Chapter 447

It's already late at night to go to Qi's house. Gu Xuan doesn't delay time, so he tells Yunfang the matter directly.

After hearing this, Yunfang's face turned blue with the naked eye, "Gu Xuan, you, do you mean that the baby girl is your and Miao Rong's child?" She was shocked and looked at Xu miaoyong, who was biting her lips. Her hands trembled even more fiercely. "I won't believe you if you speak empty words. Take out the evidence!"

"Auntie, this is the test report." Gu Xuan stood up and presented the inspection report with both hands.

Yunfang shook her hands and tossed for a long time, but she did not take out the report.

One side of Qi Lin is not satisfied with the eyes, calm face to seize the report, the first is to confirm the hospital's seal, frown more tightly. "Gu Xuan, please explain to me clearly what this means! You have a good relationship with Yan Jun since childhood. I regard you as half a son. If you confess to me at the beginning, I, I -- "

he blushed with anger and pointed to Gu Xuan who could not speak for a long time.

As soon as Yunfang looked at his expression, she understood it immediately. For a while, it will be red, and then it will be pale. If you don't want to take the report, you should see it clearly in person.

"Uncle, aunt, I'm very sorry, because there were some accidents. I just learned the truth. If you are angry, punish me Gu Xuan got up to apologize.

Qi Lin held his breath, but he just put up with it. Li Mu swept to Xu miaolung and said, "you just know the child's life experience. What about the child's mother? Did she not even know whose child she was carrying? It's ridiculous

Xu miaoreng was shocked by the drink, and her fingernails clasped hard on the back of her hand and caught several traces of redness. She is very clear that after tonight, Qi's family will absolutely hate her!

"Yes! Before that, she always said that the child was Yan Jun. I, I really -- "Yunfang pointed to Xu miaolung, and all the swearing words were stuck in her throat. How could she not get the cheek to scold," I want to call Yan Jun and let him see it with his own eyes. I'm really pissed off! "

Yunfang immediately picked up the mobile phone and dialed the number of Qi Yanjun.

Listening to her accusation, Xu miaoyong pinched the back of her hand with greater strength, almost making blood stains. But Gu Xuan just took a cold look and ignored it.

Qi Yanjun went out in the morning and it took him nearly half an hour to come back.

Yunfang immediately met him, who knows, but saw a man beside Qi Yanjun. See blue Yue also came back, she was stunned for a while, the face that maintains very good twisted a bit.

But at the moment, she can't pay attention to LAN Yue. She pulls Qi Yanjun to sit down and says everything in a rage. From time to time, she stares at Xu miaoyong angrily. At the thought of her inexplicably helping others raise her daughter for months, her chest heaved and she couldn't breathe.

"Mom, I knew that for a long time."

Qi Yanjun smiles and leans on the soft sofa. He cleanly peels an orange between his long and clean fingers and hands it to LAN Yue.

LAN Yue didn't want to. The atmosphere was stiff for half a second. Considering that the Qi family is so chaotic tonight, she doesn't want to draw people's attention. She takes the orange in her hand and doesn't eat it. She looks at Gu Xuan with a slightly surprised look.

I knew that Gu Xuan would take the baby back, but I didn't know that he would be so direct.

Fortunately, Yunfang and his wife's health is not seriously affected, if they change other people, it is estimated that they will be directly dizzy.

"Do you know?" Yunfang exclaimed, rolled her eyes and nearly fainted. "Now that you know, why don't you tell me in the morning that you still signed an agreement with Xu Shichang? Isn't this a joke for others? Take other people's daughter as a granddaughter, but still have a hundred day feast as a genealogy in the evening. You are trying to make others laugh at me

Yunfang did not hold back, one hand poked in Qi Yan Jun's head, was avoided by him, angry black face.

"Ah Fang, be careful!" Qi Lin spoke sternly and stopped, and glanced at Gu Xuan's eyes. There was less gentleness and more indifference in his eyes. "Now that the appraisal report has come out, and you can prove the child's life experience, you can take the child back. I won't be in charge of this matter any more."

