Chapter 328

"My father, how to dress --" she was stunned, emotional organization of words, "how to dress like this? It's impossible! "

In the photo, although her father's military uniform is quite different from Qi Hanmo, it is a real uniform! It should be different styles.

Because the photos are well preserved, even can clearly see LAN Gang's shoulder with several military emblems, these things can not be fake.

The scope of military uniform is too wide, ordinary people will not casually wear a military uniform on their body, and it is impossible to forge a military emblem.

But, this is impossible?

"Take a look." LAN Zhen held out her hand, indicating that she could hold up the photo.

LAN Yue suppressed the shaking of her hands and rubbed her white fingertips on her father's young face. The photo is black and white, but it can't cover LAN Gang's youth.

"How could that be possible?" Her nose was sour and her eyes were reddish.

She had never seen such a father.

In my memory, my father always wore the uniform security uniform of Qi family and stood guard with a stiff face. When he was free, he would drink at home alone. LAN Yue didn't understand when she was a child. She thought her father was too serious.

But when she grew up, she understood the melancholy and melancholy in her father's eyes and lived like a walking corpse She thought she would never have seen her father smile like this in her life.

But I didn't expect to be in this situation.

Tears began to stop. LAN Yue realized that there were other people in the wing room. She wiped away the tears with her backhand, but the new tears soon overflowed, and could not stop.

LAN Zhen sighed and gave LAN Jun a look.

Blue Jun face expressionless handed out a paper towel, not surprised blue Yue will be so excited.

After she recovered a little, LAN Zhen looked out of the window and took a deep breath of the cold air. There was something sinister about her eyes. "Your father and Xiaojun's father, as well as your grandfather and uncle, have been soldiers for generations. It is because we believe in the Qi family that we have come to this end!"

He hit the table in a circle, with thick blue veins on his fist. It took a few seconds to go on, but the tone was gnashing, "when your grandfather and Qi's were on a mission together, we trusted Qi family wholeheartedly, but they poured dirty water on us! The reason why the blue family was split up and why Xiaojun's father was assassinated is that Qi family has done a good job! "

LAN Zhen beat the table again, as if only in this way can vent his hatred.


Blue Yue played a shiver, surprised to look at the face of the expressionless youth.

He lowered his head and wiped the spilled tea off the table with a paper towel. Feeling her line of sight, LAN Jun just raised his head and looked at him indifferently. He was not as calm as an 18-year-old boy.

“……” She opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Although he had known that Lan Jun's father was no longer there, he did not expect that he was killed by the assassination, and it was the Qi family that led to the assassination.

Over there, LAN Zhen wiped his face with his hands. His eyes were red, and he wanted to make things clear to LAN Yue.

But at this time, the door of the wing room was knocked, "Uncle LAN." Sounds like a young man.

Blue Zhen quickly adjust good mood, should not want to be seen by outsiders, his appearance, "come in." Except for his hoarse voice, he didn't look any different.

Push the door and enter is a handsome young man, his eyes in the wing room around a circle, see blue Yue, obviously more defensive. He reached LAN Zhen's ear and said something.

LAN Zhen's expression was more serious and nodded to indicate that he knew.

The youth turned and left.

When the door was closed again, LAN Zhen looked at him sternly, "just now, Qi Yanjun walked into the restaurant."

"Did he come?" LAN Yue is surprised and straightens up.

After chatting with LAN Zhen for so long, they almost forgot about Qi Yanjun.

"Yes." LAN Zhen nodded, "our people used some small methods to make Qi Yanjun faint temporarily. I believe he came to look for you. What are you going to do? Do you want me to go on talking to you or go to find Qi Yanjun? "

This is the choice again!

LAN Yue pursed her lips. A few days ago, Qi Han Mo asked her the same question. Today, LAN Zhen asked her the same way.

She is sandwiched between the blue family and the Qi family, must make a choice.

"Go to the banquet first." LAN Yue stands up.

Looking at her resolute eyes, blue vibration shallow drink after, nod to promise, call on blue Jun to leave the wing room together. The three walked along the elegant corridor towards another wing room.

Without seeing anyone along the way, LAN Yue can't help but wonder, guessing that Lan Zhen has already made arrangements. The restaurant is full of people from the blue family. Otherwise, Qi Yanjun can't be easily confused.

Deep in the corridor is a specially decorated wing room.

Because it is the nearest wing room to the lake, the owner of the restaurant specially renovated it and set it as a VIP room.Push open the door, the first to see a round window, surrounded by Chinese style carving. Qi Yanjun leaned against the chair under the window. His eyes were closed and he seemed to have slept in the past. Even numbers were still tied. It should be that the people of the blue family were afraid of his escape and deliberately made it up.

When LAN Yue came to him, he could hear the sound of even breathing. There was a faint smell of medicine in the air. It was this medicine that made Qi Yanjun faint.

After standing for a while, she felt dizzy and helped the wall in time to avoid falling.

LAN Zhen motioned for her to step back and squint at Qi Yanjun, with strong disgust, "Xiao Jun has already told us about the relationship between you and Qi Yanjun. You can't be blamed for this. When brother gang took you away, you were just born. Brother gang didn't want you to know that it was dirty and didn't tell you the inside story. "

"You have lived with Qi family for so many years, and it is inevitable that you have feelings." LAN Zhen sighed, "it's a pity that even if we continue to hold our breath and do not seek revenge from the Qi family, the Qi family is not going to let us go."

"Do you mean qihanmo?" LAN Yue knows that Qi Hanmo is investigating the LAN family.

According to what LAN Zhen just said, Qi family was deliberately framed the blue family. Qi Hanmo is the eldest son of Qi family. He must know about it. Qi was found by him and the whereabouts of LAN Zhen and others. He did not know whether he would dispose of LAN Zhen and others in order to keep the secret of that year.

This incident, for Qi family, is a scandal, enough to destroy Qi family.


LAN Zhen frowned and seemed to stop talking, but in the end he didn't say much, "it's Qi's family anyway." He went to Qi Yanjun and looked at the beautiful man. The more he looked at him, the more he looked at him, the more he got in the way. However, because of the presence of LAN Yue, he restrained his anger. "Qi family will know about you sooner or later. Before that, you must make a choice."

He took a necklace from his neck.

LAN Yue found that there were several bullets hanging on his necklace. LAN Zhen took one of them and handed it to her. Her voice was full of reluctance, "this is what your father gave me in those years. I'm younger than them. They all think I'm a younger brother, so they take out one and give it to me

When talking about his childhood, LAN Zhen smiles, but is soon covered by sorrow. "It's a pity that when I was 16 years old, LAN's family had an accident. Many things were too late to take away, and these bullets were left."

"This is your father's legacy. I'll give it back to you now."

"No, take it." LAN Yue can see that he has deep feelings for his father. Although the bullet in his hand is small, it is extremely heavy, which is not what she should accept.

Gloomy looking to Qi Yanjun, her throat sour, silent for a long time to blue vibration way, "I want to think about it again."

"I understand." LAN Zhen nodded, "as I said just now, I came to you not to let you inherit the hatred of the blue family, but you are surnamed LAN. Qi family now do not know your life experience, once they found out, they are very likely to deal with you in order to keep a secret. Qi has never been a good man. " He spat.

The man leaning on the chair frowned and might have been woken up.

"You go out first." Blue Yue block in front of, do not want to be seen by Qi Yan Jun.

"Pay attention to yourself."

LAN Zhen didn't say much. Before leaving, he saw LAN Yue bending down to help Qi Yanjun up. Maybe she didn't realize how gentle her movements were at the moment. , the fastest update of the webnovel!