Chapter 327

LAN Yue sighed and put the phone back in his pocket without dialing.

After dinner, she went back to her room to rest. On the words of the rain, listen to the voice of the rain.

Today is the first day and she has two days left.

When time comes, Qi Hanmo will continue to investigate LAN Jun and others.

Although LAN Jun has some skills, she can't be Qi Hanmo's opponent. She really doesn't want her relatives to have an accident.

LAN Yue turned over and gazed at the dim ceiling in a complicated way. His eyes were more and more sad. It was not until the clock in the living room rang twelve times that she adjusted her sleeping posture and tried to let herself sleep.

The typhoon was over after two days.

LAN Yue goes to work on time and handles things well. Finally, he decides to meet LAN Jun.

She dialed the number and waited for about ten seconds before the call was answered.

"What can I do for you?"

LAN Jun's voice across the microphone seems a little low mature, directly asked.

"Do you have time? I want to meet you. " LAN Yue reported the address.


LAN Jun was silent for a while before answering her.

The meeting was scheduled for tomorrow.

Qi Hanmo just gives her the deadline. Before that, she must make clear the gratitude and resentment between the blue family and the Qi family!

The meeting place is about a small restaurant near the lake, which is remote. LAN Yue also occasionally heard the staff talking to know that there was such a place.

The small restaurant is built on the artificial lake. It is balanced by several strong columns, which looks very poetic. On the green lake, there are several mandarin ducks playing in the water slowly.

"Miss LAN?"

Blue rain parked the car on the side of the road, just want to go to the restaurant, suddenly heard a familiar voice, heart suddenly a tight.

He turned his head and saw Li Yiyao come over doubtfully. He was wearing a black and gray suit with a straight iron. It was as if he was attending an important occasion and wearing a tie on his collar.

Li Yiyao usually wears loose sportswear. He just acts. Today, he changes his clothes. His momentum is much more restrained, but more oppressive.

Looking at LAN Yue's face, he was surprised that he couldn't hide it. He also looked at the small restaurant across the road. His doubts increased, but he didn't directly ask, "Miss LAN, are you here for a meeting?"


LAN Yue's expression changed slightly. He responded to the situation. He didn't want to be asked too much by Li Yiyao. At the same time, he carefully noticed that he said "yes". He could not help looking at the private hotel not far away.

If the lakeside restaurant is a place where petty bourgeoisie white-collar workers often go, then the private hotel not far away is a good thing for the upper class.

The decoration of the hotel is a combination of Chinese and western. The exterior light looks like a villa with European style, but the style inside is inclined to Chinese style. Moreover, you have to have a membership card to get in and out, which is a symbol of identity.

She looked at Li Yiyao's face and guessed that Qi Yanjun was there too! If Qi Yanjun knew that she met with LAN Jun, he didn't know what would happen.

She didn't dare to stay. She took a look at her wristwatch, raised her eyebrows and said, "it's getting late. I still have something to do."

"OK, Miss LAN, go ahead and do it."

Li Yiyao sidesteps, watching LAN Yue walk to the small restaurant. He would like to follow up to check, after all, LAN Yue is now the company's president, she came to the meeting, the Secretary can not be around.

But now she's the only one.

But just as he started, he remembered that Qi Yanjun had something to do, so he had to put LAN Yue's business on hold for the time being. Back in the hotel, Li Yiyao simply told Qi Yanjun about LAN Yue.

"Yes?" Qi Yanjun looked out of the window and saw the small restaurant standing on the artificial lake. With a deep smile, he stood up and left the table, "Yi Yao, the meeting was postponed."

"OK." Li Yiyao was not surprised by Qi Yanjun's decision.

People around him changed a little, but did not dare to stop Qi Yan Jun.


On the other side, LAN Yue goes to the wing room.

Push open the door to see LAN Jun sitting near the window on the position of tea. The layout of the wing room is full of Japanese flavor. LAN Jun takes off his shoes and kneels down on the ground, staring out of the window, not knowing what he is thinking.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, LAN Jun turned his head and looked at him, making a gesture to stand up.

