home, Qi Yanjun moved to lanyue for a temporary stay.

"Sleep in a bright room."

LAN Yue helps to pack up the luggage and looks at Qi Yanjun fighting with LAN Chen Hao in the hall. He knows that Qi Yanjun doesn't go back and doesn't want Yunfang to trouble her.Even if this matter has nothing to do with her, Yunfang will shift the responsibility to him.

"Mom, he's robbing my toys again!" Blue Chen Hao is angry in the hall to shout.

LAN Yue quickly packed up the things and stopped the big one and the small one, lest they start again.

In view of Qi Yanjun's injury, she asked for a day off to take care of him on Monday. Seeing that Qi Yanjun had no problems in her daily life, she went back to work. Take advantage of the noon free, contact LAN Jun, ask him out to meet.

As expected, LAN Jun agreed and appeared at the front desk of the company within ten minutes.

This makes LAN Yue have to doubt whether the other party has been following her. She didn't cover up and directly asked LAN Jun.

Since the teenager claimed to be her relative, he should not cheat her.

"Yes." LAN Jun didn't mean to hide it. After thinking about it, he nodded and admitted, "however, it's not so much that I'm following you, it's better to find a chance to meet you. Qi's family has been guarding nearby, so I can only hide. "

"What you said last time is true?" LAN Yue also knew that Qi Yanjun had been following him a few days ago. He was on guard against LAN Jun, so he didn't worry too much about this problem.

She was more curious about LAN Jun's identity, "my father and your father are real cousins? What evidence do you have? "

"Evidence? Didn't I give you enough identification last time? " Perhaps he didn't expect LAN Yue to be so wary. LAN Jun was a little puzzled. "My father has been dead for many years, and I have never seen you before. You suddenly ask me for these materials, and I don't have them on hand. But Uncle LAN has been talking to me about your father, uncle LAN --"

the door of the office is knocked, and he plans to have a talk.

The Secretary half opened the door, "Miss LAN, Miss Ellie, come to settle the entrance fee."

"Let her in."

Raise a hand to signal LAN Jun to wait a moment, LAN Yue returns to the desk and takes out a check from the drawer.

It happened that Ellie came in from the door with sunglasses on her face, headphones on her ears, and she seemed to be chewing gum.

Seeing LAN Yue standing at her desk sorting out the information, she turned her eyes haughtily. If it had not been for the set of jewelry of senior sister, she would not have attended such a low-quality press conference. The whole city was full of wind and rain, and the media were looking for her.

"Miss Ellie, see if there is a problem." LAN Yue hands her the information.

Alice looked at it, took the pen and signed the document. She said "thank you" in English without sincerity. She planned to return home today. The sight of a casual glance, actually let her see a young man in a black coat sitting on the sofa drinking water.

The profile of the youth's profile is three-dimensional and sharp, with an indescribable calm temperament. Rao is used to seeing beautiful men and beautiful women, and Ellie can't help looking at it more. She always thinks that this Oriental looks familiar, but she can't remember for a moment.

"I'll go first."

When LAN Yue sorted out the information, she waved the check in her hand and left smartly. Yu Guang took a few eyes at LAN Jun, and felt more familiar with him.

After entering the elevator, Ellie suddenly "ah" sound, scared the assistant!

"Give me your cell phone!" Aili is crazy. She usually grabs the satchel from her assistant and wants to call Xu miaolung. She guessed right. LAN Yue knew the boy who held her hostage!

This is the person, she won't admit it wrong! , the fastest update of the webnovel!