Chapter 287

"Yingying, I have no evidence yet." Xu miaolung pushed away her hand, her eyes slightly red, "and, I and Yan Jun have divorced, not suitable to find aunt Yun."

"How could it be?" Qi Yingying was surprised, "my mother used to treat you so well. Even if you get divorced, you can often go back!"

"No..." Xu miaolung hesitated, while looking at Qi Yingying's face, confirmed that she did not show any strange, then relieved.

Qi Yingying's mental state is not good recently. Yunfang won't tell her about Qi's family. In other words, Qi Yingying doesn't know that she once wanted to drive LAN Yue away with her baby in her stomach, but she is discovered by Yunfang.

Maybe Qi Yingying didn't know she was pregnant.

The dark color flashed in her eyes, and Xu miaolung turned around. "Aunt Yun will no longer believe me. If aunt Yun knows that I gave you the photo, she may be angry."

"What happened when I was away? Is Lan Yue bullying you? " Qi Yingying clenched her teeth, "that woman is really too hateful. Isn't she helping my second brother give birth to a child? She really thinks the Qi family is her

Seeing that Xu miaoyong was still sad, she neatly packed up her things, "sister-in-law, don't worry. I won't tell my mother that these photos are from you. I'll go back and make things clear now."

"Yingying -"

Xu miaoreng pretended to be anxious to stop her, but she didn't even touch Qi Yingying's sleeve.

saw her as like as two peas, and Xu's appearance was just like her imagination.

She had long expected that because of the heartache of Qi Yingying, Yunfang would never tell Qi Yingying what happened to Qi Yingying. Qi Yingying became a question of three unknown. No matter what she said, Qi Yingying would believe it.

If Yunfang knew that it was LAN Yue who attacked Qi Yanjun, she would not believe that Yunfang could tolerate LAN Yue.

Xu miaolung wiped off the greasy hands, made a phone call, immediately arranged the ticket, to leave here temporarily, pretending that all this had nothing to do with her.


On the other side, after Qi Yingying returned to Qi's home, she made a big noise and showed the photos to Yunfang. When Yunfang heard about this, her dignified facial features were distorted, and she said to the servant, "let lanyue come to see me!"

"What are you arguing about?"

Qi Fu came from the study with a calm face. Li Mu swept Xiang Yunfang and heard their quarrel downstairs.

"Dad, you have a quick look! The second brother is injured. It must have something to do with this woman! " Qi Yingying hands over the mobile phone.

Seeing the picture, Qi Lin wrung her eyebrows. Yunfang, while distracted by his attention, quickly asked the servant to call her. She sat on the sofa with a stiff face and made numerous attempts to drive LAN Yue away. The Qi family could not accept her daughter-in-law.

Originally she had planned to accept LAN Yue, who knew that such a thing happened at this critical moment.

LAN Yue actually bought fierce to deal with her son!

Yunfang absolutely can't tolerate such a thing. She has long suspected why LAN Yue was so obedient after returning home. At the beginning, Qi family forced her to divorce Qi Yanjun, which caused her abortion. How could LAN Yue not want revenge at all?

It turns out that this woman's previous harmony is just pretending to be. She wants to wait until Qi Yanjun is unprepared and let Qi Yanjun pay the price! Thinking of this, Yunfang shivered, quickly took Qi Yingying back to the room, picked up some valuable jewelry, to send LAN Yue away, since then Qi family has nothing to do with her.

"It's nonsense!" Qi Lin wants to stop the mother and daughter from making so many things out of a single photo, and is not afraid of being laughed at by others? What's more, the two children are still at home, and if they see them, they will surely give the children down.

But at this time, the housekeeper informed LAN Yue that she had come.

Qi Lin has a headache. He stares at Yunfang fiercely, indicating that she is quiet. She takes the initiative to greet LAN Yue. "Xiaoyue, my uncle has received some high-quality tea recently, so he specially asked the servant to pack some for you. You can take it back and taste it. According to Hao Hao Hao, you have to work overtime all day recently. Drinking some tea can refresh you. "

"Thank you, uncle Qi."

It's a simple blue suit from the company.

