Chapter 455

"We don't have much time."

"So, I took my mobile phone to lead Qi's family out?" LAN Jun's words are not light or heavy, look indifferent to look at the information on hand. The afternoon sun fell on his face through the dusty windows.

Although the youth's facial features are not mature, they show mature and steady temperament under the sunlight.

All the people in the car were stunned by this seemingly understatement. The youth in the driver's seat couldn't help looking back and swimming on LAN Jun and LAN Zhen with astonished eyes. Seeing that Lan Zhen's expression became more and more ugly, he swallowed the foam and quickly withdrew his sight, and did not dare to look at it again.

Yesterday, LAN Zhen took away his mobile phone to send a message to LAN Yue. They all know it. Although he felt that it was not very kind to do so, he did not expect LAN Jun to be so angry and even questioned him face to face.

Thinking like this, the youth was a little angry. Although LAN Yue is their relative, in the end, LAN Yue didn't stand on their side. LAN Jun even questioned his uncle for this woman. It's too much!

"Ah Jun, this thing --"

LAN Zhen raised his hand to interrupt him, his eyes fell on LAN Jun, and he spoke in a low voice for a long time, "I know you will be angry, but I still said that, we have no time. Since I chose to come to the Qi family, I didn't intend to come empty handed and will! "

He leaned back on the back of his chair, motioning the youth to drive.

"Uncle LAN." Young people are nervous, but LAN Zhen's attitude is so tough.

He carefully looked at LAN Jun's expression. Seeing that he didn't respond, he held his breath, stepped on the accelerator and left here as soon as possible. Guessing that Lan Yue will probably go to find them, the youth deliberately let go.

"I know what to do."

Suddenly came LAN Jun's cold voice behind him.

Looking back, I saw that he put the papers on the chair and looked out of the window indifferently. What he said seemed to be a warning to LAN Zhen not to touch his things casually. He knew what to do.

There was no sound in the carriage for a moment, and the breathing sound of blue vibration could be heard. Now, the sound of wheels rubbing on the cement floor under the car could be heard.

The young man's hand holding the steering wheel exuded a cold sweat. He complained that the sound insulation of the broken car was too poor. The "rustling" friction sound was heard in his ears and made his scalp numb.

He could hardly breathe.

But fortunately, LAN Zhen held his temper. They didn't quarrel in the car, but LAN Zhen's face was obviously darkened. No matter what, he was still relieved. He didn't like LAN Yue more. If it wasn't, how could they quarrel?

What a disaster!

He hissed and walked around the house before returning to the old villa.

At this time, it has been more than five o'clock, the distant horizon is covered with dark blue, and the setting sun is hanging in the sky obliquely, and it will be at night at any time.

Zhang Yue didn't clean up the rest of the things in the circle. The speed of Qi Lin's investigation is very fast, and I believe we can find out where they live in a few days.

LAN Zhen made a decision and let everyone pack up and leave immediately.

LAN Yue came here at this time, naturally, he couldn't see anyone.

In addition, LAN Jun pulled her black. After waiting outside for an hour, she had to go back to her apartment first and tried to call LAN Jun that night, but without exception, none of them got through.

It seems that before she thought of a solution, the blue family would give her up.

Before going to bed, LAN Yue received a phone call from Qi's home, saying that Lan Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan's school should work in person and let LAN Yue come back to accompany them.

Yun Fang originally wanted to start in person, but both children didn't like her. She insisted that the teacher asked for her parents, not her grandmother.

Yunfang was so angry that she didn't want to eat that night. After being advised by Qilin, she agreed to let LAN Yue come back to accompany them on the weekend to do their work well.

The servant simply explained the work to her on the phone, which was actually tree planting. As long as you plant a plant in the garden, you can finish your homework. The saplings have been bought. LAN Yue only needs to go back to accompany them.

However, if you go back to Qi's family at this time, if you are known by the blue family, you may misunderstand her good relationship with Qi family. But Langa doesn't believe her any more. Even if she explains, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to it.

On the weekend, Qiyue went home on time.

As soon as she got out of the car, she was rushed to her body by the dog, wagging her tail vigorously and sniffing on her with her wet nose. Blue Yue wants to push it away, but the dog is still happy to rush over, almost to her clothes were torn.

"Auntie, you're here!"

Rong Xiuyuan saw the dog running over and ran after him. After seeing blue Yue, he was excited to come over, with a pair of bright black eyes with starlight.

Although Rong Xiuyuan is usually intimate with her, he never expresses his feelings so frankly. It is estimated that she left suddenly and did not respond to it. She was so happy to see her coming back."Auntie, are you going to work again tomorrow?" Rong Xiuyuan ran up to him and looked up at her. Although did not say much, but the eyes are full of reluctant.

"Yes." Blue Yue endure the heart not to give up, squat down to rub the long hair. The soft short hair lingered between her fingers, and the itchy feeling touched her heart.

She opened her dry lips slightly. Just as she wanted to persuade her child not to worry too much, Rong Xiuyuan looked around mysteriously and made sure that no one else was around. She pulled her to the corner beside the garage. "Auntie, uncle Qi asked me to give it to you. He said that this is a secret and can't be known to others. Even brother Haohao doesn't know it. "

"What is this?"

She took Rong Xiuyuan's room card with the address of the community written on it. It's an upscale apartment in the city, not far from where she lives.

But why did Qi Yanjun ask Rong Xiuyuan to give her this room card.

"Uncle said that this is the key to the house, let the aunt take it with him, and it will be used in the future."

"Where's uncle?"

"Uncle is on the second floor!" Meat Huhu small hand pointed to the second floor of the large balcony, there is Qi Yanjun's room. The window screen is pulled on the balcony, so I can't see the inside clearly.

Just as she was about to ask more questions, she saw Yunfang coming out of the villa with several servants. Seeing her talking with Rong Xiuyuan, Yunfang immediately blackened her face and walked quickly over.

To Shangrong Xiuyuan, she immediately showed a smile, "Xiuyuan, you've been playing in the garden for so long, it's time to be thirsty. Grandma asked the kitchen to prepare sugar water, you go to find brother Hao Hao to come into the room together, drink the sugar water and come out to play again. "


Rong Xiuyuan nodded and followed the servant back to the garden.

Children of this age don't know the conflict between adults at all. Even if they detect it occasionally, they don't know what it is. The reason why the blue Chen Hao will mature is because he saw the struggle for power of the Lansi family when he was abroad.

When Rong Xiuyuan was not the same, he was the young master of Rong family since he was young, and his parents doted on him. Even if the parents had an accident, they were soon brought back by Qi Yanjun. Although the manager has matured a lot after these, he still doesn't understand many things.

When the child left, Yunfang also disdained to maintain a false smile, staring at LAN Yue with hostility, "this time let you come back, is to let you accompany Haohao them, after dinner tonight, you must leave!"

"Don't worry, Mrs. Qi. I'm not interested in staying here."

Quietly put Qi Yanjun's card into her pocket, although I don't know what Qi Yanjun means. But he said that he could not let other people know, including Yunfang.

"If you're not interested in it, you'd better!" Yunfang gouged out her one eye, but unexpectedly turned to leave, as if unwilling to talk to her more.

This makes LAN Yue feel curious. In the past, Yunfang would not refuse to take aim at her. How could she leave after saying a few words like today?

Before doubt Yunfang also knew her relationship with the blue family, now a look, it is likely to know.

In the manner in which Yunfang talked to her, in addition to disgust, there were also precautions and fears.

These are unreasonable for Yunfang, unless she knows something. , the fastest update of the webnovel!