Chapter 380

Lanyue still has to go to work, so let the servants come and look at them. Don't let them make too much trouble with little pets.

Children have a pet for the first time, and there are many things to learn.

She was delayed for some time in the morning, and it was already more than nine o'clock when she returned to the company. She was just about to ask her secretary to bring the documents in. However, the door of the room was first knocked by "Dong Dong Dong", which seemed a little urgent.

"Come in." LAN Yue looks at the past and wonders who is in such a hurry to find her.

The door was pushed open, and Guan Xiaoxiao stepped forward, "xiaoyue'er, do you see the gate? I've had a lot of cars today. " She went directly to the ground glass window and waved to LAN Yue to come and have a look.

Today, as it was yesterday, the parking spaces on both sides of the road have been occupied for a long time.

Looking down from a high place, the dense two rows of cars are almost all black, most of them are small cars with seven seats. If it wasn't for their different models, LAN Yue really suspected that someone had specially arranged such a play.

"Where do these cars come from?"

"I don't know." Guan Xiaoxiao holds his chest in both hands, and is very distressed to the cars outside. "They are stuck here every day, which is not good for us. You see, the opposite company is starting to rush people. "

Looking in the direction Guan Xiaoxiao said, he saw that the company opposite had found a security guard to communicate with the owners one by one, hoping that they could leave.

The opposite company furniture company, every day a large number of furniture samples need to be sent to customers. Some of the models are very bulky. These cars are parked outside, which has seriously affected their delivery.

Maybe the communication has worked. The black cars parked at the gate of the furniture company have left one after another.

The security guard and the manager were relieved.

But in less than a minute after they returned to the company, the car in the back quickly made up for the vacancy, and even a car suddenly appeared accelerated to grab a parking space.

The manager of the furniture company came to me, holding his head and making a broken face!

But in addition to persuasion, they have no way. These are public parking spaces. Drivers are willing to pay. Who has the right to drive them away. So after the communication failed, the manager had to leave, let the company's truck stop at the intersection, they had to use a trolley to deliver the goods.

"Who are these people? I think they stopped there on purpose Guan Xiaoxiao "tut" voice, very dissatisfied with this situation, looked around the next circle, her expression slightly changed, pulling LAN Yue in a low voice, "do you think someone here offended someone, was maliciously blocked at the door of the company?"

"I don't know, but now it seems that these cars are really maliciously blocked here."

At the bottom of the road, there are two dark cars on both sides of the road. Anyone who looks at them will feel their scalp numb and won't come in here.

Some companies here have customers come to visit every day, and they see this scene, and the impact is not very good.

LAN Yue has no such worry at present. She plans to watch the change and ignore the cars outside.

When my colleagues were chatting about the car for two days, they would not move.

A group of people went to dinner, a group continued to stay here.

If a car leaves midway, another car will come to replace it immediately.

The manager of a furniture company once tried to let his truck come and occupy the position in the early morning, but he was surprised to find that these cars could not leave in the evening, but would hand over the shift to ensure that there were people guarding here 24 hours a day.

It lasted a week.

During this period, a man who claimed to be Yang Zhicheng came to the company with evil spirits and said he wanted to thank LAN. The front desk said that Xie Lan was not in, but Yang Zhicheng and several of his subordinates didn't believe it. They quarreled with each other and insisted on seeing Xie LAN. They almost scared the front desk to cry.

LAN Yue came to check, "what happened?"

"Are you the person in charge here?" Yang Zhicheng threw an IOU with a black face. "I heard that this woman used to work here. Where is she? Don't pay back the money you owe

The IOU was signed in black and white, with a red guide beside it.

LAN Yue tilted her head to check the time of the IOU, and found that it was four months ago. At that time, Sheran had not returned to foreign countries.

The detective once told her that she returned home overnight before she owed a large sum of money abroad. If you can't guess wrong, the tall, dark skinned bald man in front of her should be her creditor.

LAN Yue looked at Yang Zhicheng quietly. The other party was about 356 years old. He was more than 1.8 meters old. He twisted his thick black eyebrows and glared at him, "have you seen enough?! Where is the woman, Sheran

"Sorry, Sheran has been dismissed. Her private affairs have nothing to do with the company."

"Tell me, then, where did she go?" Yang Zhicheng is not a rogue who doesn't know the law. His power is all abroad. If he offends LAN Yue here, it will do him no good.

He tried to control his anger and put on a calm attitude, which did not seem as terrible as he had just been."Just a moment."

LAN Yue calls to her secretary and asks her to help get the information that Xie LAN left in the personnel department.

But the secretary told her that she took all the information when she left.

"That's a bit of a problem." Blue Yue light frown, she remembers which district Xie LAN lives in, but does not remember the specific floor. And it was a high-end apartment. As soon as the security guards saw the appearance of Yang Zhicheng and others, they knew that they had come to make trouble and would not let them in.

She didn't want to interfere in Xie Lan's affairs, so she told Yang Zhicheng the address. As for whether Yang Zhicheng could find someone, she would not care.

When three o'clock, the front desk called and said Yang Zhicheng was back!

LAN Yue went downstairs to see Yang Zhicheng slapping the table top angrily, pointing to the front desk to drink and scold, saying that they had cheated him. Xie LAN didn't live in that apartment at all, so he ran for nothing!

"Get security here."

LAN Yue scowled off her eyebrows and ordered her secretary to say, "Mr. Yang, I've told you that Xie LAN has left her job from here. She has nothing to do with us. Please respect her."

"You --"

Yang Zhicheng cursed her red eyes, shaking his fingers at her, and wanted to scold her. But the security guard arrived in time. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Yang Zhicheng quickly stopped his anger and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth, "even if she is no longer working here, how can you know her contact information? Now you give me a wrong address. Are you going to help her not to pay back the money? "

"The address can't be wrong. I just went there last month. "

Yang Zhicheng was forced to speechless by these words. LAN Yue's attitude didn't seem to be lying. The only explanation was that Xie LAN ran away again!

He was so angry that his face, which was full of murderous spirit, suddenly became more terrible. The front desk behind him trembled with fear. The security guard immediately asked him what he wanted to do.

Yang Zhicheng saw that there were so many people on the other side that he had to take his men away. When he passed the door, he kicked the garbage can beside him in anger and made a "bang Dang" sound.

"Pack up your things and don't let them in later." LAN Yue had a headache and was helpless. Had it not been for Xie LAN, the company would not have suffered such a disaster.

Yang Zhicheng and they are a group of hooligans, and they have a great influence abroad. If they can not provoke them, they will try not to provoke them.

The front desk, who was frightened to cry, went to rest first. LAN Yue asked the security guard to lift up the garbage can and sweep the garbage all over the ground. All of a sudden, a flash of light flashed from the afterglow.

She looked at the road suspiciously, only to see a row of cars standing on both sides of the road, did not see any strange, just the scene, as if just an illusion.

But the next morning, she was woken up by Guan Xiaoxiao's urgent knock on the door, "Xiao yue'er, get up quickly!"

Last night, she worked overtime in the company until more than nine o'clock. She went straight back to her apartment in the downtown area. Knock on the door across the hall, spread into the room, lasted for nearly a minute to wake LAN Yue.

She rubbed her swollen head, put on her slippers and went to open the door.

"Take a look! The company's in trouble! "

Before she could see it clearly, Guan Xiaoxiao gave her her cell phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!