She took the tea prepared by the servant and took a drink. Yunfang, sitting opposite, stared at her with hostility. However, due to Qi Fu's majesty, Yunfang did not make trouble with her for the first time. Instead, she winked at the servant and tried to get rid of Qi Fu.

Can blue Yue deep vision but looked over, "the person who just called said to me, Mrs. Qi has something to look for me, don't know what it is?"

She was about to get off work when she received a phone call. The other party claimed to be a servant of Qi's family and said that Yunfang had an urgent matter to look for her. But after she came over, Yunfang didn't say a word to her. She was not staring at Qifu. The atmosphere was very strange.

"I --"

"nothing, what can she tell you?" Qi Lin laughed, looked at Yunfang, and said, "by the way, said before to transfer to Haohao, don't you agree? I think the relationship between Haohao and Xiuyuan is getting better and better. When I went to school this morning, Xiuyuan still wanted to follow Haohao and was stopped by employers. "Qi Lin couldn't help laughing, and there were friendly wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. It could be seen that he liked the two children very much.

Blue Chen Hao needless to say, this is his only grandson. Although Rong Xiuyuan was not born in person, Qi family and Rong family were close friends. He always regarded Rong Xiuyuan as his grandson. After the accident happened in Rong family, he was more distressed for the child. On weekdays, if there is no special thing to be busy with, I will accompany my two children.

Seeing Rong Xiuyuan's character becoming more and more cheerful, he also felt at ease. The only heartache was that Rong Xiuyuan wanted to go to school with LAN Chenhao every day. After being stopped by a servant, he bowed his head wrongly, which made people heartache.

Qi Lin tries to persuade LAN Yue that it's good for them to let the two children go to school together.

But LAN Yue didn't want to be too intimate with Qi's family. After a little consideration, she shook her head, "Uncle Qi, I will consider what you said. Haohao has just adapted to the new school, so fast to transfer, he may not be able to adapt. "

"What you said is also reasonable. Let's slow down the matter."

Qi Lin said, let the servant bring out the prepared dinner. After the family finished eating, the servant prepared tea again. LAN Yue and Qi Lin chatted.

Yunfang is gnashing her teeth while watching. She knows that her husband is trying to protect LAN Yue.

"Mom, what are we going to do now?"

Qi Yingying nervously takes Yunfang's hand and looks at LAN Yue's eyes with some fear. If she can't drive this woman away now, she may attract revenge in the future!

Blue Yue even Qi Yan Jun also dare to deal with, how can you put her in the eye? Qi Yingying thought more and more afraid, her face turned pale.

"I have my own way."

Yunfang hummed, she did not believe that Qilin can protect LAN Yue for a lifetime!

At 9:30, LAN Yue realizes that it's not too early. He takes blue Chen Hao back first, and completely ignores the eyes of Yunfang's mother and daughter. But blue Chen Hao is not willing to let go of repair far, two children quietly agreed to continue to play together tomorrow.

Looking at their whispering appearance, LAN Yue can't bear it. She naturally does not want to let her son and playmate separate, but these days because of overtime, blue Chen Hao has lived in Qi's home for several nights.

"Haohao, let's go back and play with Xiuyuan tomorrow."


Blue Chen Hao some reluctant to give up, walked to the door, but also back with Rong Xiuyuan waved goodbye. LAN Yue also thought about taking Rong Xiuyuan to the apartment for a while, but Qi's family certainly didn't agree. She didn't have enough energy to take care of her two children.

A few days later, it happened to be the weekend. LAN Yue took LAN Chen Hao to find Rong Xiuyuan early in the morning. As soon as the two children met, they took out the model plane and played in the garden.

LAN Yue chose a cool shade and moved to the chair. He looked at them and asked the private detective about the latest situation.

The private detective has been in the south for nearly a week, but he still found LAN Gang's first employer. For this reason, he felt very sorry, "Miss LAN, I'm really sorry. I have searched this area, but there is no news. And - "

through the microphone, LAN Yue heard him swallow his mouth foam, and his voice became frightened," I guess Mr. LAN gang may have cheated the Qi family. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!