"Let's change places. Qi Yanjun is nearby." LAN Yue explained his intention directly.

Blue Jun face expressionless stand up, "you plan to hide from Qi Yan Jun all the time?"

“……” She opened her mouth, a little speechless, and naturally knew it was impossible.

She came to LAN Jun today to understand the enmity between the blue family and the Qi family.

It's not the way to escape all the time.

"Then sit down." LAN Jun pointed to the opposite position and sat down quietly, completely unaffected by Qi Yanjun's affairs.

LAN Yue looked at his side face and suddenly realized, "you knew he would come?"LAN Jun had a way to sneak into the military area command, and naturally he had a way to know Qi Yanjun's whereabouts.

"I don't know." Kneeling on the tatami, the young man calmly picked up the tea cup, but his eyes fell on her, "I discussed with Uncle LAN before. He decided to tell you about the blue family and Qi family. Qi Yan Jun is here, just right."

"Uncle LAN?"

This is not the first time she heard the name. LAN Jun has mentioned LAN Shu several times before. This should be their elder.

Just about to ask, the door was knocked.

She thought it was the waiter, so she opened her mouth and said "come in". However, the person who pushed the door open was a middle-aged man in his fortitude. When he saw LAN Yue, his smile was even more kind. She walked quickly to her and said, "is this xiaoyueer? Sure enough, I grew up and beautiful. The last time I saw you, you were still a little baby, nestled in brother gang's mouth with a pacifier. I grew up in a twinkling of an eye. How time flies. "

"Just like yesterday, brother gang just left. Who knows I can't see him when I come back this time." LAN Zhen said, more bitter on his face.

LAN Jun stood up, helped pull out the chair, and called out "blue uncle."

LAN Zhen took the opportunity to wipe his face with his hand. It seemed that he had not recovered from the news of his death.

By the angle, his eyes could be seen to redden slightly.

“……” Blue Yue also looks at the middle-aged man in front of her. He looks younger than her father, so they should know each other.

Moreover, LAN Zhen also mentioned that she had seen her as a child.

When she was more than one year old, she followed her father to the Qi family. Then, before she was more than one year old, she should be living with the people of the blue family. Just don't know why, her father suddenly decided to take her away, and for decades, he never contacted the blue family.

When LAN Zhen found them, LAN gang had already passed away.

She pinched her hands and did not rush to ask these things out, lest she should be in a passive position. After looking at the time, Qi Yanjun should have come here at this time.

"Uncle LAN." LAN Jun suddenly opened his voice, like a reminder.

LAN Zhen converged and looked at LAN Yue seriously. "Xiao yue'er, Xiao Jun told me before that you want to know the gratitude and resentment between the blue family and the Qi family."

"Yes." LAN Yue nodded and rubbed her palms in secret. It was full of sweat. She always felt that Lan Zhen's next words would certainly subvert her previous cognition.


LAN Zhen stares at her deeply, as if to confirm her words. Seeing that she didn't dodge, she sighed and took out a yellowing photo, which seemed to have been prepared.

"I'm going to tell you even if I don't ask. This photo, Xiaojun should have shown you before. This is your father, this is Xiaojun's father, and this is me. " LAN Zhen smiles again, full of nostalgia.

LAN Yue looked along his line of sight and recognized that this photo was sent to her by LAN Jun on wechat last time.

It's from Uncle LAN.

Along LAN Zhen's line of sight, she saw her young father and LAN Jun's father. They were wearing white vests and smiling at the camera. A thin boy with a simple and honest face stood beside them, laughing foolishly.

From the youth's facial features, it is not difficult to see that this person is in front of LAN Zhen.

So, this picture has been taken for at least 12 years.

Then, LAN Zhen took out another picture. This time, all the people in the picture were wearing military uniform!

"How could that be possible?" LAN Yue is scared to almost stand up. Isn't the man in military uniform in the first row of photos her father? , the fastest update of the webnovel!