Chapter 381

"What's the matter?"

LAN Yue hasn't figured out what's going on. She looks at Guan Xiaoxiao in a dazed way. She rubs her eyes subconsciously. When she opens her mobile phone, she sees the microblog interface. A microblog with a marketing number dominates the interface.

Guan Xiaoxiao urges her to have a quick look. LAN Yue comes up with her mobile phone. The marketing number doesn't know where to get the news. She actually says that Xu Miaolong's daughter is in her hands. She also says that she abused the child because she hates Xu miaoyong. Some time ago, because she had a quarrel with some senior management of the company, she used some means to drive the person away.

"What are these?" Everything above had something to do with her, but she couldn't understand one.

"I don't know. Meng Meng wakes me up early in the morning to let me watch the news, but I can't understand it at all." Guan Xiaoxiao is also very confused.

She was just about to ask LAN Yue clearly when the elevator door behind her suddenly opened with a "Ding" sound. Several men and women with mobile phones to take video shot rushed out of the elevator. They looked left and right. When they saw LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao, everyone's eyes lit up, "they are here!"

I don't know who called out, and everyone rushed over!

Guan Xiaoxiao's face turned blue. When he was shaking, his arm was pulled, and he retreated to the porch. The door was then closed.

Look back to see blue Yue tight face.

"Are those people journalists? How could they find it so quickly

The marketing number was updated at more than six o'clock this morning. Guan Mengmeng, who has been harassed by star scouts recently, seldom goes out. He stays at home most of the time and goes online when he is bored.

Because the previous shows were so popular, Guan Mengmeng was also a little famous model and met several friends engaged in entertainment. A friend called her early in the morning and told her about it. Guan Mengmeng quickly went to the microblog to have a look. She could not even ask her friends, so she called Guan Xiaoxiao to wake up.

You know what happened at dawn.

After all, after staying in the company for so long, her intuition is still very keen, but she didn't expect these reporters to come so fast!

This apartment is rented by LAN Yue in his own name. In addition, it is not high-profile on weekdays. According to reason, it is impossible for reporters to find this place so soon. The only explanation is that they have investigated lanyue early!

"Sit down first."

LAN Yue also knew that the matter was very serious. After locking the door, he called the property management and asked them to drive the reporters away in the name of harassment.

She poured a cup of warm water to Guan Xiaoxiao and turned a deaf ear to the sound of knocking on the door outside.

First, she got to know all the information on the microblog, and then she called Guan Mengmeng to find out. Guan Mengmeng had already inquired about the situation with her friends. She said angrily, "sister LAN Yue, someone is targeting you! I asked my friend. Actually, this matter has been arranged since last week. The reporter has a lot of evidence in his hand, but the person selling the material has never appeared. I don't know who it is. "

"A week?"

LAN Yue remembered the cars that had been parked in front of the gate of the company several days ago, and the strange light that flashed occasionally. All of these were journalists!

"Yes Guan Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth. "I heard that there was a reporter who didn't know where to buy the information about the little girl, and then the reporter began to follow you. They said that they saw you at the gate of Qi's house and turned a blind eye to the child. The child was crying so pitifully that even the video was available!"

The phone is hands-free, and Guan Xiaoxiao can also hear these words.

According to Guan Mengmeng's words, she searched the microblog for relevant information, and then a large number of videos popped up. After clicking on one of them, she could see that the ring was shaking, which should have been taken by her mobile phone.

At the beginning of the video, you can hear the children crying. Then, the video is pulled closer. By the fence of the garden, you can see LAN Yue standing beside the gate. The nurse in her fifties is holding a baby who is waving her little hand and crying. The baby is sad and wants to hold LAN Yue's hand.

But LAN Yue avoided.

When the picture arrived here, it was slowed down to let the audience clearly see how LAN Yue avoided a baby's plea.

"On purpose!" Guan Xiaoxiao also looked angry! She has seen with her own eyes how LAN Yue treats the baby. This online video is deliberately edited like this!

