Chapter 456

After lunch, Yunfang decided to go out. Before leaving, he also specially told the servant that if LAN Yue left, he would call her to inform her. It seems that he didn't want to stay with her on purpose.

When she said this, LAN Yue heard it clearly. Naturally, she knew that Yunfang was deliberately embarrassing her.

She ignored and took her two children to the balcony on the second floor, where the seedlings and flower trays were placed, so that the children could come to record the growth of the seedlings at any time, which was one of their assignments.

Blue Yue hand over gloves and small spade to blue Chen Hao, let him put the soil into the small flowerpot. Rong Xiuyuan also wanted to go to help, but was stopped by LAN Yue. They went to one side. She squatted down and asked in a low voice, "Xiuyuan, do you know what the use of this room card is?"

"I don't know."

Rong Xiuyuan looked at the action in her hand honestly and shook her head. Bai Nen's delicate face was full of doubts. "Uncle Qi handed it to me this morning. He said that he could only show it to his aunt. Even if brother Haohao asked about it, he could not say it. I didn't tell other people." Then he covered his mouth with his chubby little hands and looked at her with a pair of eyes.

Seeing his appearance, LAN Yue knew that she had scared the child. Rong Xiuyuan, I'm afraid, thinks that he has no secret to keep and let others know.

"It's OK. Only my aunt knows these things. Xiuyuan is going to help my brother do the soil well. " Rubbing the child's head, LAN Yue looks suspiciously at Qi Yan Jun's room.

It's just that the window screen is always on. Even if they make a lot of noise on the balcony, there is nothing on the other side of the room. Or Rong Xiuyuan told her that Qi Yanjun didn't go out. She really thought there was no one inside.

"Ah! Madam -- "

a shrill cry suddenly broke the peace.

LAN Yue's heart cluttered and sank. She ran quickly to the guardrail and saw the silver car hit the rockery in the garden. The maid screamed beside her. Not yet, the car's hood popped up and smoke came out!

Hearing the news, the security guard immediately rescued Yunfang from the driver's seat, and then used the fire extinguisher to spray on the car for a long time to control the situation. There was no smoke in the front of the car.

However, Yunfang bumped her head into the wheel when she lost control of the car. A lot of blood flowed from her forehead, and she lay in the maid's arms and groaned.

The servants quickly called for an ambulance and took Yunfang to the hospital.

LAN Yue is worried that the children will be frightened by this kind of scene, and wants to send them back to the room, but Rong Xiuyuan refuses. She wants to go to the hospital to check the situation of Yunfang. When the child first came to Qi's house, Yunfang was taking care of him, and then she handed it over to Xu miaoyong.

Although the relationship between Rong Xiuyuan and Yunfang faded for a long time, recently Yunfang was very sad about the children's affairs. Rong Xiuyuan naturally liked this grandmother.

"Let's go to the hospital, too."

Blue Yue LED Blue Chen Hao two people to the garage to pick up the car, midway through the rockery, saw the car was smashed, there are still two twisted black brake marks on the ground, we can see how urgent the situation was at that time.

Li Yiyao was also startled. He was standing with the security guard to discuss why the car had a sudden accident.

"The brakes are out of order." The security guard checked the brake marks on the ground, and made a preliminary judgment.

The Qi family's car will be sent to the hospital regularly for inspection. It is the first time that the brake fails as soon as he gets on the car. Li Yiyao asks the driver to send the car to the hospital for a thorough inspection. He asks the driver to take the three people to the hospital. When he turns around, he sees Qi Yanjun coming out of the villa.

"Qi Shao, this matter is not simple." Li Yiyao pointed to the car. "There was nothing wrong with the car except the brake, but the accident happened too suddenly. This car is usually used only by my wife. I'm afraid this accident is aimed at her. "


Qi Yan Jun answered and went to the front of the car. There was still smoke in the hood. Three security guards were nearby with fire extinguishers, always on guard. "Who has been to the garage today?"

Li Yiyao was stunned, his face suddenly changed, "I'll check it out!" I was just looking into the cause of the car accident, but I forgot about it!

It's not a waste of time to monitor the contents in the garage one by one. At this time, the ambulance took Yunfang to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, Yunfang was only bruised on her forehead and bruised on her elbow. In addition, there was no other major obstacle. But the accident came too suddenly. Before Yunfang could react, the car ran into it. She was also surprised.

After the doctor bandaged the wound, she was sedated. Yunfang was lying in the hospital bed, panting with ugly face, and covered with snow-white bandages on her forehead.

Blue Yue just led two children to come in, cloud Fang suddenly on the face big change, "you this woman also come to do what!"

"Mrs Qi, what do you mean?" She subconsciously protected the two children. See Yun Fang's face is abnormal, and let the nurse take the child out.

Blue Chen Hao originally does not want to leave, was comforted by blue Yue a few words, just taut face and allow Xiuyuan to leave together.The door of the ward was closed to shut off the noise outside. She looked back at the sickbed with a twisted face. "Mrs. Qi, I don't know what you just said. If you don't like me coming, I can leave now. However, Xiuyuan asked me to bring it because she was worried about her grandmother's accident. "

"You --" hearing that Rong Xiuyuan asked LAN Yue to come over, Yunfang's face twitched, staring at LAN Yue for a long time and could not say anything else. She was so angry that she threw the pillow beside her hand on the ground, "tell me honestly, has that car been moved by you?"

"Mrs. Qi, are you kidding?" Her face sank in an instant. She knew that Yunfang didn't like her, but she didn't expect that Yunfang hated her to such an extent that anything happened depended on her.

"Isn't it you?" Yunfang gnashed her teeth. "All day today, no one else has entered the garage except you. My car was fine yesterday, but as soon as you came over, the car had an accident. The accelerator and brake were all broken! You just want to kill me

The gas pedal and brakes are broken? LAN Yue's eyebrows are light. The matter is more serious than she imagined. It seems that if there was not a rockery in the garden, Yunfang's car would have been rushing forward, leading to more serious consequences.

It's just that it has nothing to do with her.

"Mrs. Qi, I think you misunderstood me. First, I haven't touched your car. Second, I don't know where the throttle and brake are, and I don't have enough time to do it. If Mrs. Qi really has evidence, she can bring it out and make me speechless

"What is your attitude?" Yunfang was angry and turned blue. She opened the quilt and wanted to get out of bed to question LAN Yue. But as soon as her feet touched the ground, she was "ouch" sucking cold air and pressing her temple for a while.

Seeing her like this, we can see that the sequelae of the car accident has not fully recovered. LAN Yue didn't want to quarrel with her at this time. She rang the bell at the head of the bed and asked the doctor to check for her.

Qi Lin also rushed to come later. Seeing that Yunfang was not in a big way, he was relieved and then lowered his face, "what happened? Well, how could something happen at home

"You should ask LAN Yue clearly about this matter!" Yunfang covered her head with one hand and glared at LAN Yue. "Today, Haohao and I asked LAN Yue to come and accompany them. Who knows this woman stayed in the garage for a while and then the car broke down. I think she's trying to kill me

"Mrs. Qi, you have no evidence. Please don't talk nonsense." Being stigmatized three or four times is beyond the bottom line of her tolerance!

"How do you explain today?" Cloud Fang gas red eyes, clear to put the responsibility on her body.

LAN Yue purses her lips, and her chest fluctuates with naked eyes. I don't know why Yunfang is so persistent in targeting her, and even insists that she wants to set up a bureau to kill people.

Even if I hate her, there must be a limit. She really can't stand it!

"All right, don't argue."

Just trying to explain, Qilin glared at him, as if she was the one who caused the trouble. , the fastest update of the webnovel!