Chapter 457

"I'll find out. This is the hospital. It's noisy here. What's it like? " Qi Lin glared at Yun Fang again, but there was more silk in his eyes.

In the end, she still helps Yunfang.

LAN Yue felt that she didn't need to stay here any more. She took up her satchel and left with her two children. This attitude made Yunfang more angry. She trembled and pointed to LAN Yue, "look at this woman's attitude! I'm sure it's her who did something in the car. As I've already said, this woman will kill us sooner or later if she doesn't get rid of her in time! "

"All right, don't you think it's not big enough?"

Qi Lin pulled out his chair and sat down. The sun reflected in from the window, his face was very dark, "Lan Yue and the blue family things, you don't casually say. She doesn't know that I'm investigating her yet. If she does, it will be a bad thing to push people into a hurry. "

"Then I'll have to bear it?" Yunfang sat up from the bed and felt a sharp pain on her forehead. Her face was even more ugly, "I came out of the house this morning, and I saw LAN Yue standing at the garage door. If she had nothing else to do, where would she stand and what would she do?"

"Are you sure LAN Yue is the only one who went into the garage today?" Qi Lin noticed the suspicion, "usually there will be servants cleaning in the garage, these things are not clear, do not say nonsense."

"Why didn't I find out, I --" said Yunfang, her face slightly changed. "It seems that there is another person who has entered the garage today?"


"Just a maid." Yunfang wrung her eyebrows and thought, "I remember that I picked up my things this morning and found that I didn't get my make-up bag back in the car, so I casually called a maid to help me get it. I also gave her the key."

"What does that man look like?" Qi Lin became serious. If the maid did it, wouldn't it prove that Qi's family had mixed up with other people? This is very dangerous for them, and now even LAN Yue's life experience has not been thoroughly investigated, but such a thing has happened at this critical point.

"I didn't remember." Yunfang shook her head in embarrassment. "I thought she was cleaning in my room. I was also in a hurry to use my bag, so I called her over. Ask the housekeeper about these things

"How careless you are

Qi Lin stood up in anger and was about to call. Behind the frosted glass window on the door, a figure flashed quickly. When he looked at it, there was nothing.

In this case, Qi Lin did not dare to let go of any suspicious places. He quickly walked over and pushed the door open. It was empty outside. There were two nurses sorting out medical supplies at the corner a little farther away.

They look normal. They don't look suspicious.

"Qi Lin, what's out there?" Yunfang's voice became tense.


Do not want to cause the other party's excessive worry, he wrung his eyebrows, did not say this matter, called the housekeeper back, let him check who is responsible for cleaning up the room today.

The housekeeper handled things very quickly. It didn't take ten minutes for the maid to find out. He went to the hospital in person and gave the maid's information to Qi Lin.

"Sir, Gu An was recently transferred from his wife's family. She is the maid of the young lady and has a good relationship with her. The young lady planned to move back to live in a while, so she transferred Gu An

"This is Gu An's information. She doesn't have a driver's license and should not be able to drive." The housekeeper has worked in Qi's family for decades. Qi Lin believes him very much and simply tells him what happened today.

"Is Yingying transferred?" Yun Fang's face moved.

Qi Yingying has lived in her mother's house for more than half a year. At first, Qi Yingying was not used to living there at all. In order to make Qi Yingying comfortable, her parents heard that they had specially found a maid to come back. That maid's age and Qi Yingying's relationship is almost big, two people usually also chat.

Gradually, Qi Yingying began to settle down, no longer noisy to move back to live.

It was a good thing for her parents. She had introduced the maid to her before. Yunfang heard nothing wrong and asked the maid to stay.

But what happened this time? Is it possible to have a relationship with the maid?

"By the way, the second young master has already transferred to the garage. It has nothing to do with Miss LAN." The housekeeper suddenly said again, "Miss LAN stopped the car and left the garage. She just met master Rong at the door, which delayed her time. In the whole video, Miss LAN has never approached the lady's car. "

"Yan Jun has been checking these things for so long?"


Housekeeper hesitated uneasily, Yunfang was injured, but Qi Yanjun did not come to see her, but was busy helping LAN Yue find evidence. Telling Yunfang these things will only make her more angry.

"Come on, stop it!" Qi Lin glared and said to the housekeeper, "check the maid."

"Yes, sir."

If the housekeeper is pardoned, leave immediately.The doctor came to check again in the afternoon, and confirmed that Yunfang's health was not serious, so she was discharged from hospital and went home to have a rest. Yunfang back home to know that blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan all follow blue Yue to leave, even Qi Yan Jun is not at home.

"I told you I couldn't let this woman come back!" Yun Fang was so angry that she smashed her teacup on the table, "look, isn't she coming back for a while? I took my grandson and my son away. I dare not let her stay here for such a woman

"Be quiet!"

Qi Lin was annoyed by her, "you scolded LAN Yue in the hospital, and you want her to stay here to apologize. I have told you for a long time, don't make a fuss about it. You should check it out slowly. "

"When did you find out?"

"Cha --"

in the middle of Qi Lin's speech, he suddenly stopped and looked up at Yun Fang. Yunfang was startled by his expression and turned to see the housekeeper leading a woman in her twenties.

"Sir, madam, this is Gu An."

"Good evening, sir and madam." Gu An is surprised and lowers his head. He doesn't dare to look at Qi Lin. The black ponytail fell in front of her as she lowered her head, just blocking half of her face.

Although her facial features are not delicate, they are very comfortable. I don't look like a student who just graduated from university.

"It's her."

Yunfang looks at Gu An's face seriously and nods from Qilin. This is the woman in her room who helped her to get her make-up bag in the garage this morning.

But it didn't look like someone who was deliberately tampering with her car.

Qi Lin nodded knowingly and asked Gu an a few questions.

Perhaps he had been reminded by the housekeeper before. Gu an answered cautiously. He also paid close attention to Qi Lin's expressions from time to time. He was afraid that he might make a mistake by saying, "madam, I asked me to go over and get her a make-up bag this morning, and I took it back. I really haven't touched anything else

"Well, you go back and have a rest."

Qi Lin waved his hand.

The Housekeeper will take the man away immediately.

After confirming that they had left, Yun Fang came over quietly, "the maid doesn't seem to be suspicious, and isn't it captured on the surveillance? She just opened the door, took the make-up bag and left. She didn't have enough time

"Yes." Qi Lin clenched his chin and nodded. He seemed to agree with her saying, "what do you think?"

"I took the car out for maintenance. Maybe I was passive at that time." She blackened her face. "Didn't you tell me that those people of the blue family came back to avenge us? Maybe they set up the bureau early in the morning, waiting for me to be killed! "

"After all, you still suspect LAN Yue."

Qi Lin leaves his sleeve, his face is full of impatience, and he doesn't want to talk to her at all.

But Yunfang didn't think that there was anything wrong with this idea. She quickly caught up with the argument, "well, tell me about it. Now, apart from LAN Yue, who will try to find revenge on us? Not long ago, Dad had an accident. Now it's my turn to have an accident. Every time LAN Yue is on the scene! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!