In the second half of the video, LAN Yue and the nanny say something with their eyebrows.

The distance is too far to hear what they are saying. In the process, the baby has been crying and tried to pull lanyue's sleeve for many times, which is avoided by her. Before she left, she frowned at the little baby, with a look of impatience, which seemed to dislike the child.

Just after the video ended, LAN Yue took the lead in commenting. As expected, she was scolded by netizens, saying that she was vicious and could not tolerate a child.

Some people have drawn out the key points, saying that the child was stolen back by Xu miaoyong. There is no need to ask LAN Yue to treat this child well. This statement was quickly criticized by netizens, claiming that children are innocent, no matter how adults can not ignore children.

"Xiaoyueer..."Guan Xiaoxiao is worried about the more and more heavy profile of her friends. Some comments on the Internet are so vicious that she can't even read them. LAN Yue must be very hard to be attacked by this kind of person.

"Sister LAN Yue, sister, did you watch the video?" Guan Mengmeng is urging at the other end of the mobile phone, in a worried tone.

Guan Xiaoxiao looked at LAN Yue's face, took his mobile phone over, and after a few words with Guan Mengmeng, he hung up the phone and looked at LAN Yue thoughtfully, "xiaoyueer, who do you think this will be done?"

"I can't guess."

She watched the video again and found that the person who edited the video was really a master. The other party cut off the part of her and LAN Chenhao's conversation, leaving only the picture of her constantly avoiding the baby.

In this scene, she still clearly remembers that she didn't hold the baby because her hands were stained with dust, but the other party cut the video into a video clip that she didn't want to be touched by the child, even if the child cried heartrendingly, and even showed an impatient expression, deliberately misleading people.

She rubbed her sore temples. She was so careless that she didn't find anyone following her back that day.

Looking at the angle of the video shooting, the photographer should be about 10 meters behind her. As long as one looks back, she can see. But at that time, her attention was focused on the children.

"You have a rest. I don't think the reporters can come in for the time being."

Seeing her face more and more pale, Guan Xiaoxiao couldn't bear to help her go back to her room to have a rest. She accidentally found that Lan Yue's gait was frivolous and weak, and her wrist was cold.

She touched LAN Yue's forehead. She didn't have a fever. I'm afraid it was because she worked late last night and had a bad rest.

"You sleep for a while, and I'll see what's left in the kitchen."

“……” LAN Yue originally wanted to refuse, because there were still many things that had not been handled well, but just after the back of the head touched the pillow, a strong sense of tiredness came up.

As she sleeps, she begins to guess who contacted the reporter to plot the plot.

The most likely person is Xu miaoyong.

But Xu Miaolong did not know that the baby was there. Nanny Xiaoyue repeated with her many times before she left. The baby's mother was not at home, so she did not know that the baby had left.

Since it's not Xu miaoyong, is it - Sheran? LAN Yue opened her eyes leisurely, and her thoughts became clearer after the rest. She sat up and analyzed it again. In the impression, Xie LAN didn't seem to know foreign journalists.

Unless Sheran knew them in secret, it was possible.


Guan Xiaoxiao's voice sounded at the door.

Looking up, he saw Guan Xiaoxiao come over wearing an apron and raised her anxiously, "is everything ok?"

"It's OK." LAN Yue got out of bed and went to the window to lift the curtain. There were cars on the road across from the apartment building. A group of reporters with cameras were standing at the door to report. It seems that they will not leave soon.

"They've been out all day!" Guan Xiaoxiao, with a black face, "I called the company in the morning to ask the security guard to close the door. There are reporters outside. Many people can't go to work today, and they have to go through the back door after work."

"It's hard to clarify."

Put down the curtain, the room to restore dark, only a weak light through the curtain fell on the soft blue face, the other half of the face into the dark.

Looking at her calm eyes, Guan Xiaoxiao's heart sank slightly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!