Chapter 351

"Why doesn't Sheran go to play?" Guan Xiaoxiao was furious after reading the materials! "I think she's not right for several times, but every time she shows kindness to me, I always wonder if I'm too thoughtful. It turns out that she's so good at acting!"

"Look here."

LAN Yue refers to Xie Lan's emotional history.

Guan Xiaoxiao looks bent. The woman has made six boyfriends at the same time, and none of them has been found. However, Guan Xiaoxiao can't prevent her from doing so.

She sighed. "Now what? If Xie LAN is prepared as the detective guessed, she must not be allowed to stay, but - "Guan Xiaoxiao hesitates, and she also knows that the senior officials will not let her leave.

"Just let it go."

LAN Yue sat cross legged on the carpet, with her back against the sofa, and took out a contract that had been drawn up by the lawyer a few days ago. "I have already said before when I signed the contract. If I find that Xie LAN has any improper attempts to the company, I will immediately terminate the cooperation, and Xie Lan also signed the document."

"In this way, don't we offend all the senior management?" Senior management will not easily believe the detective's information. If they force the termination of the contract, it will only put the company at a disadvantage.

The high-level people said frankly that they make money with the company. If the company loses money, they will also cause serious losses, and they will definitely blame lanyue.

But Sheran is indeed a suspicious existence. If we don't solve it now, who knows what will happen in the future?

Guan Xiaoxiao had a headache. He held his knee and thought for a long time. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed, "by the way, we can make a separate appointment with Xie LAN and show her these materials. When the time comes, she won't admit it! If she has the cheek to stay, you can make an appointment with the detective. "

"The detective must know more about it!" Guan Xiaoxiao snorted.

LAN Yue also agreed with this practice, but "Mr. He will probably not go there. He is a detective and does not participate in these things."

"That's true."

Detectives generally don't want to show up to avoid getting into trouble.

But even without he an, they should have enough information.

Due to the busy work next week, LAN Yue made an appointment to meet with Xie LAN on Friday night and asked her secretary to inform her.

"Lan always wants to invite me to dinner? Why? " Xie LAN suspiciously put down the document in her hand, she and blue Yue in the bottom of the friendship is not good, for no reason, how can blue Yue want to see her?

What's more, the last time I talked on the phone, I was overheard by LAN Yue. In case LAN Yue wanted to ask about this matter, she would be terrible!

"I don't know. Miss LAN has already made an appointment with the restaurant." The secretary handed her the card in his hand, which indicated the time and place of meeting.

Xie Lan's face changed slightly and her smile forced her, "OK, I know."

When the secretary left, she quickly packed up her things and went to the nearby hospital to ask the doctor to show her a sick certificate. The doctor didn't want to, but she choked that her boyfriend wanted to beat her, so she could only pretend to be ill.

The doctor was soft hearted and signed her name.

After the event, Xie LAN secretly put a few hundred yuan bills on the table, and thanks the doctor Jiao Didi, the doctor's face looked better.

Her mother is a Chinese. Although she is abroad, she often pays attention to the domestic news on the Internet. After watching too much, she naturally understands the truth that "money can make the devil move the mill.".

After dealing with the medical records, she was completely relieved. The next day, she lied and weighed herself and couldn't come to work with a cold.

Keke, I'm afraid she's sick. I'm afraid she's not satisfied with the doctor's cough. I'm afraid she's not satisfied with the doctor's cough. I'm afraid she'll call Shuilan for a few days

If she had not investigated her information, LAN Yue would have believed her if she only listened to her tone.

However, Sheran had already arrived in China three months ago, even if he had to acclimatize, it would be too late.

She knew that this was Sheran's delaying tactic, and she did not intend to expose it at the moment. "Well, you can have a good rest at home. The company's affairs don't need to worry. The vice president and I will handle it well."

"Please, cough." She hung up weakly.

LAN Yue looks at Guan Xiaoxiao, who is sitting opposite her desk. Guan Xiaoxiao was worried, but touched her calm eyes and blurted out, "what did she pretend to be?"

She tried to pretend to be ill when she had six boyfriends at the same time, which prevented two of them from visiting her at the same time. This incident was written by he an on the material, Guan Xiaoxiao was deeply impressed, and his impression on Xie Lan also changed from "celebrity" to "scheming bitch".

A look at LAN Yue's eyes, she knew something was wrong.

"Yes, she said she was acclimatized and wanted to rest at home. She has been here for three months, and she has been used to it for a long time. It seems that she doesn't want to see us. "

LAN Yue points to open the calendar on her mobile phone. Today is Wednesday, and Friday is the day when she and Xie LAN meet.

Just let the Secretary give her the address, Xie Lan was acclimatized, which is too coincident."Shall we go straight to her?" Guan Xiaoxiao doesn't want to delay any more. Xie LAN is like a time bomb. The longer it takes, the more uneasy she will be.

“……” LAN Yue takes out the prepared termination documents and thinks if they go directly to find Xie LAN, she will become angry and ask the security guard to drive them out.

After work, she decided to go with Guan Xiaoxiao and buy a fruit basket on the way.

The security guard at the gate asked them to show their ID, and then called Sheran on the spot to make sure no strangers entered the apartment.

After a while, the security guard's expression became delicate. "No one answers the phone. Miss Xie should not be at home. You can come back later."

"It's six o'clock now." Guan Xiaoxiao frowned. "We can't wait so long."

"There's no way. It's the rule. You can come back tomorrow." The security guard has a straight face and is inhuman.

Xiaoxiao said, "why is she still angry at Guan Xiaoyue when she stops at the car? She is not sick, this time should stay at home to rest, also do not know whether deliberately did not answer the phone

Looking through the window at the apartment building.

Now it is more than six o'clock, the sky is already dark, the apartment building each floor began to light up one after another. Guan Xiaoxiao counted one layer after another, and finally found the floor where Xie Lan was.

From the outside, the hall is dark, but the room is zipped up.

"She's not in the room, is she?" The more he thought about it, the more resentful he felt. He wanted to rush in directly.

"Since she has collected money and wants to come to the company, it is impossible for her to hide all the time. It's not good for us to push her too fast. "

LAN Yue stepped on the gas pedal and went to a restaurant nearby for dinner.

On the way back, I asked the security guard again. The security guard called in the past, but no one answered, so they had to leave.

In the room on the 22nd floor of the apartment building, the curtain in front of the window was lifted a small corner. Xie Fang peeped out carefully, not knowing whether LAN Yue and LAN Yue had left.

Waiting for nearly nine o'clock, the phone in the hall did not ring again.

She quickly went to the kitchen to cook some snacks, but also did not dare to turn on too many lights, holding a bowl back to the room, hungry to eat. Think of LAN Yue, they also came to her after work, Xie LAN gnawed her teeth.

They just don't believe her!

There's no need for her to stay here any longer!

He took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Qi Yanjun's number. The person who answered the phone knew Li Yiyao. She was a little angry, but the sweet voice still said, "excuse me, do you have time now?"


Unexpectedly, Li Yiyao agreed this time, "Sir, you have time on Friday evening."

"Friday?" Sheran's in trouble.

LAN Yue also asked her to meet on Friday. If she happened to meet her outside, her lie of pretending to be ill would be exposed.

But if she doesn't go, she doesn't know when she can see Qi Yanjun next time.

This golden thigh is her only hope to get rid of Xu miaoyong and LAN Yue. She can't give up easily! Gritting her teeth, she promised, "OK, I'll be there on time that night." , the fastest update of the webnovel!