Chapter 350

"LAN, Mr. LAN, why are you here?"

Sheran pulled out a stiff smile, resulting in some distortion of facial features. She was careful to be on guard, for fear that Lan Yue heard what she just said.

She was able to sign with LAN Yue because she cheated LAN Yue and claimed to be born in a famous family. If you let LAN Yue know that she has a gambler's ex boyfriend, who still carries a large amount of debt, she will certainly be accused of cheating and forced to terminate her contract.

She can't break her contract yet.

Before holding the golden thigh, you must not terminate the contract!

"Nothing. I just happened to go to the bathroom."

LAN Yue walked into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and simply washed his hands. The rest of the light saw Xie LAN carefully moving his steps back. "Since LAN always has something to do, I won't disturb you."


As soon as she answered, Sheran left quickly, her back in a hurry, as if to hide something.

Thinking of Xie Lan's coquettish tone in the bathroom, she unscrewed her eyebrows. She once said before that she came to China alone, but she was just flirting with a man on her mobile phone, suggesting that the other party could come to find her.

It seems that Xi Lan is really skilled in doing things.

Unfortunately, she came late and didn't hear what Sheran had said before.

Wipe your hands with paper towel, LAN Yue goes back to the office to call Xie Lan's home. This is an overseas call. The number is left by Xie LAN.

The phone was answered quickly by a woman speaking English.

LAN Yue was polite and asked her about Xie LAN.

The woman was slightly surprised, "do you say miss LAN? Miss LAN, she went abroad three months ago and is not at home. "

Three months ago? LAN Yue took a pen to write it down. Xie LAN claimed to have gone abroad a month ago, but her servant said she left three months ago. What did Sheran do in the middle of the two months? Why did she cheat her?

Just suspecting, the servant interrupted her thinking with the next sentence, "Miss, do you have anything urgent to do with Miss LAN? I'm not sure you know Miss LAN, so I can't tell you anything. My husband and wife know that Miss LAN is the only daughter. I hope you can forgive me. "

The servant said that he could not say much, but he had already talked about Xie's family.

LAN Yue hesitates again. If Xie Jia really has only one daughter, she is definitely the successor and can't deliberately come to cheat her.

It was just that the servant's foreword didn't match the following words and behaved strangely.

"It's OK. I just dropped in and called to visit. Since Miss Xie is not here, I'll call another day."

"OK." Vaguely, the servant seemed relieved.

The phone was hung up before I could hear it clearly.

LAN Yue turns her hand-made pen thoughtfully. She always feels that Xie LAN has something to hide. She reached for the phone and dialed a phone number to ask the private detective he an to investigate Xie LAN.

Originally, she didn't want to do these things, but she had too many flaws. Even if she told herself in her heart for thousands of times, "you don't need to employ people, you don't need to doubt people." but doubt will always exist. It's better to solve it cleanly.

He an did not dare to investigate the Qi family, but in the face of the case of Xie LAN, he did not need three days to find out the results.

She took the information to find LAN Yue. "Miss LAN, the Sheran you mentioned is not the same person as the one I investigated!" He an was surprised to find a picture taken at the party.

In the photo, the light is dim, and the colorful beams of light come down from the ceiling, which makes the atmosphere of the whole venue emit a kind of erosion that makes people frown.

Wearing a pure black tight skirt, Xie LAN is kissing a tall foreign man. His muscles are strong, and his arms are as thick as Xie Lan's thighs.

Two people hugged, in the crowd as if no one else kissing, blue Yue sharp eyes to see the man put his hand into Xie Lan's skirt to grope up, Xie Lan's facial expression enjoyment also tiptoed to climb the man's shoulder, concave and convex delicate body is rubbing against him.

"I asked, this Xie LAN is a famous social flower of Y elementary school. It is not very difficult to find her information." He an also took out several copies of the form, "this is the birth certificate of Xie LAN, her mother is Chinese, is the mistress of a local rich man. More than a decade ago, the rich man's wife died of an accident, but the rich also had a son, eight years older than Sheran. Considering his son's mood, he did not marry his mother

"They have been lovers for many years, so Sheran has no right to inherit."

Hearing this, LAN Yue raised eyebrows, and she must have cheated her.

He an didn't find her small expression, and continued to explain, "the rich will give Xie LAN a certain amount of pocket money every month. However, Xie LAN is extravagant and has spent all the money several times. She came back to ask her Laozi for money. Her father was impatient and drove her out, but the woman was also greedy for money.""In order to make money, she went to the nightclub to chat and drink, and later became someone else's underground lover. Here's her information. " He an takes out an employment form from the bottom of a pile of materials, with Xie Lan's plain face photo on it. "This woman can say that she is a famous lady, or she is a social flower. Anyway, her father doesn't like her at all. Her mother has advised her several times, but after the rich are dissatisfied, her mother doesn't dare to continue to persuade her, for fear of being driven out."

"At the end of the day, she's the same kind of person as her mother. Do you mind if I smoke? "

He an took out a pack of cigarettes and asked her.

"It's OK."

LAN Yue nodded her head and continued to look at the information. Her eyebrows were more and more tight and her face was dark.

"By the way, there is another information, Miss LAN, you must read it." He an suddenly straightened up and took out a handprinted IOU from his black briefcase. Xie LAN did return to China in three months, because her boyfriend owed money and asked her as a guarantor. After her boyfriend escaped, she was responsible for the money, but she didn't want to pay attention to this mess and ran to the country overnight. "

"It's strange to say that when I investigated this matter, the database on the other side of the gambling house just broke down, and I could only find this handwritten IOU." He an pressed out the cigarette end. "Xie LAN lived in her friend's villa for the first month when she came to China. Later, she was told that she owed money, so she was driven out. She borrowed her and stayed in the hotel for another month. The hotel claimed that Xie LAN had defaulted on the rent for several days, and she was going to drive her out. But she suddenly made up the rent and borrowed it, and she will contact you. "

"This is the bill of consumption of Sheran since this month. Nearly one million yuan has been spent. The credit cards in her name are all paid out." He an flicked the ashes from his cigarette end. "If Sheran's card is rich, why should she default on the rent? Is it to experience life? "

He an also felt funny, "anyway, I don't think Xie LAN is such a person. Her highest record is that she made six boyfriends at the same time. These people's one night stands and some gave her money to spend. The woman's three outlooks are broken. She thinks that money is enough. So I suspect someone gave her some money to get close to you

He an's expression became serious. "Miss LAN, you can think of someone who wants to deal with you recently. This man can give Sheran a million dollars a month, and he must be a character

"I see. I'll study it."

With such obvious characteristics, LAN Yue's ideas are much clearer.

After checking out, she and he an left separately, but also specially put on sunglasses, do not want to be recognized by outsiders.

Considering the seriousness of the matter, on the weekend, she asked Guan Xiaoxiao to come to the apartment to discuss how to deal with it. For the time being, she didn't want to be known by the senior management of the company.

The high-level people all respect this matter very much. If they knew that she secretly went to the detective to investigate Sheran, they would not believe her, or even accuse her of doing something.

The company needs money most now, and it's not good for them to get Sheran out.

Although Xie LAN conceals a lot of things, she does have enough money in her hand, even though it is not her.

With this money, Sheran will never be allowed to leave unless the evidence is confirmed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!