Chapter 286

"What is the relationship between my father and the Qi family?" Blue Yue showed a surprised expression. She told the detective that she had been working abroad for a long time, and that she had only recently planned to return to China for a long time in order to understand her father's past.

The detective did not suspect her, and changed his dignified expression, "I found that Mr. LAN had been a bodyguard of Qi family for a long time, and he also took this daughter with him..." Speaking of this, he couldn't help looking at LAN Yue.

But LAN Yue's expression is too calm. The detective also knows that Lan gang has two daughters, one is raised by his side and the other is sent abroad. One of LAN Gang's daughters has died in the plane accident, and now sitting in front of him should be the second daughter.

The detective opened the information and continued to say, "a few years ago, the father of Qi's family was attacked. In order to protect him, Mr. Lan was seriously injured on the spot and died after being sent to the hospital. Then, the second young man of the Qi family married Mr. Lan's daughter."

He turned out a picture of the wedding, but because the Qi family's secrecy work was so good, the detective could only see LAN Yue's fuzzy back in her wedding dress, but not the front.

Seeing the picture of the wedding again, LAN Yue was in a trance, but soon recovered, "I know all these things. What I want to know is, before my father contacted the Qi family, what was his job? "

"This one..." The detective was puzzled to find out the information. "According to the information, Mr. Lan was also a bodyguard before. Because of the immigration of his original employer, Mr. LAN left his job and went to the Qi family. These are things that happened decades ago. It's a waste of time to investigate. If Miss LAN needs to, I can go and check it. "

According to the information, LAN Gang's first employer was a southerner, and it took two hours to fly.

LAN Yue couldn't go there in person. They discussed with each other. The private detective decided to start tonight. LAN Yue would pay him back all the expenses.

"Miss LAN, don't worry. I'll go back and pack now."

There is no need to continue to investigate the Qi family. The detective is much more relaxed and has a smile on his face.

Blue Yue settled the account, with information to go home to check, but did not find a small black bridge car parked on the road opposite the restaurant.

Xu miaoyong sits in the back seat, watching LAN Yue say goodbye to the detective. They get on the car and leave. She felt something wrong. "Go and find out who is with LAN Yue."

"Yes, miss." The bodyguard in the driver's seat opened the door and ran into the restaurant. After a while, he went back to the car and showed a dignified expression to Xu miaoyong. "Miss, a waiter heard it personally. When the man and miss LAN talked, he claimed to be a private detective, but the waiter didn't hear the specific content of their conversation."


Xu miaolung buckled her purse with her fingernails. The more she thought about it, the more worried she felt, "find some people to follow the detective. If you find out, tell me immediately." She said, and added, "and help me contact Yingying."

"Yes, miss." The bodyguard made two phone calls and took care of it.

Seeing that it was late, Xu Miaolong returned home to have a rest.

The detective got the message. He packed up and went to sleep.

Xu miaolung breathed a sigh of relief and thought that Lan Yue wanted to find a detective to investigate her child. Although LAN Yue knows that she is pregnant, she does not know the specific origin of the child. If LAN Yue knows, she will definitely tell Qi Yanjun!

"Follow him carefully and see what this detective is going to investigate in the south." Xu miaoreng's tone became sharp. She wants to know what LAN Yue is going to do with Qi Yanjun on his back.

"Miss, we've already arranged the tickets." The bodyguard should say.

She hung up and turned off the lights.

It rained in the next few days, and Xu Miaolong took some efforts to get Qi Yingying out.

Since Qi Yingying was exposed by the media, she has kept a low profile and has been living in Yunfang's family. Xu miaolung asked her several times, but she refused every time. Xu Miaolong had to claim that her foreign friends had given her a famous brand watch, which happened to be Qi Yingying's favorite, but she couldn't buy it.

Hearing this news, Qi Yingying just bit her teeth and promised to meet her.

They meet in a private restaurant, which is very hidden, and there will never be a reporter. But Rao is so, Qi Yingying is still fully armed, wearing sunglasses and scarves to cover her face.

Xu Miaolong almost didn't recognize her. Looking at her emaciated, Xu miaolung also has heartache. When she was in Qi's family, only Qi Yingying really cared about her. "Yingying, I inquired with familiar reporters. They no longer care about your news. You can relax a little during this time."

"Sister in law..." Qi Yingying's eyes were gloomy. Even if she knew that Xu Miaolong and Qi Yanjun were divorced, she couldn't change her mouth for a moment and a half. "The reporters just don't report my affairs for the time being. If they see me, the end will be the same. Besides, the elder brother and the second brother have been busy recently. If I make some mistakes again, no one will help me

Qi Yingying at the beginning did not expect to become like this. Whenever she thought of being tortured by a reporter, she couldn't help wrapping her silk scarf tightly. She always thought that the media did not dare to offend Qi family, but the fact made her despair.She would rather not go out now than meet a reporter.

Xu miaolung is a star. She understands Qi Yingying's feelings very well. They almost hit it off and talked for a long time to let Qi Yingying relax.

"By the way, Yingying, did you say that Yan Jun was away from home?" Xu miaolung asked casually.

Qi Yingying bowed her head and fiddled with the dishes in front of her, but did not find the strange in her eyes. "I don't know. My mother told me these things. Anyway, the elder brother and the second brother are not at home. Moreover, the foot of the second brother seems to be hurt. My mother also talked about it for several days. I heard that it was hurt in the elder brother's place, and that blue Yue was also there."

Qi Yingying showed a disgusting expression, in any case can not like that woman!

"When did this happen?" Xu miaoreng was surprised and asked. He felt that he was too nervous. He tried to stabilize his emotions. "I know that Yan Jun's leg has been injured, but he is not about to recover?"

"This is his second injury!" Qi Yingying accentuated tone, more disgusted, "I don't know the specific process, anyway, it's all my mother told me, just a few days ago."

"A few days ago?"

Xu miaolung frowned, and then thought of LAN Zhen and others. She also contacted these people a few days ago. LAN Zhen and others have made it clear that their target is Qi Yanjun.

Qi Jun, in order to get their trust.

Just a few days later, Qi Yanjun had an accident. This is really a coincidence. Maybe these people did it!

Xu miaoreng pressed with surprise, "attacked Yan Jun near the military area command? Who on earth did these things? "

"I don't know. I heard it's still under investigation." Qi Yingying is confused.

Xu miaolung drank shallowly and called out the photo of LAN Jun rescuing LAN Yue on the day of the accident from his mobile phone, "Yingying, in fact, I came to you today, mainly to talk about things related to LAN Yue."

"Why talk about this woman? I don't like her at all!" Qi Yingying hates to turn her mouth.

Xu miaoreng was also helpless, "I think this matter has something to do with your second brother, so I need to tell you. Take a look at this picture. I have seen the young man in the picture. He was with a group of people, which made me feel It's not much of a good person. " Xu Miaolong showed a thoughtful expression, falsely claimed to see LAN Yue and this group of people trading, and intentionally or unintentionally led to Qi Yan Jun's attack.

Qi Yingying is not stupid, shocked with wide eyes, "in this way, my second brother's injury has something to do with LAN Yue? Is Lan Yue looking for someone to deal with her second brother? "

"Yingying, this is just what I see, but I really can't hear what LAN Yue talks to these people." "She hesitated," although these people do not look like good people, but they should not be able to go to the military area to attack Yan Jun secretly? "

Xu miaoreng said no confidence, Qi Yingying "tut" sound, quickly save the photo, "sister-in-law, you go back with me, I want to tell my mother this matter, can't let LAN Yue this woman stay in my home again!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!