Chapter 345

Taking advantage of lunch time, she took the time to go to the bank and made a profit for the company from her private account, so as to solve the urgent problem temporarily.

She had planned to withdraw a sum of money from her private account, but suddenly Sheran appeared. She thought that she could solve the company's difficulties, but she caused right and wrong.

Currently, there is no evidence for Sheran. She can't rashly conclude that the other party is a bad person. She will use the funds in her private account temporarily for the sake of prudence. If Sheran's not a suspect, plan again.

She did not tell anyone about this, including Guan Xiaoxiao. If Guan Xiaoxiao knew this, he would not agree with her, and even take the initiative to take out the money.

She can hold on now, and she doesn't need help for the time being.

Back to the company, LAN Yue is in a hurry to go to a meeting. When it is more than four o'clock, he is busy to pick up LAN Chen Hao. It happens that Xie LAN happens to come to find her, but is told by the secretary that Lan Yue has left the company.

"Mr. LAN left work so early?" Xie Fang was surprised.

Secretary a little embarrassed, Xie Fang just came to work in the company, naturally did not know LAN Yue was going to pick up the child. Asked face to face by the other party, the secretary always has a "boss is lazy" feeling, the smile on his face is a little stiff, "yes, Miss Lan's son is going to school, Miss LAN promised to go to pick him up."

"The school usually leaves at four o'clock. Miss LAN doesn't go there until 4:30, which has been delayed for half an hour."

Although LAN Yue often leaves early because of her children's problems, she always leaves after dealing with the matter, or she takes it home, which will never delay her work.

In addition, she had no airs in the company, so the Secretary gradually got used to her itinerary and didn't feel anything wrong, "Miss Xie, what can I do for you to find Miss LAN?"

"Nothing. I just looked at the company's database and made some adjustments. "But she didn't frown at the door.

The secretary was surprised to see that Sheran was such a person.

She kept smiling in front of LAN Yue, and showed this kind of expression when she turned her back to LAN Yue. It was a double faced sword. But the other party is the second largest shareholder of the company. Besides, Xie Lan's expression just flashed by, and she dare not say anything more, "Miss LAN will be back in the morning. Would miss Xie want to leave the documents? I'll bring it to miss LAN tomorrow. "

"No, I'll come back tomorrow."

Xie LAN impatiently walked into the elevator, returned to her office, closed the door, confirmed that no outsiders heard, she took out her mobile phone and called Xu miaoyong.

Just told her, "Lan Yue has finished work, that information is still in my hand." She then flipped through the files on her desk, which were full of data.

"Her secretary said that she would not come back until tomorrow morning, and I would give her the documents then."

"Yes." Xu miaolung's voice was slightly heavy, as if he was suppressing his anger, "but you should be careful not to let LAN Yue doubt you. I've invested a lot in you. Don't let me fail. "

"Of course." Xie LAN leaned back on the desk, carelessly playing with her newly trimmed nails. She replied respectfully, "don't worry, Miss Xu, if it wasn't for you who helped me, I don't even have the place to live now. I will help you deal with the things you explain."

She said it with great sincerity.

If you just listen to the tone, you will believe her.

But Sheran's mind was all on the nails that had just been fixed last night, and it took eight thousand to get them done. Of course, all the money was given to her by Xu Miaolong.

Two months ago, her ex boyfriend's creditor came to the house and said he would cut off her hands and feet to pay back the money. Her father scolded her as useless and refused to take care of her. She had to return to China overnight and live in her friend's villa.

But the friend soon knew that she had no money, so he took an excuse to drive her out. They were ordinary friends. They were willing to take her in for the sake of her father, and hoped to get some reward from her. Seeing that she had no money, they drove her away.

Xie LAN even coax with scold, the other side is not willing to let her live, angry she in the spot, two people tear face, she was rushed to the street.

With only a few thousand yuan, she was not familiar with her life. She wandered in the street all day. At night, she was so hungry that she went to the hotel to book the cheapest room.

Although she didn't have the right to inherit, she was a daughter at all. Living in such a small room almost made her angry. But she had no money at all. She also ate instant noodles for several days.

Seeing that she was about to pay the rent, Xu miaolung suddenly contacted her.

She and Xu miaoyong knew each other.

One of Xu's classmates is her college classmate. She once attended a party at her school. Xie LAN didn't like this woman at that time. She thought that although she looked like a daughter, she was arrogant. She had to pretend to be kind. She didn't know how many people had been cheated by her.

At that time, she only added Xu miaoyong's wechat, but they never talked for half a word, almost forgetting each other's existence.Just last week, Xu miaolung suddenly contacted her and asked her to help.

Xie LAN picked out the debris in her nails and listened to Xu Miaolong's angry breath in the microphone, turning her white eyes and showing disdain.

She is not Xiaobai. Xu Miaolong suddenly gives her so much money and helps her rent a house. She contacts LAN Yue in the name of an investor, and also deceives her into trusting her. At a glance, she knows that there is another plan.

That night, I checked the recent information of Xu Miaolong and learned the gratitude and resentment between Xu Miaolong and LAN Yue.

Isn't this hypocritical woman using her to destroy lanyue's company? What's "invest in her?" Clearly is to use her, let her be the ghost!

"Sheran, you will give her the document tomorrow, and you must watch her sign it with your own eyes." Endure again and again, Xu miaolung finally squeezed the words out of his teeth.

"Yes. I promise to take care of it. " She rolled her eyes, but for the sake of money, she was too lazy to cooperate with Xu miaoyong.

Hang up the phone, Xie LAN has nothing to do, fiddling with just bought jewelry in the office, has been waiting until work, even the mouse is too lazy to touch.

She didn't come to work at all. These Xu miaoyong arranged for her to say that staying in the company could win LAN Yue's trust as soon as possible!

Thinking of Xu Miaolong's natural tone, Xie Lan's disgusted "tut" voice. Xu Miaolong has been self righteous all her life. What she thinks is the right thing should be echoed by everyone.

If he didn't like it, Xu Miaolong would put on airs and preach. He really thought that he was a daughter.

Pick up the satchel to work, Xie Langyi went downtown shopping, with Xu miaoyong's card brush a lot of luxury goods.

That night, he received a warning call from Xu miaolung, threatening to stop the card.

"Miss Xu, don't you mean to make me pretend to be a lady? Of course, celebrities have to have some jewelry on them. " Xie Lantang put on a mask on the sofa, delicate and touching expression, "you know, my dad didn't love me at all, and was extorted by his ex boyfriend. I was not a penny, too poor. I could see that I was a fake when blue Yue saw me."

"You're so embarrassed

"OK, I see."

She snuffled, in an aggrieved tone.

After Xu miaoyong hung up, she picked up her mobile phone and checked the balance of Xu Miaolong's account. I'm afraid her father can't even earn the money in it.

Do others say that Xu miaoyong is the daughter of Xu family.

This is just one of Xu miaoyong's cards.

Xie LAN licked her dry lips and contacted the previous generation to buy a lot of things. Although the card is not her, but now the money belongs to her, she certainly won't let herself suffer.

The next day, Xie LAN came to the company on time. As expected, she saw LAN Yue sitting on the office chair processing documents.

"Mr. LAN."

Sheran immediately raised a smile and knocked on the door with her fingers bent. She painted a light make-up today, the whole person is bright and moving.

Stepping on the newly bought limited edition high-heeled shoes, she gracefully walked to LAN Yue and handed her the document, "this is the document I prepared last night. Please sign it for me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!