He brushed his sleeves and turned his face away, apparently not wanting to take care of this ridiculous thing.

Yun Fang bit her lips with hesitation in her eyes, but saw the report on the desk. She can only bear the heart not to give up, go to the baby room to hold the baby down.

When the baby sees LAN Yue's "Yaya" waving her little hand for hugging, Yunfang gives the baby to Gu Xuan with a cruel heart. When the baby saw Gu Xuan for the first time, he was immediately scared to cry by his face. His face was covered with tears.

LAN Yue can't bear to see, took the baby over, coax a few words, she was aggrieved to bite her small hand no longer cry, "although the baby can't speak, but she is very sensitive, if you put on her face, she thinks you don't like her, keep crying."

"It's a soft face."

When LAN Yue talks, Qi Yanjun reaches out and pokes the baby's bulging cheek.

The little guy hates to be touched on her cheek, and "Ya" waves Qi Yanjun's hand and kicks her short leg to express dissatisfaction. Qi Yanjun seems to be in a good mood, and teased her to play, completely unable to see this person before the baby's indifferent attitude.Maybe, he can't accept it. This child belongs to him and Xu Miaolong. Now that the truth is revealed, Qi Yanjun will not argue with a child again.

The little guy also likes Qi Yanjun, holding his finger "Ya Ya" and trying to put it into his mouth, but as soon as Gu Xuan comes together, she cries. LAN Yue had to tell him more about the baby.

Xu miaolung sat beside them, gnashing her teeth and looking at them. Her face was distorted by the fire of jealousy in her heart. She coughed up on purpose. She thought that Gu Xuan would take care of her as much as before. Who knows that the other party just glanced at her coldly, bowed his head and teased the child.

This feeling of being ignored makes her angry, but her heart is empty and painful.

"Come here." Yunfang suddenly stares over.

Xu miaolung kneaded his hands and stood up. Sooner or later, he would come. She knew her child's life experience for a long time, but she didn't tell Yunfang. On this point alone, Yunfang could remember and hate her all her life.

She followed Yunfang to the child's room. On the surface, she said she wanted to help the child clean up her clothes. However, Xu miaolung saw Qi Lin sitting on the sofa. She was flustered and turned to go.

I didn't expect that Qi Lin would also intervene in this matter.

After staying in Qi's family for more than half a month, Qilin only occasionally played with the child for a while. She thought that Qi Lin was not deep enough for the child, so she said a few words to vent her anger, but she didn't expect that the other party would specially wait for her here!

"Show this document to Xu Shichang."

There was a newly written document on the desk. The handwriting on it was not completely dry. The strong and powerful font is Qi Lin's.

Xu miaolung took it up and looked at it. His face was pale. "Uncle Qi, such a request is too much! My parents didn't know about it -- "

" don't call me that, I can't stand it. " Qi Lin raised his hand to interrupt her words and snorted coldly, "no matter whether Xu Shichang knows or not, I have been concealed by you for such a long time. Don't you even need to apologize?"

"Uncle Qi -" Xu miaolung wanted to talk.

Qi linli's eyes swept away, and she immediately changed her face.

As the eldest parent of the Qi family, Qi Lin is not the kind of person who cares about everything. This time, she must be mad and will bite this matter. If the Xu family doesn't pay a certain price, Qilin will never give up!

Looking at the unfair conditions on the document, Xu miaolung almost bit his teeth, "I can't make decisions on these matters. I'll go back and discuss with my father."

Qi Lin stares at her for a few seconds, and his eyes are cold as if he wants to throw her away. Just when she could hardly hold on, Qi Lin withdrew her sight and left the baby room, leaving only Yunfang packing her luggage and pushing a large suitcase to her side. "These are children's clothes. You should take them back quickly. You are not welcome here!"

She waved her hand wearily and sneered at Xu miaoyong.

Where Xu miaoreng had been treated like this, if Gu Xuan hadn't made things public in spite of her wishes, she wouldn't have to be like a street mouse, and she didn't even have a place to stand.

But LAN Yue can sit on the sofa! , the fastest update of the webnovel!