Chapter 448

Thinking of Qi Yanjun's gentle and careful act of peeling oranges for lanyue, she hated her heart to death, "aunt Yun, I know you must hate me now, but are you willing to let lanyue stay here?"

"What do you want to say?" Yunfang's disgust is even stronger. Now she doesn't want to hear Xu miaoyong's voice. She should think about how to explain to her sisters how her little granddaughter suddenly became the granddaughter of the family.

If the outside world knows that they have been cheated by Xu miaoyong, they will help others raise their daughter for several months. Thinking of that scene, Yunfang felt shameless and unwilling to talk to Xu miaoyong.

"Don't Aunt Yun wonder why LAN Yue happened to be at the scene the day my grandfather fell down?"

"I don't want to know!" Yunfang's reaction was greatly glared over. When she realized that her actions were too big, she scowled, "I'm not interested in these things at all. The doctor said that the old man's body is not in a big way. When the old man wakes up, these things will come to light naturally. You don't need to talk too much here!"

"I --"

"Xiao Liu, come up and carry your luggage!"

Xu miaoreng also wanted to say more, but Yunfang went straight past her with a black face, and clearly did not want to talk to her again.

Although she can't stand Yunfang's attitude, the stronger the other party's reaction is, the more it can prove that there is a ghost in her heart! Xu miaolung sarcastically pulled up his lips. The little nanny told her that Yunfang and his wife were already suspecting that Lan Yue had pushed the old man down.

She is now in front of Yunfang to mention this matter, Yunfang will certainly become angry.

"By the way, aunt Yun, I also heard about some things related to LAN Yue. It is said that Lan Yue's father --"

"have you said enough?"

Yunfang twisted off her eyebrows and finally was willing to look at Xu miaoyong. Her eyes with vigilance and warning, "our Qi family's affairs are not in your charge. If you have to, then I really need to take time to have a good chat with Liu Rong. Is it possible that Xu's family has been in trouble recently and has to pester Qi's family."

"Aunt Yun, I don't mean that."

Xu miaolung's face twisted, and the arc between her red lips twitched. She didn't go on talking. However, when Yunfang doesn't care, she raises her eyes and stares at her. Even though she knows that Yunfang's personality can't stand stimulation, she still feels disgusted when she hears her parents being used as a threat.

Pack up and the servant help to carry everything down.

The little baby is used to Gu Xuan's arms at this time. He looks at it curiously with his big eyes open. His mouth is babbling from time to time. No one can understand.

Yunfang urged them to leave with a black face. She couldn't bear the baby's intimacy with Gu Xuan. Every time she saw such a scene, she couldn't help thinking of being cheated by Xu miaolung.

"Good bye, auntie."

Gu Xuan is also very straightforward, stood up and solemnly said goodbye to Yunfang. Qi Lin didn't go downstairs. I guess he didn't want to see Xu miaoyong again. He also did not say anything, the expression is gentle, holding the small group in his arms to go outside the house.

The little guy was very smart. She saw that Yunfang didn't come with her. She was crying with her mouth. Gu Xuan immediately held her and kissed her. The little guy then retracted into his swaddling clothes. After a while, she began to giggle.

Xu miaolung followed by and saw this scene, which made him feel embarrassed. LAN Yue must have taught Gu Xuan to do so. She spent half a month in Qi's family before. She often saw LAN Yue coax the child like this, and she could coax the child every time.

But every time she tried to get close to it, the child cried.

She didn't really understand why she gave birth to the child. If she had known that this was Gu Xuan's child, she would never have been born, but there is no regret medicine in the world.

Moreover, Gu Xuan seems to like this child very much, if she is not good to the child, Gu Xuan is expected to drive her out.

Xu Miao tolerates his anger and follows Gu Xuan to the car.

