Chapter 344

Blue Chen Hao's hands embrace chest's sitting in the back waiting for them, usually Rong Xiuyuan has the best relationship with him, but today he only cares about talking with Qi Yanjun and ignores him!

He angrily took out a tablet computer from the door interlayer, contacted LAN Yue, "Mom, where are you?"

Blue Yue is almost a second back, "still in the factory, are you going back with Xiuyuan?"

It's not! He turned his mouth and saw Rong Xiuyuan trying to cross between the driver's seat and the co driver's seat, eager to sit next to Qi Yanjun.

Seeing this, he felt uncomfortable. Rong Xiuyuan had always been close to him in the car. Today, he left him alone in the back seat for an uncle who bullied him all day.

Rong Xiuyuan just pushed past and asked who Xie Lan was.

LAN Chen Hao turned his eyes and asked LAN Yue on wechat, "Mom, who is that Aunt named Xie LAN?"

He can also find out the matter, just don't need Qi Yanjun!

"How do you ask about it?"

At this time, LAN Yue is accompanying Xie LAN to visit the factory. After a walk, they felt tired and sat in the office to have a rest.

Hearing the problem of blue Chen Hao, she looks up to the door of the office.

Through the open door, Sheran could be seen standing outside, discussing with the manager of the factory. She paid close attention to the manager's expression and could see that she was a cultured person.

Thinking of Rong Xiuyuan also asked her about Xie LAN, LAN Yue got to heart, "this is my mother's partner."

"What else?" Blue Chen Hao is eager to know more.

In view of the child's behavior is too strange, LAN Yue sifted with him and said, "aunt Xie contacted her mother last week. She just signed the contract today. In the future, aunt Xie will often come to the company."

"Did you see Aunt Xie when you and Xiuyuan came to play in the company that day?"

"Yes." Blue Chen Hao because want to type, reply a bit slow, "that day saw her curse."

"To whom?"

"I don't know. I took Xiuyuan to the bathroom and saw this aunt talking on the phone, fierce." He can't type some words, so he simply omits them.

LAN Yue often chats with her son, so she can understand his meaning at a glance.

Confused to look at Sheran, known for more than a week, has never seen her curse.

"Take good care of Xiuyuan, and my mother will come to you after work." Don't want children to interfere with the affairs of adults, lanyue pacifies.


After putting away her mobile phone, she got up to greet Sheran and continued to visit the factory.

To more than six o'clock can go back, go directly to the Qi home to find blue Chen Hao, saw the garden midway, accidentally heard the voice of blue Chen Hao.

Around the tree to see, blue Chen Hao is with Rong Xiuyuan in the garden to play, but they did not play model aircraft today. Two children sitting side by side on the chair, blue Chen Hao a pair of casual said, "mother said that the aunt is her partner, will often meet the company in the future."

"But she is fierce." Rong Xiuyuan shrinks in fear.

"She may be in a bad mood." Blue Chen Hao organizes language, but what he knows is really too few, most still have to rely on to make up, "anyway, mother says her partner!"

"But Uncle Qi doesn't like her either." Today, I talked with Qi Yanjun for a long time. Rong Xiuyuan saw Qi Yanjun talking about Xie LAN with some disdain on his face.

Although he could not fully understand the expression, he also knew that he did not like it.

“……” Blue Chen Hao black small face jumps to the ground, "I just don't listen to him!" Then he turned his head and left.

Rong Xiuyuan worried about irritating blue Chen Hao, rushed to chase him, did not see blue Yue standing beside them, do not understand why Qi Yan Jun does not like Xie LAN? It's hard to understand. They must have been in contact?

It's no use thinking about it here. She goes back to the villa to find Qi Yanjun.

Just on the second floor, she was suddenly pulled by a force, and the whole person fell into the warm arms. The familiar breath penetrated into her nose. She looked up and saw Qi Yanjun as expected!

"Let me go first." This is the corridor. The children will come at any time. It's not good to be seen by them.

"You didn't come to me?" Qi Yan Jun leaned over and touched her soft hair with the tip of his nose. Suddenly, he was in a state of suspense.