Seeing them leave with her own eyes, Yunfang was reluctant to stand at the gate to look at them, until the car disappeared in the night, and she did not want to take back her sight. When the housekeeper reminded her, she went back to the hall, picked up the shawl and put it on. After a long time, she reflected, "where's the banquet?"

Looking around, except for her, there are only a few servants cleaning in the hall. Where is Qi Yanjun's shadow?

"Madam, the second young man took Miss LAN upstairs just now. I heard that he was going to find the young master and them." Said the housekeeper.


Yunfang twisted her eyebrows to show her displeasure.

A few days ago, LAN Yue was driven out. Qi Yanjun brought the man back today. If it was not for the baby's business, she had no time to take care of LAN Yue, she would have driven this woman out.

Just did not expect, Xu miaolung also seems to know this matter.

"Forget it, since they are going to see Haohao, don't worry about them. Get sugar water." She rubbed her eyebrows and waved her hand. She went to the kitchen to make tea and took it to the study.

As I passed the two children's room, I heard a rustling sound, like music from a cartoon program. Yunfang stops her pace strangely and looks inside through the crack in the door. Usually, the two children are looking at the cartoon with laughter and noise at this time. Why is the room so quiet?The door was not completely closed, and the situation inside could still be seen through the crack of the door.

The two children, as always, sat on the carpet, dejectedly playing with the dog's tail. LAN Yue sat beside them, comforting them softly, vaguely hearing the word "sister".

It's probably telling the two children that the baby has gone back with Gu Xuan, so that they won't feel uncomfortable when they wake up and can't see their sister the next day.

Looking at Qijun's mobile phone, he was smiling at the head of the bed.

Yunfang was stunned and didn't seem to see this smile on her son's face for a long time.

Just such a shaking God, Qi Yanjun found the man standing outside the door and looked at him with deep eyes.

Yunfang left wisely. Just a few steps later, she felt resentful. She was clearly Qi Yanjun's mother, but she was treated with a kind of unhappy eyes by her son. On the contrary, this woman was spoiled on the top of her heart.

She has never seen her son take out his mobile phone to take pictures of others, and his expression is so gentle.

Knock on the door of the study, she put ginseng tea on the desk, sat beside sullen.

"What's the matter? Still thinking about Gu Xuan? " Qi Lin took a cup of tea and took a drink. He showed his mobile phone to Yunfang. "This is the message Gu Xuangang sent. He had contact with miaoyong before he got married. The child should have been pregnant at that time."

"They were connected before they got married?" Yun Fang picks up the mobile phone in shock. In addition to Gu Xuan's simple explanation, there are also several photos, which seem to be the hotel's registration record, which clearly lists the time.

It was before Gu Xuan and Xu miaoyong got married.

It seems that Gu Xuan took out all these personal information in order to apologize to them. Yunfang's face looked better, but there was still sadness in her eyebrows.

"What's the matter with you?" Qi Lin puts down the teacup in a displeasure way. He thought Yunfang was worried about Gu Xuan's affairs, so he gave the information to Yunfang.

As a result, she sat next to him with this gloomy expression, which seriously affected his work progress.

"I'm thinking about LAN Yue." Yun Fang sighed, "I just saw that Yan Jun was very nervous about LAN Yue, but on that document --" she said, suddenly and cautiously suppressed her voice, "since those materials were taken by Dad, it must be true. If LAN Yue continues to stay here, will she want to revenge her parents?"

"That's for sure." Qi Lin leaned back on the back of his office chair, twisting his brows with his hands crossed. "When that happened, I was about five or six years old, and I still had some impressions. At that time, the military region secretly sent a Commissioner to talk with dad for a long time. Then Dad went out a long way. It is said that it was because the blue family was making so much noise that we had to move our hands, so Dad rushed to explain. "

"What's next?"

Yunfang nervously approached, and it was the first time that she heard of these things.

"Later?" Qi Lin increased the intensity of twisting eyebrows and was silent for a while, sighing with regret. , the fastest update of the webnovel!