Without waiting for LAN Yue to push him away, Qi Yanjun pulled him into the study. Although he wanted to bow his head and kiss him, he saw LAN Yue frowning. He had to bear with him and sit on the sofa. He wanted to talk more. Suddenly, there was a voice of broken glass in the Hall downstairs.

Then, the servant cried out for the two children in panic.

"I'll go down and have a look!" Worried about the children's accident, LAN Yue struggled to stand up and left Qi Yanjun in place.

He couldn't laugh or cry. He had a hard time to be alone, which was destroyed by two bear children.

Go to the downstairs to check, just know is blue Chen Hao when taking snacks, accidentally put the glass plate with candy to break, fortunately two people are not injured, the servant is busy cleaning up the broken glass.Qi Yanjun went down to check and happened to see a black car driving into the garage.

Seeing that Lan Yue is already comforting them, Qi Yanjun calmly goes to the garage.

"Qi Shao."

Li Yiyao got out of the car and saw Qi Yanjun. Subconsciously, he straightened up. "Xu Miaolong has already arranged for her. She is still in the apartment. The nanny will come to clean it on time."

With that, he also took out the photos that he had prepared in the morning. The content of the photo was outside Xu Miaolong's apartment. You can see the clothes belonging to Xu miaoyong hanging on the balcony.

"Did you see Xu miaoyong in the apartment?" Qi Yanjun chuckled and handed his mobile phone to Li Yiyao, "this man contacted Xiao yue'er last week."

"Sheran?" Li Yiyao had never seen this woman before. Looking through the dignified materials, Li Yiyao felt more and more strange, "who gave her money to invest in Miss LAN?"

Qi Yanjun leaned against the car body, lit a cigarette with a smile, sandwiched between the slender fingertips, picked eyebrows, "Xu miaolung."

"How could it be?" Li Yiyao couldn't believe it. "I saw her appear in the apartment with my own eyes, and then I sent someone to watch the apartment. It lasted only a few hours." speaking of this, Li Yiyao froze, staring in surprise, "has she left?"


Qi Yan Jun shook the ash, "this woman probably knows where she is."

"I see. I'll send someone to follow her."

Li Yiyao's eyes are complicated. He really underestimates Xu miaoyong and leaves the apartment under his supervision.

If Xie Lan's identity had not too many flaws, let Qi Yanjun insight, he would have stayed outside the apartment waiting for Xu miaoyong.

It seems that Xu miaoyong has been more cautious in recent months.

Xie LAN lives alone in an upscale apartment in the center of the city. After Xu miaolung contacted her, she moved there. Li Yiyao sent someone to guard over there. He didn't disturb Xie LAN. He was afraid that Xie LAN would inform Xu Miaolong and let Xu miaoyong hide again.

To deal with the matter has been more than 10 o'clock, blue Chen Hao pesters LAN Yue to tell him a story, and lanyue sleeps in Qi's home that night.

The next day, I wanted to find Qi Yanjun and ask why he didn't like Xie LAN, but Guan Xiaoxiao called and said that Xie LAN came to the company early in the morning and asked the people in the logistics department to prepare an office for her and said that he would work hard with everyone.

LAN Yue rushed to see Xie LAN buy breakfast for his colleagues.

Xie Lan was originally good-looking, but now he is so approachable that he easily won the trust of his colleagues.

"Little yue'er."

Guan Xiaoxiao came over and gave her a look.

LAN Yue "um" voice, understand her meaning, nothing more than to pay more attention to Xie LAN.

When signing the contract, Xie LAN didn't say that she would come to work, but the next day, she built a large number of buildings.

However, the contract has been signed by Guan Xiaoxiao himself, and LAN Yue also agrees. They have no position to blame Xie LAN, they can only pay attention to her.

Moreover, the company needs a lot of money. Even if Sheran doesn't take the initiative to come to the door, they will also look for partners. Personnel changes are unavoidable.

Back in the office, she looked at Xie Lan's information and looked back and forth several times without feeling any problem. Why did Qi Yanjun reject her? Moreover, Sheran's words and deeds are inconsistent, as if someone forced her to come to the company to stay.

All these are her conjectures at present, without any evidence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!